Ishii Clinic - Izumisano

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ishii Clinic

住所 :

TR Building, 2 Chome-5-15 Hagurazaki, Izumisano, Osaka 598-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 598-0046
Webサイト :

TR Building, 2 Chome-5-15 Hagurazaki, Izumisano, Osaka 598-0046, Japan
Master WebBAR on Google

He is a kind, low waist and nice teacher. Nurses and staff are also impressed. Mindful care not found in large hospitals. Strong in circulatory organs.
kなみ on Google

The other day, I received an arrhythmia, I had various tests, and in the end I was told not to worry, I would like to have regular tests, very kind, and the nurses are also very cheerful and kind I want to take care of you forever
あいうえおaa on Google

ここで喉の痛みなどで診断してもらったのだが、 咳はないと言ったのにメジコン錠(咳鎮)の薬を出された。 渡された薬の説明書にも咳を鎮める薬としか書いていなかったために、受付でも咳はないと言ったが、この薬に喉はの鎮痛作用があると言われておとなしく貰った。 しかし飲んでから調べてみるとやはり咳にしか効果はないようで無駄な薬を買わされた。 おまけに他の薬のせいなのかわからないが胃が非常に荒れて二回目以降は飲む気分になれない。 やぶとは言わないが再三確認した上で意味のない薬を飲まされたので一切信用できない
I had a diagnosis at my throat pain etc. Although I said that I did not cough, I was given medicine for Medicon Tablets (Cough). He said that there was no coughing at the reception as the medicine manual only gave me a cough medicine, but I was told that this medicine had an analgesic effect on my throat. However, when I examined it after taking it, I was told that it was only effective for coughing and was wasted medicine was bought. In addition, I do not know the cause of other drugs, but my stomach is so rough that I can not feel like drinking after the second time. I don't say anything but I can not be trusted at all because I received a meaningless medicine after checking again
熊取谷知広 on Google

木曜日の午後に診療があるので助かります。 待合室、お手洗い、診察室、とても清潔です。 ドクターは患者の話をしっかり聴いてくださるし、受付の女性の方もとても親切で素晴らしいと思いました。
I am grateful that I have a medical examination on Thursday afternoon. The waiting room, restroom, and examination room are very clean. The doctor listened to the patient's story, and the lady at the reception was very kind and wonderful.
信行松本 on Google

先ず第一に清潔、本当に素晴らしい診療途中でも患者さんが帰られた後でスリッパの消毒、トイレ?綺麗それにしても受付の石原さん他スタッフ全員患者さんに気配り凄いです(笑) 私はりんくう総合医療センターにも通院しているのですが、いずれ劣らぬ病院ですリッパ!❢ 近所さんがイマイチだけに余計目立つのかな! 先生もおっとりとされた良い先生ですから、診療時間内は殆ど一杯やって来ますよ患者さん! 薬局も併設しているので手間が省けて有り難い(笑)? 百聞は一見に如かず!
First of all, it's clean and really nice, even after the patient has returned during the medical treatment, the disinfection of the slippers, the toilet ? clean Even so, the receptionist Mr. Ishihara and all the staff are attentive to the patient (laughs) I am also going to Rinku General Medical Center, but it is a hospital like any other. ❢ Is my neighbor more noticeable than just not good! Because the teacher is also a good teacher who is quiet, he will come almost full during the consultation time Patient! Thanks to the pharmacy, which saves you time and effort (laughs). seeing is believing!
中節子 on Google

採血の時に、消毒した後に指で打つ所を触られた! それから打たれたから、めちゃくちゃ気持ちが悪かった!
At the time of blood collection, I was touched by the place where I hit it with my finger after disinfecting it!
石本和仁 on Google

コロナ対策で予約制になっていた。 予約制なので、待ち時間もなく診察してもらえ、とてもよかったです。 先生は温和な方で、じっくり話を聞いてもらえます。 看護師さんもとても親切で、安心して通院できます。 病院下の駐車場は台数が少ないので、周辺のコインパーキングに 止めないといけないですが、近隣に沢山あるので大丈夫でした。 看護師のiさんの注射が痛くないので良いです。(^^♪
It was a reservation system as a measure against corona. Since it is a reservation system, it was very nice to have a medical examination without waiting. The teacher is a gentle person and you can listen to the story carefully. The nurses are also very kind and you can go to the hospital with confidence. Since the number of parking lots under the hospital is small, it is suitable for coin parking in the surrounding area. I have to stop, but it was okay because there are many in the neighborhood. It's good because the nurse's injection doesn't hurt. (^^ ♪
ちょろりんの助 on Google

看板に皮膚科とあったので、皮膚科で予約の電話をいれたら「皮膚科専門の病院に行ってください」と言われた。 見られないなら皮膚科の看板は下ろして頂きたい。
The sign says dermatology, so when I made a reservation call at the dermatology department, I was told, "Please go to a hospital specializing in dermatology." If you can't see it, please take down the dermatology sign.

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