大阪たこ焼き本舗 昌也

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大阪たこ焼き本舗 昌也

住所 :

Isoji, Minato Ward, 〒552-0003 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Isoji, Minato Ward, 〒552-0003 Osaka,Japan
毎年海だ! on Google

If you want to eat delicious takoyaki in Bentencho, this is the place. Yakisoba and fried chicken are also delicious. All of them are big and voluminous, but the price is cheap. And delicious. That's right, people also get together. The other day, I asked him to say good morning on the road, and when I looked back, he was the store manager. I felt that the feeling of remembering the faces of regulars and even greeting them was reflected in the taste.
forest wild* on Google

クチコミを見て唖然としています。美味しかったと言う人がいる?大阪人の舌も落ちたものだと思います。 ここのたこ焼きは、ただの粉焼き!味もない安かろう悪かろうの代表!私は値段が安いのを知らずに、大ダコって表記が店先にあったから、心斎橋の大ダコさんみたいに美味しいのかと信頼して買ったけれど、タコも今まで食べた中で1番小さかったです。 フードロスにするのも嫌で我慢して家族と食べましたが、粉々しい食べ口が損した気分❗️口直しに別のモノ食べました。焼きそばも唐揚げも同じくダメでした。麺も悪かった…コロナで久しぶりの外食だったけれど大失敗❗️安さの中での工夫はなし❗️安いだけの粉焼きでした。たぶん粉も安物❗️美味しいたこ焼きが食べたい人は絶対に食べないで下さい。 貶すクチコミ書いたの始めてですが、酷いので、どうしても書かなくては❗️と❗️
I am stunned to see the reviews. Some people say it was delicious ? I think the tongue of the Osaka people has also fallen. Takoyaki here is just powdered! Representative of cheap and bad tasteless! I didn't know that the price was cheap, and there was a notation of Oodako in the storefront, so I bought it with confidence that it was delicious like Oodako in Shinsaibashi, but the octopus was also the smallest I've ever eaten. is. I didn't want to make food loss, so I put up with it and ate it with my family, but I felt like I had lost my shattered mouth ❗️ I ate another thing to fix my mouth. Neither yakisoba nor fried chicken was good. The noodles were also bad ... I hadn't eaten out in Corona for the first time in a while, but I made a big mistake. Maybe the powder is also cheap ❗️ If you want to eat delicious takoyaki, please do not eat it. It's the first time I've written a word-of-mouth communication, but it's terrible, so I have to write it ❗️ and ❗️
Mr.うるち on Google

唐揚げが大きくカリッと中はジューシーでお酒のアテとして最高です! たこ焼きの具は値段相応ですが大きいので満腹になりたい方にはお勧めです! 出汁の味もするので私は塩マヨでよく食べます。
The fried chicken is big and crispy, and the inside is juicy, which is the best for sake! Takoyaki ingredients are suitable for the price, but they are big, so it is recommended for those who want to be full! It tastes like soup stock, so I often eat it with salt mayonnaise.
大石内蔵助 on Google

たこ焼きはしっかりと出汁の味を感じるが外カリ中トロと言うよりは外は柔らかめで中はドロッとした食べ応えのある感じなので好みが分かれると思う。 たこ焼きは6個250円9個380円と近所の風風が8個380円なので価格だけを見るとコチラが少し安い。 しかしたこ焼き自体もコチラの方が大きめなのだが具が紅ショウガとタコのみなので風風のネギ天かすコンニャク紅ショウガタコを考えると安いとも言えないかな。 どちらも肝心のタコは値段相応で小指の爪以下の大きさなので期待しない方がいい。 唐揚げはコンセプトの違いか風風は縁日の出店レベルなので比べるまでもなく味はコチラが勝ってると思う。
Takoyaki has a strong taste of soup stock, but it's softer on the outside and more responsive on the inside than on the outside potash, so I think you'll have different tastes. Takoyaki is 250 yen for 6 pieces and 380 yen for 9 pieces, and the wind and wind in the neighborhood is 380 yen for 8 pieces, so if you look only at the price, this is a little cheaper. However, although the takoyaki itself is larger here, the ingredients are only red pickled ginger and octopus, so it can be said that it is cheap considering the wind-style green onion tenkasu konnyaku red pickled octopus. In both cases, the octopus, which is essential for the price, is smaller than the little fingernail, so don't expect it. Is fried chicken a different concept? The wind is at the level of the Ennichi store, so it's not necessary to compare it, and I think the taste is better here.
Yamazaki Takahiro on Google

たこ焼きが食べ応えがあって安い 9個入り380円でした 味もソース、塩、ポン酢などから選べます。 僕は塩でいただきました^ ^
Takoyaki is delicious and cheap It was 380 yen for 9 pieces You can choose the taste from sauce, salt, ponzu, etc. I got it with salt ^ ^
高木 on Google

While simmering takoyaki is the mainstream, I personally like the firm dough like takoyaki here because it has a satisfying taste. I think it's delicious when it's cooled a little and the dough is a little soft. I miss the small octopus, but I don't want it because it's cheap. If the dough here is a large octopus, it may be the ideal takoyaki.
Yoshiya Abiko (Josh) on Google

たこ焼き6個¥250と唐揚げ4個¥320で¥570を購入。たこ焼きはポン酢マヨネーズで頂きました。 まず、安い!食い倒れの街、大阪の面目躍如。タコは小さめやけど、味も悪くないし熱々だから、この値段なら買いでした! そして唐揚げは揚げたてで直径7cmはありボリューム感もある。外はカリカリ、中は味もしっかり旨味がしていて、最後に軽く粗塩がふりかけてあり、美味いです?人気なのがよく分かります!近くにチェーン店のライバル店もありましたが、こちらの方が客足が途絶えず人気でした。 オミクロンコロナ禍でイートインでビール?と一緒に味わえなかったので、味わえるようになったら定期的に通っても良いレベルでした!
Buy 6 pieces of takoyaki for ¥ 250 and 4 pieces of fried chicken for ¥ 320 for ¥ 570. Takoyaki was served with ponzu mayonnaise. First, it's cheap! Osaka is a city of devastation. The octopus is small, but it tastes good and hot, so I bought it at this price! And the fried chicken is freshly fried and has a diameter of 7 cm, which gives it a voluminous feel. The outside is crispy, the inside is delicious, and at the end it is lightly sprinkled with coarse salt, which is delicious ? You can see how popular it is! There was a rival store of a chain store nearby, but this one was constantly popular with customers. I couldn't taste it with beer ? at the eat-in at Omicron Corona, so it was a good level to go regularly when I could taste it!
Lucky 55Kuro on Google

他のお好み焼き屋が臨時休業や営業時間外、満席で夕食難民化していたらたまたま開いていてオーダー。メニューにお好み焼きが見当たらなかったのでオムそば大盛りネギトッピングとたこ焼きを注文。 オムそばの大盛りはかなり量多い。たこ焼きは他の口コミにもあるようにタコがかなり小さい。 味はまあまあ、接客は良い。
If another okonomiyaki restaurant was temporarily closed, outside business hours, or was full and became a refugee for dinner, it happened to be open and ordered. I couldn't find okonomiyaki on the menu, so I ordered a large serving of omelet soba with green onion topping and takoyaki. The large serving of omelette soba is quite large. Takoyaki has a fairly small octopus, as in other reviews. The taste is ok and the customer service is good.

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