Ito Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Ota City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ito Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-35-9 Tamagawa, Ota City, Tokyo 146-0095, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 146-0095

1 Chome-35-9 Tamagawa, Ota City, Tokyo 146-0095, Japan
みきちゃん on Google

医師の対応は良かったのですが、妊婦だと伝えているのに妊婦使用禁止の湿布を処方されました。 たまたま調べて使用せずに済みましたが、これは医療ミスに当たると思います。 本当に気をつけていただきたい。
The doctor's response was good, but I was told that I was a pregnant woman, but I was prescribed a compress that was prohibited from being used by pregnant women. I happened to find out and didn't use it, but I think this is a medical error. I really want you to be careful.
はなこななし on Google

2歳の息子が肘内症になり、受診しました。 スタッフの方、先生もとても優しく親切に対応して下さいました。 肘内症も治して頂き、帰宅後は少しは痛みが残っているけれど、普段と変わらず遊べるようになりました。本当にありがとうございます。
My 2-year-old son had elbow disease and consulted. The staff and teachers were very kind and helpful. He had a cure for elbow disease, and after returning home, he still has a little pain, but he can play as usual. thank you very much.
setsu hami on Google

妻が指の痛みで通院し、冷えからとの診断で温熱治療の定期通院。血液検査をお願いしても不要と一蹴。 症状が悪化し、結果的に他の病院でリウマチとの診断。今となっては指が曲げられず、もう治らないと言われてます。 もっと早く治療してれば治っていたと言われており、最初にここへ通院したことを後悔してます。
My wife went to the hospital for finger pain and was diagnosed as having been cold. Even if you ask for a blood test, you dismiss it as unnecessary. Symptoms worsened, resulting in a diagnosis of rheumatism at another hospital. It is said that the fingers can no longer bend and no longer heal. It is said that he had been cured if he had been treated earlier, and I regret having visited this hospital first.
R E on Google

I took good care of my waist. I was often told by my surroundings that I should go to an osteopathic clinic rather than an orthopedic surgeon, but I think it's not possible to say unequivocally because it can be a hit at an osteopathic clinic. Actually, I came here soon and got better. Block injections don't hurt, but I can understand things that are difficult to explain well, but I was able to meet a good teacher because my waist was so painful that I could walk properly. From now on, though, I have to go to rehabilitation, but I think I will take care of plastic surgery here.
its'demo Matsuzaki on Google

個人的見解★来る人のほとんどは電気治療や 腰や首けん引で来ている セッテイングのアシスタントミセスの数の多いこと!腕 産後から放置した腰痛など診察は 分かるような説明は あまりなかった 確かに腰けん引時は、這う様だが慢性痛は改善したような 診察も次々なのでレントゲンは撮られたが 説明に関しては不満足気味でした。
Personal opinion ★ Most of the visitors come by electric treatment or waist and neck tow A large number of Mrs. Misting St. of Wing! There were not many explanations such as low back pain left behind after giving birth, so it was true that when the tow was towed down, it was like crawling but chronic pain had improved. I was dissatisfied with the explanation.
0から始めるYouTube生活 on Google

院長は感じの良い方ですが、診察が丁寧かどうか疑問が残ります。 それより、受付のひとりの方が上から目線で言い方もきついのでとても嫌な気持ちになりました。 他の方は良かったですが、あの方が受付にいると思うともう通院したいとは思えません。
The director feels good, but I still have doubts about whether the examination is polite. Rather, one of the receptionists was very disgusted because it was hard to say from the top. The other person was good, but I don't want to go to the hospital anymore when I think he is at the reception.
yu-nao on Google

I had a pain in my muscles from my neck to my shoulder. I took a 6-month-old child with a stroller, but I was just sleeping so I put a stroller in the waiting room during the consultation and had the receptionists look at it. I went around 10 o'clock on a weekday, but had a consultation right away with almost no waiting. The receptionists also gently contacted the children without disgusting faces.
S Pawn on Google

There are many people who go to rehabilitation and the waiting time in the morning is crowded, but the medical examination can be done efficiently. The teacher is polite and can diagnose even the smallest details.

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