Indoor Tennis School Smash Hits - Ota City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Indoor Tennis School Smash Hits

住所 :

イモンボウル 8 Chome-24-12 Nishikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 144-0051
Webサイト :

イモンボウル 8 Chome-24-12 Nishikamata, Ota City, Tokyo 144-0051, Japan
Kengo Miyashiro on Google

I went for a trial lesson. The transportation is good near Iwata Station. Because it is indoor, the ceiling is low and the area behind the baseline is narrow.
Kちゃのすけ on Google

Recently, I went back again. The disadvantages are the low ceiling and narrow sides, but the big point is that you can do it regardless of the weather.
井筒屋玄太郎 on Google

I have been going for about 20 years. There are many young coaches and lively. It's hard to hit an angle shot because the ceiling is low and there is no width. The lesson I attend is a young coach, so my middle-aged teacher is teaching my son. I have enjoyed learning for 20 years.
ひらぴょん on Google

ごく一部のコーチだけ、素晴らしいです! 天井は低く、サイドも狭いのでボールを追っているうちに壁ドンか柱ドンします。
Only a few coaches are great! The ceiling is low and the sides are narrow, so while chasing the ball, you can don the wall or the pillar.
N H on Google

天候に左右されないインドアで、冷暖房完備なので、季節や天候を問わずにテニスを楽しめるのが良いです。コーチ陣は皆さん朗らかで親切です。 ただ、天井が低いことは建物の構造上仕方ないにしても、取り付け位置の悪い照明が眩しくてサーブを打ちにくいのは困りものです。
It is an indoor that is not affected by the weather, and it is fully equipped with air conditioning, so it is good to enjoy tennis regardless of the season or the weather. The coaches are all cheerful and kind. However, even if the low ceiling is unavoidable due to the structure of the building, it is difficult to hit the serve because the lighting at the wrong mounting position is dazzling.
mm m on Google

I thought that the cancellation rule was not considered as a member. Since the deadline for cancellation has passed two days, a membership fee (about 20,000 yen) for two months that I did not attend has been incurred. It's just my own lack of confirmation, but I wonder if there is a rule that you will be charged the full amount for 2 months even if you have never passed. However, the lesson itself was very good because the instructors in charge were very kind and energetic.
guba108 on Google

良い点:インドア(天候関係ない)、駅から近い 悪い点:コートの天井低すぎ、幅が狭すぎる 高さを使ったショットが打てない、ショートクロス、ワイドサーブなど打つと相手に申し訳ない気持ちになるので打てない。経験者として通った感想としては屋外でやる普通のテニスができません。 コーチは、丁寧な方もいましたが、、、、 テニスをはじめたい方にはいい環境だと思います。
Pros: Indoors (regardless of weather), close to the station Bad points: The ceiling of the coat is too low and the width is too narrow I can't hit a shot using height, I feel sorry for the opponent when I hit a short cross, wide serve, etc., so I can't hit it. As an experienced person, I can't play ordinary tennis outdoors. Some coaches were polite, but ... I think it's a good environment for those who want to start playing tennis.
Mayumi Suzuki on Google

上手な人が沢山いるのでとても楽しくテニスをさせて貰っています! コーチもとても優しく面白いコーチが沢山います! 子供達にもとても丁寧に打ち方を教えているのできっと良い選手が出る事でしょう。 駅からも近く、駐輪場もあり駐車場もありますが普通の人も駐車場に入れられるので最近は満車になっていることが多く困ります。
There are many good people, so I enjoy playing tennis very much! There are many coaches who are very kind and interesting! I'm sure that good players will come out because I teach children how to hit very carefully. It is close to the station, and there is a bicycle parking lot and a parking lot, but ordinary people can also enter the parking lot, so it is often a problem that the car is full these days.

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