買取 リサイクルショップエーワン 豊橋本店 不用品回収 - Toyohashi

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 買取 リサイクルショップエーワン 豊橋本店 不用品回収

住所 :

Iwayacho, Toyohashi, 〒440-0842 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 440-0842
Webサイト : https://www.a-01.jp/shop/honten/
街 : Aichi

Iwayacho, Toyohashi, 〒440-0842 Aichi,Japan
富士岡宏。 on Google

The canned mapo tofu (50 yen) on the shelf near the entrance was good for beer because garlic was effective. Will it arrive regularly?
一生必笑 on Google

Is it useless to come and look for what you need? I bought something. A fun shop.
AB on Google

The assessment method is non-face-to-face. It assesses many items such as miscellaneous goods, but if you bring branded products and precious metals to a pawn shop, the price will be overwhelmingly high.
やはしょう on Google

とにかく店員の態度が悪い、中には良い人もいるようだが接客をなんだと思ってるのか疑問。 たまに行くがほんとに行くたびに気分を害する。 セカストがもう少し進出してきたら終わりかな。
Anyway, the clerk's attitude is bad, some people seem to be good, but I wonder what they think they are serving customers. I go there once in a while, but every time I go there, I feel offended. I wonder if it will be over if the second is a little more advanced.
Mitch Dr on Google

引っ越しにあたり家庭用品をいろいろ買わせていただきました。 特にカーテンは豊富(他のリサイクルショップに比べて)で、普通の店頭で買うよりはだいぶ安く購入することが出来ました。 買取でも、不要なベッドを買い取っていただき助かりました。 家具は傷のため買取はしていただけませんでしたが、自宅まで査定に来ていただき感謝です。 LINEに登録し、写メを送ると、簡単見積もりもしてもらえます。
We bought various household items when we moved. In particular, the curtains were abundant (compared to other recycle shops) and could be purchased much cheaper than at regular stores. Even purchase, we had you purchase unnecessary bed and were saved. Furniture could not be purchased due to damage, but thank you for coming to home to assess. Register on LINE and send a photo to get a quick quote.
れいれいまん振りマン on Google

As mentioned elsewhere, the clerk's attitude is too bad. I'm licking the customer by explaining it carelessly. It's a used shop, so I can forgive it a little, but it's abnormal.
momotiたろう on Google

だいぶ前から利用させてもらっている。今後も利用していくと思うから改めて言わせてもらう。 品揃え、雰囲気は個人的には好きだ。毎週1回は必ず店に行き新しいものが入ってないか見に行くぐらい好きだ。 が、女店員の態度には我慢の限界が来た。俺個人にもそうなのだが、あいつは接客業を何だと思っているのか?言葉遣いも酷いし、表情にも機嫌が悪そうな時が多く、質問などしても何言ってるかわからんとか言ってくる。 お客を神様としてみろ、とは言わん。が、自分中心に世の中回ってるとでも思っているかのような態度は何なん? 他の店員が男の店員に「店長」と言っていたのであの女が店長じゃないのはわかった。店のトップでもないのに他の店員にも言い方が酷い時がよくある。 忙しいからそのような態度なのかとも思ったが、あいつは基本平日しかいない。土日には見たことがない。比較的接客に追われてるようなこともないだろうに、前からずっと酷い。 店長や重役などは教育してんの?ほかの店員はあれでいいと思ってるの?なぜ誰も何も言わん? ここ最近新しく入ったと思う2階によくいる店員さん、少しはあの方を見習ってはどうだろうか?まだ慣れてないせいか店の知識はないにしろ接客としての対応は個人的には凄く好きだ。多分、接客業をしっかり長くやっていたのだと感じる。 買取カウンターにいる男店員もいい加減な言葉遣いを使ってくるし長くやってればいいってもんじゃないと思う。 ある程度店が主体で客を選んでもいいと思うが、最低限も接客ぐらいやろうや。 他の口コミにもあるってことは昔から何の対策、教育もしてこなかったと思うがいい加減やろうや。 この店に行くときは女店員以外も人に対応をしてもらうってのが前提なら一度足を運んでもいいと思う。値段も悪くないし品揃えもいいほうだと思うよ。 ただ、女店員に対応されるのであれば、ただでもいいから持って行っていいよと言われてもこの店では何も買わないほうがいいしいかないほうがいい。 長文で申し訳ないがこの口コミが意味のあるものになればいいかな。
I have been using it for a long time. I think I will continue to use it in the future, so let me tell you again. I personally like the assortment and atmosphere. I like to go to the store once a week to see if there are any new ones. However, the attitude of the female clerk has reached the limit of patience. As with me personally, what does he think of the hospitality business? The wording is terrible, and there are many times when he seems to be in a bad mood with his facial expression, and even if he asks a question, he says he doesn't understand what he is saying. I'm not saying that you should treat your customers as gods. But what is the attitude that makes you think that the world is centered around you? I knew that the woman wasn't the store manager because another clerk was telling the man's clerk to be the "manager". Even though I'm not the top of the store, I often say it to other clerk. I wondered if he had such an attitude because he was busy, but he only has basic weekdays. I have never seen it on Saturdays and Sundays. I don't think I'm being overwhelmed by customer service, but it's been terrible for a long time. Do you educate store managers and executives? Do other clerk think that's okay? Why no one says anything? The clerk who is often on the 2nd floor, which I think is new recently, why don't you follow him a little? Perhaps because I'm not used to it yet, I personally really like how to serve customers, even if I don't have any knowledge of the store. Perhaps I feel that I have been in the hospitality business for a long time. The male clerk at the purchase counter also uses sloppy language, and I don't think it's okay to do it for a long time. I think it's okay for the store to mainly select customers to some extent, but at least I'll do customer service. I think that there is no countermeasure or education for other word-of-mouth communication from long ago, but let's do it. When I go to this store, I think it's okay to visit once if it is assumed that people other than the female clerk will respond. I think the price is not bad and the product lineup is good. However, if you are dealing with a female clerk, you shouldn't buy anything at this store even if you are told that you can take it with you. I'm sorry for the long sentence, but I hope this review will be meaningful.
海苔茶漬け on Google

色んなの置いてあって楽しい( *˙ω˙*)و グッ!
It's fun to have various things (* ˙ω˙ *) و Good!

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