Iwase Ophthalmology Clinic - Narashino

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iwase Ophthalmology Clinic

住所 :

5F 1 Chome-2-13 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 275-0016
Webサイト : http://www.iwase-eyeclinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11AM–1:30PM
Monday 11AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–1:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–1:30PM

5F 1 Chome-2-13 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
N YUUTO on Google

水曜日は、予約制となります。 場所は昭和堂書店などの入るビルの5階にあります。 エレベーターを使ってうえに上がって下さい。
Reservations are required on Wednesdays. The place is located on the 5th floor of the building where Showa Do Shoten is located. Please use the elevator to go up.
n t on Google

朝一に行ったからか待たされなかった。 赤子を診てもらったのだが、大泣きしても嫌な顔せず親切に診ていただいた。
I didn't wait because I went in the morning. I had a baby check-up, but even if I cried, she didn't look terrible.
まくらかえし on Google

診察無しで薬渡してる光景を見てしまいました、、良いのですかね? 診察は何か雑な感じです。 まぁコンタクトレンズを買いに行っただけでしたので良いですけど、やや高価でした。
I saw the sight of giving medicine without consultation, is that good? The consultation is something rough. Well, I just went to buy contact lenses, but it was a little expensive.
クマのさとぷぅ on Google

いつもコンタクトここで処方してもらいますが、目の病気でも受診したことあります。 確かに待ち時間は最初に教えてもらったのよりかかる事もあるけど、飛ばすとかされた事ない。案内された待ち時間よりオーバーしそうなら、診察に時間かかってる人がいて~って店員さんが教えてくれます。 まぁ、視力検査が必要な人を先に呼ぶ事はあるみたいですけど。それでアレ?って思った事はあるかな。他の方が仰ってる優先だの何だのってそれの事を言ってるんですかね…? 視力検査の順番と診察の順番は別物なのでは? 診察内容で順番前後したりする事はどこの病院でも昔からあるでしょ。馬鹿正直に順番通り案内してたら効率悪い場合だってあるだろうし… 感染症の可能性があるなら、呼ぶ順番ちゃんと考えないと、それこそ検査→診察→会計→消毒で相当時間かかると思う…しかも消毒終わらないと次の人呼べなくない?てゆーかそれなら呼んで欲しくない。前に感染症の人がいるなら待ち時間増えても感染リスクは抑えたい。
I always have contact prescribed here, but I have seen a doctor even if I have an eye disease. Certainly the waiting time may take longer than I taught at the beginning, but I have never been thrown away. If it is going to be over the guided waiting time, a clerk will tell you that someone takes time to consult. Well, it seems there is a thing calling people who need visual acuity exams first. Is that it? I wonder what I thought. What is the priority that other people are aware of is saying that ...? Is the order of visual acuity tests different from the order of consultation? It is a long time ago at any hospital that you go back and forth in the examination details. There would be a case where it is inefficient if you guidance stupid honestly in order If there is a possibility of an infection, I think it will take a considerable amount of time for examination → consultation → accounting → disinfection if I do not think about calling in order ... And if you do not finish disinfection you can not call the next person? I do not want you to call it. Even if waiting time increases if you have a person with infection before, I want to suppress infection risk.
Ryuchi N on Google

子どもが学校での眼科検診で、要検査との通知をもらったので、足を運びました。 受付時点で、40分くらい待つと言われ、1時間近く待ったにも関わらず、突然中年女性の看護師に、「こちらでは、対応できる設備がないので、他の大きな病院にかかってください」と言われました。 散々待った上に、いきなりそのようなことを言われたため、「受付時点で診察出来るか否か判断出来なかったんですか?」と聞いたら、「この対応を行ったことがないので。早めに院長に確認すれば良かったんですけどね」との返答で、謝罪も一切ありませんでした。 他の方が口コミで書かれている通り、コンタクトレンズを作る人などを優先して、患者は後回しにされます。 帰り際に、診察券だけ渡されましたが、二度と行きません。
The child had an eye examination at school and was told that it needed an examination, so I went there. At the time of reception, I was told that I would wait about 40 minutes, and even though I waited for about an hour, a nurse of a middle-aged woman suddenly said, "There is no facility here, so please go to another big hospital." They said. After waiting for a while, I was suddenly told such a thing, so when I asked, "Did you decide whether or not you could see the doctor at the reception desk?", he said, "I haven't done this before. I wish I could have confirmed it to me.", but there was no apology. As the others say in the review, patients are put off after giving priority to those who make contact lenses. On my return, I was given only a medical examination ticket, but I will never go again.
Shiho Ta on Google

コンタクトレンズや眼鏡を買う方が優先されるみたいでどんどん順番を飛ばされ目の炎症が酷く感染性のウィルスの可能性もあるにもかかわらず、 かなり早めに来院し三番目くらいに名前を登録後、20分くらいで呼ばれますと言われたが45分以上待たされた。先生や看護師の方は親切だが、治療の患者は後回しにようで腹立たしかったです。
It seems that people who buy contact lenses and eyeglasses are given priority, and even though they are skipping steps and eye inflammation is severe and there is a possibility of infectious virus, After coming to the hospital quite early and registering my name for the third time, I was told that I would be called in about 20 minutes, but I waited for more than 45 minutes. The teachers and nurses were kind, but the patients being treated seemed lazy and annoyed.
タビタビ on Google

木の枝が思いっきり眼球に当たり 痛みに耐えかねず初受診。 受付の方は皆さん丁寧で優しい感じ。 先生の受診は本当にじっくり 丁寧に診てもらったように思います。 枝が当たってない方の目も よく診てくれました。 「次回一週間後の経過検診の間に 何か痛みなどの変化があれば いつでも来てくださいね」と 声掛けもしてくれました。 ゆったりとした 優しい雰囲気の先生でした。 口コミではコンタクト作成の人を 優先にして患者が後回しにされているとの 不満が多く書かれていたので 少し不安でしたが 今日実際行って、見てわかったのが 眼科で受診する患者は 順番が近くなると 診察室の前の椅子に案内されるのですが それまでは 「広いほうでお待ちください」と 隣に併設されているコンタクトなどを 作成する方たちの待ち合いフロアーで 一緒に待つことになるようです。 そこでコンタクト等の方たちが 次々と対応されているのを見て 抜かされていると勘違いされた方が いらっしゃるのでは? と思いました。 個人的には概ね高評価ですが 星5つにしなかったのは 今回の自分の症状は軽いものだったので 難しい症状での 技量はまだ未確認のため。
The branches of the tree hit the eye It is the first visit to bear the pain. Everyone in the receptionist feels polite and gentle. Doctor's consultation is really really I think I had a polite examination. Even the eyes of those without branches hit I consulted me well. "During the follow-up examination one week after next If there is any change such as pain Please come anytime. " He also spoke to me. Spacious I was a teacher with a friendly atmosphere. Word of mouth for creating contacts It is said that the patient is put on the back Because many complaints were written I was a little worried I actually went and saw it today Patients who visit at ophthalmology When the order is close I will be guided to the chair in front of the examination room Until then "Please wait on the wide side" The contacts and the like next to it In the waiting floor of those who make it It seems to be waiting together. Then people such as contacts Look at what is being followed one after another Those who are mistaken for being removed Are you there? I thought. Generally it is high evaluation personally I did not make it five stars Because my symptoms this time were mild With difficult symptoms The workmanship has not been confirmed yet.
M on Google

I did a visual acuity test on my contacts, but they did not only check my contacts but also with the naked eye, and I was careful about disinfecting all the dangers of using them. I'm not sure why the reviews are low.

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