Iwaki Health Center - Iwaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iwaki Health Center

住所 :

Nakanosaku-45-1 Obamamachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 974-8221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 974-8221
Webサイト : http://www.iwaki-kenkou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9AM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM

Nakanosaku-45-1 Obamamachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 974-8221, Japan
熊五郎 on Google

It is one of the few hot spring facilities. It was reduced due to the influence of corona, but the bath was satisfactory.
Hay Kim on Google

The entrance fee is a little over 1000 yen, which is reasonable. The bath feels a little old, but it is large enough to be used slowly. The restaurant after bathing has abundant menu bars, and I think the ramen noodles are delicious.
pagi pagi on Google

いわき市で、わたしが一番好きな健康センターです。 他のスーパー銭湯や、健康センターに比べると割高ですが、JAFのカードを提示すれば、1200円程度で入浴できます。 何よりもここのおすすめは、炭酸泉の湯です。 結構なぬるま湯で、最初に足を入れると冷たいという印象を受けますが、それが良いです。 ゆっくりと長時間タップリと入浴できます。 さらに、 炭酸の泡の効果でしょうか、ゆっくりジンワリと温まっていく感じが良いです。 あまりにリラックスし過ぎて、知らぬうちに時間が過ぎています。 だいたい私は40〜1時間ぐらい入浴してしまいます。 それと船みたいな一人ようなの湯船や、露天、サウナのロウリュウサウナも良いです。 最近、2階の休憩フロアには沢山のマンガ本が置かれており、それもまた魅力の一つになってます。 最近、時間が取れず行けてないですが、近くまた行きたいと思ってます。
This is my favorite health center in Iwaki City. It is more expensive than other super public baths and health centers, but if you show your JAF card, you can take a bath for about 1200 yen. Above all, we recommend the carbonated spring water. It's quite lukewarm water, and when you first put your feet in it, you get the impression that it's cold, but that's good. You can take a bath slowly and for a long time. Moreover, Perhaps it is the effect of carbonic acid bubbles, it feels like it warms up slowly. I'm so relaxed that time has passed without my knowledge. I usually take a bath for about 40 to 1 hour. Also, a bathtub like a boat, an open-air bath, and a sauna with a low-rye sauna are good. Recently, many manga books have been placed on the break floor on the second floor, which is also one of the attractions. Recently, I haven't had enough time to go, but I'd like to go again soon.
もひ on Google

入館料は割高ですが、お風呂もいいし、岩盤浴も入り放題でトータルで安いです!! お食事処のスタッフの方の対応もよく、味も美味しくて1人で行っても1日過ごせます。 アカスリもしましたが痛くならず上手でした! ただ、女湯のサウナはいつ入っても地元の人の縄張りみたいになってて居心地があまりよくないです。。
The admission fee is expensive, but the bath is good, and you can enter the bedrock bath as much as you want, so it's cheap in total! !! The staff at the restaurant are very friendly and the taste is delicious, so you can spend the day alone. I did some crazy, but it didn't hurt and I was good at it! However, the women's bath sauna is always like a local territory and is not very comfortable. ..
あおい(Jiら〜) on Google

30年ぶりに利用しましたが、設備が充実してコロナ対策も徹底していて良かったです。 心身を癒す為に利用する公共の場であるのに、一部ですが、年齢問わずマスク無しの会話を平然としていて、注意されて疎ましい・暴言等ありました。 震災・原発事故で復興途中であり、コロナ禍でさらに苦行を強いられているのに、自分勝手にも程があると思いました。
I used it for the first time in 30 years, but I am glad that the facilities are fully equipped and the measures against corona are thorough. Although it is a public place used to heal the mind and body, although it is a part of it, conversations without masks were calm regardless of age, and there were cautions and rants. I was in the process of reconstruction due to the earthquake and the nuclear accident, and even though I was forced to suffer more penance due to the corona disaster, I thought that I had some selfishness.
kowa saian on Google

You pay the admission fee when you leave the facility after use. You will be given a towel and the room clothes that you have decided to wear in the hall. There are lockers for each individual, so I was a little relieved. The main bath types were all available. The hot water is transparent and has a smooth feel. There was a morning bath discount and it seemed to be available at about one-third the usual price.
8 8 on Google

食べてお腹を満たしてからの〜 岩盤浴で身体を温めてからの〜 お風呂〜♪ 岩盤浴最高! 館内、脱衣場、お風呂洗い場などなど 館内全てキレイ。 岩盤浴からお風呂に向かう通路が寒い(・ัω・ั) 温まった身体が一瞬にして冷える。 お風呂には 水飲み場があるが 岩盤浴にはない、、。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 ので自販機でペットボトルを買い 給水、残りは岩盤浴へ持参するしかないので 次に飲むときは 温い水。 お風呂にある無料の給水が 岩盤浴通路にも1台あると 助かります、、。 注意:お風呂清掃! 男女共に女性の従業員さんが!清掃に! 男性風呂、更衣場も 女性の従業員さんが清掃に!
Eat and fill your stomach ~ - from warming the body in the bedrock bath Bathing ~ ♪ Bedrock bath the best! Hall, dressing room, etc. bath wash place All in the hall is beautiful. Passage toward the bath from the bedrock bath is cold (· ั ω · ั) Warm the body cools down in an instant. In the bath There is a water drink Not in the bedrock bath ,,:. ° (;'∩`;) °:. Buy a bottle from the vending machine because Water supply, since it is not only the rest to bring to the bedrock bath The next time you drink warm water. Free of water supply in the bath If there is one also in bedrock bath passage That helps a lot,,. Note: Bathing cleaning! Women of employee's in both men and women is! Cleaning! Men bath, also changing field Employee's women to cleaning!
Mary Joy Okada (Mj) on Google

I love the bedrock bath???

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