
2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サカイ引越センター

住所 :

Ishizucho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0814 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.hikkoshi-sakai.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Ishizucho, Sakai Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0814 Osaka,Japan
大賀信幸 on Google

The correspondence of the estimate was very gentlemanly. I was satisfied with the price, too.
T Ttt on Google

根っからのブラック企業です。 みなさん、ここでアルバイトをするのは辞めましょう。残業代は払われませんし運べないと暴言を吐かれます。
It is a black company from the ground up. Everyone, let's quit working part-time here. Overtime is not paid and if you can't carry it, you will be ranted.
蒲原裕也 on Google

Correspondence that there is no sign of misunderstanding, loss, or solution of luggage. Even if I contact the head office, there is no contact. No wonder there is a company like this now.
陈琴 on Google

(December 14, 2019), I was asked to move, but it was scheduled to move (December 21, 2019), but the landing time on the loading spot written in the estimate is from 14:00 to 17:00 However, if I did not come after 17 o'clock and checked on the phone, there was omission in schedule management, so I could not move. I was highly evaluated by Japanese moving companies and thought that I could leave it with peace of mind, and this time I requested a move, but I was disappointed that my anger could not subside! No matter how busy you are, isn't it a fatal problem, or the worst
zaq wer on Google

キャンセル連絡後、支社から連絡しますと言われたが連絡なし。 新生活応援サービスに知らない間に加入しており、キャンセル後も連絡が入る始末。 絶対におすすめしない。
After contacting the cancellation, the branch office told me to contact, but there was no contact. I subscribed to the new life support service without knowing it, and even after canceling, I will be contacted. I definitely don't recommend it.
ケイちゃん on Google

Not recommended for use. We took an estimate from 3 companies and made it the cheapest Sakai. Initially, the air conditioner could be installed free of charge, but on the day of moving, the person installing the air conditioner said, "There is an additional charge because the hose is not long. How will it be installed? If you dislike it I'm told. " It was midwinter so I couldn't think of a situation without an air conditioner and asked for installation. And all three! I paid 40,000 more. After all, it was the most expensive. I definitely do not recommend it.
匿名希望 on Google

見積依頼しました。★1つすら付けたくありません。 :00〜:30の30分の幅を持たせた時間を伝えられましたが、30分を越えても連絡もなく、45分をすぎた頃「あと10分ほどで到着します」と連絡が来ました。もうすでに約束の時間を過ぎています。何のための予約でしょうか。到着した際「おまたせしました」と一言はありましたが、約束の時間はとっくにすぎているにしては軽すぎる一言でした。 さらに、お断りの電話をするために営業所にかけましたが、他の業者さんは「他者さんはお値段もお安かったのでしょうか?」と聞いてくる程度でしたが、サカイは「どうしてですか」「うちはまだ何も頑張っていません」「どこに頼んだんですか」と、恐喝にも取れる対応をされました。「他社で契約したので...」と、伝えてもなかなか電話を切らせてくれませんでした。 まず連絡もなく遅れてくる時点で依頼する気にもなりませんでしたが、お断りして正解でした。 テレビでCMを見ても腹が立ちます。「まごころってなんだろう?」って言っていますが、ほんとに分かっていなさそうですね。 今後引越しすることがあっても絶対に見積もりも頼みません。
I requested a quote. ★ I don't want to even add one. I was told that the time was 30 minutes from: 00 to 30 minutes, but there was no contact even after 30 minutes, and after 45 minutes, I was informed that "I will arrive in about 10 minutes". Came. The promised time has already passed. What is the reservation for? When I arrived, there was a word saying "I'm sorry", but it was too light for the promised time to be too long. In addition, I called the sales office to make a phone call to decline, but other vendors only asked, "Is the price cheaper for others?", But Sakai said, "Why? "I haven't done anything yet," "Where did you ask?" Even if I said, "I signed a contract with another company ...", he didn't let me hang up. First of all, I didn't feel like asking when I was late without contact, but I declined and the answer was correct. I get angry when I watch a commercial on TV. I'm saying, "What's wrong?", But I don't think you really understand it. Even if I move in the future, I will never ask for a quote.
チョコ太郎 on Google

2021年4月に利用した者です。 今回、1年足らずで引っ越しする事になり、引っ越し業者を探して、口コミを見てました。 昨年の事ですが、記入する事にしました。 昨年4月上旬10時に引っ越しの、荷物の搬入でしたが、15時になっても、遅れるの電話一つありませんでした。 こちらから問い合わせて、17時まで遅れるとの回答でしたが、業者が来たのが18時でした。また、対応もそんざいな扱いで、とてもがっかりです。 たまたま私の運が悪かったと思ってましたが口コミをみて、そうでは無い事が分かりました。 今回の引っ越しは、他の業者にします。
It was used in April 2021. This time, I will move in less than a year, so I searched for a moving company and looked at the reviews. Last year, I decided to fill it out. I moved in at 10 o'clock in early April last year and brought in my luggage, but even at 15:00, there was no one phone call that was delayed. I inquired from here and answered that it would be late until 17:00, but the contractor came at 18:00. Also, the correspondence is awkward and I am very disappointed. I happened to think I was out of luck, but after looking at the reviews, I realized that it wasn't. This move will be done by another company.

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