
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マルキュー寝具(株)

住所 :

Inuotose, Rokunohe, Kamikita District, 〒039-2371 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.marukyusing.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM
街 : Aomori

Inuotose, Rokunohe, Kamikita District, 〒039-2371 Aomori,Japan
シナモン団子 on Google

30年前に買った羽毛布団の布が破れて羽毛が飛び出てきてしまって困っていた時に マルキューさんをネットで見て直して頂きました。値段も安くて大変満足していまず。 これからも大切につかわせてもらいます。 ありがとうございました。
When I was in trouble because the duvet cloth I bought 30 years ago broke and the feathers popped out. I had you look at Marukyu on the net again. The price is cheap and I am not very satisfied. I will continue to use it carefully. Thank you very much.
mama Mia on Google

I am very impressed with the finish beyond my imagination. It is obvious that you did a good job as well as a quick response. You can now continue to use it as a good quality duvet for even longer. It's more than the price ♪. I definitely recommend it to friends and acquaintances around me. Next time I will ask for a double.
t k on Google

We had you remodel the futon that the cloth was torn and the feathers overflowed at a very low price. Thank you. It was good to be in time before the cold became full-scale. I'm really thankful to you. If the duvet is old, I would like to ask you to remodel it before it tears.
ゆかり on Google

20年程使った羽毛布団を勿体ないと思いリフォーム出来る所を探していた所、レビューの良さに引かれお値段も安いマルキューさんにお願いしました。 完成して届いた箱の中には、リフォーム前の羽毛の状態なども書かれていて安心して使用して行けそうです。ありがとうございました!
I was looking for a place where I could remodel the duvet that I had used for about 20 years, so I asked Marukyu, who was attracted by the good reviews and the price was cheap. In the completed box, the condition of the feathers before the remodeling is written, so it seems that you can use it with confidence. thank you!
A TODA on Google

After using it for more than 10 years, the outer fabric has become worn out, and I am really grateful that the duvet, which I had a memorable memory of having to dispose of, has been repaired so that it can still be used. The person who responded by phone was kind, and the futon that came back had a polite work history, and the finish was beautiful, fast, and at a low price. I would like to ask you again.
真理 on Google

23年前の結婚時に旦那の親にお金を出してもらい、ハンガリー産のホワイトグースの羽毛布団を買いました。 布団生地の汗ジミなどの汚れに 我慢できなくなり、 安い羽毛布団が買えるくらいの値段だけど、 ハンガリー産の羽毛布団はもう買えないから·····と、クチコミを参考にしてリフォームをお願いしました。 一緒に出した旦那の布団とわからなくなっちゃうなぁと思ってましたが、 リフォーム前の生地も同封してあり、きちんとどちらが私のかわかりました。 新品状態で戻ってきて、 とても嬉しいです。 冬になって使うのが楽しみです。 大事に使います。
When I got married 23 years ago, my husband's parents paid me and I bought a Hungarian white goose duvet. For stains such as sweat stains on the futon fabric I can't stand it It's a price you can buy a cheap duvet, I can't buy Hungarian duvets anymore, so I asked for a remodeling based on the reviews. I thought I wouldn't know what my husband's futon was with me, The fabric before the remodeling is also enclosed, so I knew exactly which was me. Come back in new condition, I am very happy. I'm looking forward to using it in winter. I will use it carefully.
みゆなか on Google

親戚から譲り受けたダブルの羽毛布団、見違えるようにふっくらキレイに戻ってきました。 これからも末長く、大切に使わせて頂きます。シングルもお願いしたいと思っています。
The double duvet that I got from my relatives has returned to a plump and beautiful look. We will continue to use it carefully for a long time. I would like to ask for a single as well.
西川栄司 on Google

長く使い込んだ欧州製の羽毛掛布団。25年以上経過し、押入れに入れたま、いつ処分しようかと考えていました。 しかし、リフォームできる事を知り、WEBで 色々と探し、マルキュー様に決めました。 東京と青森の距離感はありましたが、注文後、 本当にスムーズに対応いただけたと。 そして、再生品とはいえ、蘇った新しい布団に 感激です。 良心的な価格設定でマルキューさんを見つけることが出来て本当に良かったです。 本当にオススメの会社です。
A long-used European-made down comforter. It's been over 25 years and I was thinking about when to dispose of it while I was in the closet. However, knowing that it can be reformed, on the WEB I searched for various things and decided on Marukyu. There was a sense of distance between Tokyo and Aomori, but after ordering, I heard that you were able to respond really smoothly. And even though it is a recycled product, it is a new futon that has been revived. I'm thrilled. It was really nice to be able to find Marukyu at a reasonable price. I really recommend this company.

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