ミクラマチパーラー - Yurihonjo

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ミクラマチパーラー

住所 :

Iwabuchishita, Yurihonjo, 〒015-0834 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Postal code : 015-0834
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Akita

Iwabuchishita, Yurihonjo, 〒015-0834 Akita,Japan
りぃだ on Google

A fashionable cafe for girls. I had Gapao rice and it was easy to eat minced meat.
みっちゃん on Google

昨日テレビ見て早速今日初めて行きました 店内は湘南を思わせる雰囲気の素敵なお店で 神奈川からこちらに引っ越して来てほんとに 湘南なんじゃないのって思うくらい素敵なお店です?
Yesterday I watched TV and went for the first time today Inside the shop is a nice shop in the atmosphere reminiscent of Shonan I moved from Kanagawa to here, really It is such a nice shop that I thought it was not Shonan ?
伊藤幸子 on Google

ネットでのクチコミで店員の態度が悪いというのが多かったので、ある程度覚悟して行ったら、そんなでもなかったです。 笑顔で接客していただけるのが、一番ではありますが・・・ あと、少し暑く感じました。 私は1人でしたが、何組か女性客がおりました。 料理は大変美味しかったです。
There were many reviews on the internet that the clerk's attitude was bad, so I was prepared to some extent, but that was not the case. It is best to serve customers with a smile, but ... Also, I felt a little hot. I was alone, but there were some female customers. The food was very good.
ネコ様 on Google

まず入る時、開いてるかどうか不安になるほど静か… オープンの看板を確認して入店。 ふと見るとマスク無し、愛想無しの店員が居る。 そしてメニューのあるところに座れと言われる。 そして水は手が届かない所に無言で置かれる。 ガパオライスを注文して待つ。 その間電話が来たようだがずいぶんとぶっきらぼうな対応に驚く?‼️ 次のお客様来店したときに、アルコール消毒進めてましたけど、 マスク無しのあなたが一番ダメでしょって心の中で突っ込み入れてました。 ガパオはガパオ=ホーリーバジルという意味なのであれはガパオ風ライスです。バジル入ってない… そしてさほど美味しくはない。 接客さえ良ければここまで残念な想いにならなかったのに。 後換気してませんよね? 空気がいまいちです。
When you first enter, it's so quiet that you'll be worried if it's open ... Check the open sign and enter the store. Suddenly there is a clerk with no mask and no amiability. And it is said to sit where there is a menu. And the water is silently placed out of reach. Order Gapao Rice and wait. It seems that a phone call came in the meantime, but I was surprised at the blunt response ?‼ ️ When the next customer came to the store, I was proceeding with alcohol disinfection, You who don't have a mask are the worst, so I thrust it in my heart. Gapao means Gapao-Holy Basil, so it's Gapao-style rice. No basil ... And it's not very delicious. I wouldn't have been so disappointed if the customer service was good. You're not ventilating afterwards, right? The air is not good.
ガチで恋する5秒前 on Google

The turquoise walls are very eye-catching. When I entered the store, the interior was very fashionable and the calm atmosphere spread out. When I tried to get to my seat, I was asked to sit down at the menu, and I did exactly that. When you get to your seat, the water is silently placed. When I heard the order, I felt intimidated with an angry attitude. As soon as you finish your order, the menu table will be picked up and you will not be able to place additional orders. Even when I brought the food, I felt very uncomfortable with an intimidating attitude. We ordered pancakes and the taste was very good. However, I feel that the price setting is a little high. When I made the payment, I was told the amount of money without looking at it, and when I left the store, there was no word of thanks and I was silent. Based on this, I couldn't enjoy a meal and felt uncomfortable, so please be careful when you go.
零の三日月 on Google

雰囲気のいいカフェを見つけました♪ ターコイズブルーの外観が目を引きます。 席に着くと、窓からの木漏れ日を受けながらメニューに目を落とす時間が心地よく流れます。 直感でガパオライスとアサイーボールをオーダー。 ガパオライスは、ナンプラーの主張が弱めで食べやすかったです。 カフェメシにしてはバランスがちょうどよく満足♪ BGMも室温も雰囲気も、全部が心地いい空間で、押しつけがましい接客もなく、一人時間をゆっくり堪能できます。 リピート確定です♪
I found a cafe with a nice atmosphere ♪ The turquoise appearance is eye-catching. When you get to your seat, you will feel comfortable spending time looking down at the menu while receiving the sunlight through the windows. Intuitively order Gapao rice and acai balls. Gapao rice was easy to eat because Nampula's claim was weak. The balance is just right for Cafe Meshi ♪ The BGM, room temperature, and atmosphere are all comfortable spaces, and you can enjoy your time alone without any intrusive customer service. Repeat confirmed ♪
リリ丸水産 on Google

ずっと行きたかったカフェ!! 外観かわいい♡内装素敵♡ シナモンロール美味しかった(,,•﹏•,,) ゆっくりできました。 アイスの黒糖豆乳きなこラテ?を頼みましたが、下に黒糖が溜まってて全然溶けなかったのでちょっと残念でした。 お店の方、無愛想ではないですが素っ気ない感じです。他の方が言ってるみたいに酷くないですよ。 また、お邪魔します( 'ω')
伊藤みち on Google

オーナー?店員?の態度が悪すぎる!入店直後から愛想も素気もない!食べる前からマイナス!フルーツパンケーキオーダー!キウイ。オレンジは市販カットのみ。ベリー、いちごは自家製?かもしれないが〜正体不明なジャム付き物体パンケーキ。ものすごく自信ありなのか?アイス、ホイップ、生クリームなし。 一言説明なりがあったらまだしも〜愛想も素気もない!もしかして?一見さんお断り店?みたいな態度!コーヒーもイマイチ普通以下!入店どきの態度の悪さに何もかもマイナス!2度と行かない店ですねっ!あの態度で商売が成り立つなん考えられません。
Owner? salesperson? Attitude is too bad! Immediately after entering the store, I have no amiability or spirit! Minus before eating! Fruit pancake order! Kiwi. Orange is a commercial cut only. Are berries and strawberries homemade? Maybe ~ An unidentified object pancake with jam. Are you terribly confident? No ice cream, whipped cream or cream. If there is a word of explanation, I'm still not amiable or enthusiastic! Did you mean? At first glance, is it a store that refuses? Attitude like! Coffee is not good enough! Everything is negative for the bad attitude of entering the store! It's a store you'll never go to again! I can't think of a business with that attitude.

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