日本化薬 研修センター

3.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact 日本化薬 研修センター

住所 :

Iwahanamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-1208 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Gunma

Iwahanamachi, Takasaki, 〒370-1208 Gunma,Japan
土屋浩太郎 on Google

Yoshinori Morishita on Google

The area around here is a facility related to Nippon Kayaku Co., Ltd., and I'm worried whether it's okay to wander around, but the old burial mound just north is the site of the Iwahanadai government office and Tenmangu, so it's gentle. , I feel like I'm lost in the premises of Mr. Nihon Kagaku.

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