
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東山温泉・観音の湯

住所 :

Hirukawa, Nakatsugawa, 〒509-8301 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://higashiyamaonsen.com/
街 : Gifu
Description : Straightforward rooms in an unpretentious inn featuring hot spring baths & dining.

Hirukawa, Nakatsugawa, 〒509-8301 Gifu,Japan
KkkeeTa on Google

時間を選べば、貸切湯状態が楽しめる。 近くのローソク温泉は、湯治客が多くてなんとも近寄りがたい印象があるが、こちらは普通に温泉が楽しめました。 効能の期待出来そうなラジウム温泉で、20分以上の長湯は推奨しないとのことですが、温まり過ぎて15分で出てしまいました。 中津川界隈に来ることが多いので、雪の降る頃にまた寄ってみようと思います。
If you choose the time, you can enjoy the chartered hot water. The nearby candle hot spring has a lot of hot spring guests, so I have the impression that it is hard to approach, but I enjoyed the hot spring normally. It is said that it is not recommended to take a long bath for 20 minutes or more at a radium hot spring that seems to be effective, but it got too warm and it came out in 15 minutes. I often come to the Nakatsugawa area, so I'll try again when it snows.
のじきん on Google

飲泉や湯気を身体に取り込むと、効果が増すらしいラジウム泉 その効果を高めるため、浴室はしっかり密閉してありちょっとミストサウナ感がある。 日帰り入浴で訪問しましたが、先にいたお客さんもそんな感じでしたので、のんびり湯浴みをしていたのですが… 後から入ってきた3人組のオッサンが最悪 ずっと大声でしゃべりっぱなし このご時世、空気読めよ、ちょっと考えてくれよと思いますが、あまりにうるさいので、私と先にいたお客さんは脱衣場へ そこで身体を拭いていると、今度は3人組、身体がびしょ濡れのまま脱衣場へ 5人なので脱衣場の湿気も増し、床はびちゃびちゃ 勘弁してよ、って感じでした 施設に対してでなく、たまたま遭遇した方の文句ばかりですみません 源泉は冷たい鉱泉で、それを加温したお湯 湯船はひとつだけですが、消毒の塩素臭もほとんど無く、なかなか素敵なところでした
Radium fountain seems to be more effective when drinking water and steam In order to enhance the effect, the bathroom is tightly closed and there is a feeling of a mist sauna. I visited for a day trip bath, but the customers in the front were also like that, so I was taking a leisurely bath. The three-piece Ossan that came in later was the worst Talking out loud all the time In this age, read the air and think about it, but it's too noisy, so I and the other customers who visited were going to the dressing room. So when I was wiping my body, this time it was a group of three, going to the dressing room with my body soaked Since there are 5 people, the humidity at the dressing room will increase and the floor will be messy It’s like I’m sorry Excuse me only for complaining not by the facility but by the chance The source is a cold mineral spring, the hot water that warms it. There was only one bath, but there was almost no chlorine odor for disinfection, so it was a nice place
田財勇二 on Google

早く楽になりますように、ゆっくり長く入りました。 ままでした。
I entered slowly and long so that it would be easier and faster. I'm sorry.
関島友樹 on Google

6年前ほどから、笠置山で岩登りをして疲労した体を癒しに入浴しに来ていました。 浴室は大きく無いのですが、密閉されてラドンの蒸気を体に取り入れる事ができ、温度は適温なのですが入った後はポカポカと体が暖まり汗が吹き出ます。 入った後は汗をかき疲労しますが、翌日になると凄く体か軽く楽に感じます。 最近では嫁さんや子供2人を連れて恵那峡で遊んだ帰りに寄らせてもらってますが、家族でお気に入りの温泉です。 今日も行きましたが、大将の人柄の良さ、店員さんの人柄の良さ全てに癒されます。 前回、家族で行った時にボイラーが故障して温泉に入れなかったのですが。 大将がいろいろと工面してくれたり、子供たちの世話をしてくれたり。 本当に人柄の暖かい温泉宿です。 コロナが終息したら家族でゆっくりこのお宿に泊まりに行きたい。 良い人、良い温泉、心が和む落ち着きのあるお宿。 また家族で行きます。
About 6 years ago, I came to take a bath to heal my tired body after climbing a rock on Mt. Kasagi. The bathroom is not big, but it is sealed and can take in the steam of radon into the body, and the temperature is suitable, but after entering, the body warms up and sweat blows out. After entering, I sweat and get tired, but the next day I feel very light and comfortable. Recently, I have been taking my wife and two children to the hot springs on the way home from playing in Enakyo, but this is my family's favorite hot spring. I went there today, but I am healed by the good personality of the general and the personality of the clerk. Last time, when I went with my family, the boiler broke down and I couldn't enter the hot spring. The general will do various work and take care of the children. It is a hot spring inn with a really warm personality. When Corona is over, I want to spend time with my family at this inn. A good person, a good hot spring, and a relaxing inn. I will go with my family again.
川瀬文人 on Google

古い旅館のお風呂です。浴槽は屋内に1つだけで、洗い場が3つ。一つはシャワーの温度調節が壊れていて、実質、二人分です。露天はありません。 ラジウム泉が売りのようです。 ちょっと残念でした。
It is a bath of an old inn. There is only one bathtub indoors and three washrooms. One is that the temperature control of the shower is broken, which is actually for two people. There is no open air. The radium spring seems to be on sale. It was a little disappointing.
akira takeuchi on Google

キャンプ二日目が雨のため温泉へ 日帰り大人は700円、26日は風呂の日で500円。風呂の日だからか混んでおり、洗面所は三箇所しかなく湯船も小さいため、外で20分ほど待ちました。シャンプーリンス、ボディソープあり、タオルは小さいのが無料で借りれます。 ラドン湯、湯量少ないため加水。ポカポカ、スベスベです。ただ温泉感はあまりないかな。
The second day of the camp was raining, so I went to a hot spring One-day adults are 700 yen, and the 26th is 500 yen for bath days. It was crowded because it was a bath day, and there were only three washrooms and the bathtub was small, so I waited for about 20 minutes outside. There are shampoo conditioner and body soap, and small towels can be borrowed for free. Radon hot water, water is added because the amount of hot water is small. It is warm and smooth. However, I don't think there is much hot spring feeling.
金田金男 on Google

日曜の昼過ぎに日帰りで利用しました。 1時半に食事の予約をしてまずは温泉に。 鍵のついてるロッカーはひとつ?ロビーに鍵付きロッカーがあります。 浴槽内に腰掛ける所があり浸かる深さが調節出来るように斜めに設置されています、いいアイデアだね。(コの字型に設置) 当日は釜めしCランチのみだったのですがいろいろ小鉢がついて楽しめました、ロビーにも無料でお茶やコーヒー(インスタント)もあり、狭いながらも座敷の休憩所もあり。(奥に食事処あり) 外に出ると猫ちゃん2匹が座ってお見送り、また来るねと言って温泉を後にしました。
I used it on a day trip after noon on Sunday. Make a meal reservation at 1:30 and go to the hot spring first. Is there one locker with a key? There is a locker with a key in the lobby. There is a place to sit in the bathtub and it is installed diagonally so that the depth of immersion can be adjusted, which is a good idea. (Installed in a U shape) On the day of the event, we only had Kamameshi C lunch, but we enjoyed it with various small bowls. There is also free tea and coffee (instant) in the lobby, and there is also a small but tatami room rest area. (There is a restaurant in the back) When I went outside, two cats sat down and saw off, and left the hot spring saying that they would come again.
f i on Google

日帰り温泉で利用しました。 ラジウム温泉で、ゆっくり入ってしっかり温まりました。湯船はひとつのみ。脱衣場には、ロッカー(古い!)と洗面台3つとドライヤー2つとシンプルです。 料理旅館のようでランチ&お風呂で利用されてる方が多かったようです。全体的な古い施設ですが、おかみさん?は、お風呂のみの我々にもとても丁寧に対応してくださいました。
I used it at a day trip hot spring. At the radium hot spring, I slowly entered and warmed up. There is only one bathtub. The dressing room is simple with lockers (old!), 3 washbasins and 2 hair dryers. It seems that many people used it for lunch and bath like a cooking inn. It's an old facility overall, but is it a mom? Was very polite to us who only took a bath.

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