Ishikawa Auto - Sano

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ishikawa Auto

住所 :

617-21 Horigomecho, Sano, Tochigi 327-0843, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 327-0843
Webサイト :

617-21 Horigomecho, Sano, Tochigi 327-0843, Japan
タケ・マウンテン on Google

こないだ あー オレのライブディオZペケの ウインカーレンズをクリアに加工してもらいました あー やってくれた 坊主の店員さん最高です あー オレのZペケがマジカッコよくなりました あー
I don't know My live Dio Z Peke I had the winker lens processed clearly. The clerk of the shaved who did it is the best My Z-Peke is now really cool Ah ~
A KD on Google

I went there after making a reservation for the time by tire replacement, but the person in charge went out and for some reason, I was angry that "I have to come after contacting you" to my aunt. If you can't get in touch with you, are you a nerd? Even though we made a reservation for a few holidays and tried not to waste time, that response is not good and bad. I want you to return the time. I usually do not write this, but I only get angry when I remember.
masa Kobayashi on Google

最近はお店で購入しないと部品注文をお断りするお店が多い中、 気持ちよく応じて頂き助かりました。 気さくなおじさんが対応してくださいました 金額的にはネットより若干安く買えました
Recently, there are many shops that refuse to order parts unless you buy it at a shop, Thank you for your kindness. The gentle old man responded. It was a little cheaper than the internet
たく1001 on Google

先月ベルト交換しましたが ここ高すぎ、、、、 にり〇かん見積もりしたら半分以下だった ちなみに電話で15000円言うてて修理後に消費税は別言うてきた!いや先に言ってよ!笑 しかも交換直後異音してて(40km~の加速も前と比べてかなり遅かった) 1ヶ月足らずでベルト切れました!!(しかも調べたら純正ベルトじゃなく安めのNTB製のベルト) ベルト代で7000円ぐらいだったのでぼったくり(純正だと思って疑わなかった) 二度と行きません!皆さんも注意してください!
I changed my belt last month It's too expensive here ... It was less than half when I estimated the niri By the way, I say 15000 yen on the phone, and after the repair, I have said another consumption tax! No, tell me first! Lol Moreover, there was a noise immediately after the replacement (acceleration from 40km was much slower than before) The belt has run out in less than a month! ! (In addition, if you investigate, it is not a genuine belt but a cheap NTB belt) Because it was around 7000 yen for the belt fee, I dropped it (I did not doubt that it was genuine) Never go again! Please be careful!
niihiro coupe on Google

売る前も納車日を聞いてるのに社長は黙って答えず。23日納車になるのに4日に自賠責だけ先に入ってるとか信じられませんね。売れて引き渡してしまえば態度が悪くなります。左前事故だったのを説明すらしてくれなかったので、帰り道はフロントが左に流れる癖がでてました。不安な点が多かったので納車翌日に各部確認をすると、契約時にキャリパーのピストン揉みやりますとか言ってたがやった形跡なし。サイドカバーのボルト締め付け部を納車整備時に破損させてたのに、そのまま納車で誤魔化してユーザーが費用負担で新品購入。上記足回り不具合で連絡後も無視されてたので、持ち込みバイクをおいてく電車で帰るからと伝えたが、代車が無いから乗って帰れと足回り不具合の出てるバイクでまた返される。その時にフロントアクスルシャフトの歪みも心配だったので交換を申し出たら高い部品でもないので交換しますと社長は言ったのに、修理では交換してもらえませんでした。 修理を見せながら納得するまで修理しますと言ってたのに、当日は代車渡すからどっか行ってろで修理を見せてもらえませんでした。 社長がシリンダーの曲がりも見ますと言ってたので、Vブロックに乗せてちゃんと見るのかと具体的に聞いたのが気に障ったのか、計測に詳しい人間だから見せられないとでも思ったのでしょうね。 こっちはボトムケースとアクスルシャフト付近が大きな打痕があるのでと言ってるのに、別な部分にある見える傷が気に入らないとでも受け取ったのかボトムケース交換しますという流れにされましたが、社長さんはちょっと思い込みが激しいのかダメな感じです。 この部分は、ボルトを占めこむときに歪むように割締め構造なので、歪み易く造ってあり、強打で直角度が狂ってると癖が出る恐れがあるからです。 私は何度も「傷があるのは中古だから仕方が無い」と言ったのですが・・・ 傷があることで歪み等の走行に支障が出る部分もあるから、見える部分の傷を問題にしたのではなく、下側の見え難い部分を指差して指摘してるのに話を聞いてくれないというか、いい加減な対応でした。 その後の足回りの修理でも、帰りに付け忘れた部品に気が付いたので戻りました。 その時に3回は他にも忘れてる部分は無いか確認を求めましたが、確認をしてくれませんでした。 帰宅後に当方でチェックしたら整備で外したハーネスのタイラップが緩んでるのが一目で分かる状態でした。 社長もいい加減ですし、若い整備士も経験不足な印象です。 ちなみに納車整備ではタイヤを点検しないのか、釘が刺さってるまま納車されました。 これがカワサキの正規代理店の実力のようです。 悪い事ばかり書いてますが、この店に限らずバイク屋はいい加減な商売が多いようです。 グーバイクのレビューは規約にショップが望まなければレビュー掲載しないを選択できるので、自動的に良い評価ばっかり集まる仕組みですから、ご注意を
Even before he sells, he asks the delivery date, but the president does not answer silently. It's hard to believe that the car will be delivered on the 23rd and only the liability will be on the 4th. Once sold and handed over, the attitude will worsen. He did not even explain that it was a left front accident, so on the way back, the front had a habit of flowing to the left. There were many uneasy points, so when I checked each part the next day after delivery, I said that I would massage the caliper piston at the time of contract, but there was no evidence that I did. Although the bolted part of the side cover was damaged at the time of delivery maintenance, it was erroneously delivered and the user purchased a new one at the cost of delivery. He told me that he was going to leave by train, leaving his carry-on motorcycle because he was ignored after contacting him for the above-mentioned undercarriage failure, but he returned again with a motorcycle with undercarriage failure as there was no substitute car. At that time, I was worried about the distortion of the front axle shaft, so if I offered to replace it, it was not a high part, so the president told me that I would replace it, but I could not have it replaced for repair. He said that he would repair it until he was satisfied while showing the repair, but on the day he did not show him the repair anymore, because he passed the car. Since the president said that he would also see the cylinder bends, I wondered if he was disturbed to hear specifically whether he would put it on the V-block and see it properly, or he thought he could not show it because he was a person familiar with measurement Right. Although it says that there is a large dent in the bottom case and the vicinity of the axle shaft here, it was decided that if you did not like the visible scratches in another part, you received it or replaced the bottom case, but the president Does not seem to have a strong assumption. This part has a split structure so that it will be distorted when it occupies the bolt, so it is easy to be distorted, and if the right angle is out of order by hitting it, there is a possibility that a habit will appear. I said many times, "I can't help scratching because it's used," but ... Because there are parts that hinder running such as distortion due to scratches, listen to the story, not pointing to the problem of visible parts, pointing to the lower invisible part There was no, it was a sloppy response. Later, I repaired the undercarriage and returned because I noticed the parts I forgot to return. At that time, three times I asked for confirmation that there was nothing else I had forgotten, but he did not do so. When I checked it after returning home, I was able to see at a glance that the tie wrap of the harness removed for maintenance was loose. The president is sloppy, and the young mechanic is also inexperienced. By the way, the car was delivered with nails stuck or not checking tires for delivery. This seems to be the ability of an authorized Kawasaki distributor. I wrote only bad things, but it seems that many motorcycle shops are not limited to this shop, but there are many unreasonable businesses. Please note that Google Bike reviews automatically collect only good reviews because you can choose not to post reviews if the shop does not want it in the rules.
ミツヒロ on Google

子供のスクーターを修理に出したら、パーツをガムテープで固定して帰って来ました!酷い修理です!苦情の電話をして、確認して貰ったら…社長が言うには、俺が見てなかったからだそうです。つまり、一緒に仕事をしている、娘の旦那だか倅だかがハンパな仕事をしたらしいです‼️ 呆れました‼️ それに、50ccのタイヤ交換を依頼したところ…工賃込みの6000円しました。正直バイクの事は分からなかったので、南海部品でタイヤを見たら3000円からありました?個人の店とは、こんなにも値段の差がある事に驚きました。 もう二度とお付き合いはしませんが、皆さんの参考になればと思い投稿してみました。
When I took my scooter out for repair, I fixed the parts with gum tape and came back! It's a bad repair! If you call the complaint and check it, the president says that I did not see it. In other words, it seems that the husband or the daughter of the daughter who was working together did a hampa job !! Moth I was drowned !! ️ In addition, I asked for a 50cc tire replacement ... it was 6,000 yen including labor. Since I did not understand the thing of an honest motorcycle, it was from 3000 yen when I saw a tire with Nankai parts-I was surprised that there is a difference in price so much with a personal store. I will not associate with you again, but I thought it would be helpful for everyone and posted it.
j ao on Google

It is said that it is not a buy-in now because the used market is up. Honest.
ginro123 on Google

etcのセットアップをしてもらいました 皆さん色々お声掛けして下さり作業もスムーズにやって頂けました
I had them set up etc Everyone talked to me and the work went smoothly.

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