茶処玉冨久 - Inuyama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茶処玉冨久

住所 :

Inuyama, 〒484-0081 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 484-0081
街 : Aichi

Inuyama, 〒484-0081 Aichi,Japan
舟橋智美 on Google

夏はかき氷を、今日はわらび餅をいただきました。 やはり、美味しい!たっぷりきな粉もうれしいです。
I had shaved ice in the summer and warabi mochi today. After all, it's delicious! I'm glad that the soybean flour is plentiful.
バタこ on Google

It's a restaurant that I go to when I want to drink green tea in Inuyama, since I was single (more than 30 years ago). There is also a Japanese confectionery store somewhere away, and matcha comes with homemade Japanese confectionery.
水野和重 on Google

口コミを見て訪問!テイクアウトでわらび餅を頼んだところ、本来はおはぎ(ぼたもち)のみのところ、快く了解して頂き持ち帰ることができました。(2人前からになりますが!)添加物は使用してないとの事で 良いお土産になりました。ありがとうございました。
Visit after seeing reviews! When I asked for warabi mochi for takeout, I was happy to understand that it was originally only botamochi, and I was able to take it home. (It will be from 2 servings!) It is said that no additives are used It was a good souvenir. Thank you very much.
Keita Nakajo on Google

It is the only shop in Inuyama Castle that you should stop by so that you can say that there is nothing to see compared to other tourist spots. I also showed you the tea room in the back, but it was very nice. The set of Japanese sweets and matcha was also delicious. You can take a break.
T幸恵 on Google

40年程前から知っていますが、変わらず落ち着いて甘味を頂けます。 犬山で甘味をと思うとこのお店が1番に浮かびます。 ただ駐車場が止めにくいのでそこが少し難かも。
I've known it for about 40 years, but you can still enjoy the calm and sweetness. When you think of sweetness in Inuyama, this shop comes to the forefront. However, it may be a little difficult because the parking lot is difficult to stop.
Aya K on Google

The inside of the store where you can spend a quiet time with a small nostalgic feeling. I had matcha zenzai. The crispy and small mochi was fragrant and the gentle sweetness and the flavor of matcha were well-balanced and delicious. I had him heal the tiredness of walking in Inuyama Castle Town. The preacher is also polite and I want to go again.
岩田聖一 on Google

針綱さんにご祈祷に行った帰りに立ち寄りました。 早朝でほかのお店がまだ開いていない中、一軒だけやってました。 ぜんざいをいただきました。塩昆布が添えられており、ほんのりとした甘みに冷え切った体も温まりました。
I stopped by on the way back from praying to Haritsuna-san. In the early morning, while other shops weren't open yet, I only did one. I received Zenzai. Served with salted kelp, it warmed the cold body with a slight sweetness.
Nally Inacar on Google

犬山城の近く。 和スイーツがいいかな。 お値段も手頃。 しかし、ミニパトとか一時停止違反見張ってるから気をつけて(笑)
Near Inuyama Castle. I wonder if Japanese sweets are good. The price is also reasonable. However, be careful because I'm watching for mini-pats and stop sign violations (laughs)

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