毘沙門堂 稲毛陵苑 - Inage Ward

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 毘沙門堂 稲毛陵苑

住所 :

Inagehigashi, Inage Ward, 〒263-0031 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 263-0031
Webサイト : https://inageryouen.jp/
街 : Chiba

Inagehigashi, Inage Ward, 〒263-0031 Chiba,Japan
イモ“珍”タンク on Google

Walking distance from the station. Just made and beautiful. Considering your grave and your future, I would like to enter here if pets are allowed.
三橋健司 on Google

The reception is polite. The equipment is also very clean. The difficulty is that it's close to the station, so it's convenient by train, but if you drive, there will be traffic jams (including the narrow roads).
鈴木壽子 on Google

昨年夫が亡くなり、納骨堂を購入しました。先祖代々の墓は自宅近くにあるのですが、 年を取ったとき、お墓までの坂道を歩くのは無理だな..と思ったのがきっかけです。 法事の際も駅に近く、雨風関係がないのでストレスがありません。 いつもお掃除が行き届き、スタッフの方も親切で、しかも建物もとてもきれい。スゴく満足しています。 子どもたちも駅に近いので、気軽に寄れると気に入っています。
Last year my husband died and bought a Ossuary. An ancestor's tomb is near my home, When I got older, it was impossible to walk on the slope to the grave. There is no stress because it is close to the station when there is a law and there is no rain wind relationship. The cleaning always arrived, the staff were kind, and the building was very clean. I am very happy. As children are near to the station, I like to feel free to stop by.
K A on Google

父の一周忌法要を無事に終えることができました。ありがとうございます。 稲毛陵苑さんがお寺である事を最近知りました。お付き合いのあるお寺がなかったので、法要の相談をしたところ、快く受けてくださいました。来年の3回忌もよろしくお願いします。
I was able to successfully complete my father's memorial service. Thank you very much. I recently learned that Inage Ryoen is a temple. I didn't have a temple with whom I had a relationship, so when I consulted with him about the memorial service, he was willing to accept it. I look forward to your third anniversary next year.
昭和歌謡バンド三文芝居 on Google

建設時は反対派運動で地元で物議をかもしていましたが、 今回母の納骨に際し関係者に色々話を伺いましたが、 健全な運営をされています。 施設は素晴らしく綺麗で、ホスピタリティも完璧。 他に近隣やあちこち納骨堂を色々見て回りましたが、 ここだけは別格です。 墓地というよりホテルの様で、不思議と居心地もよく、 よい「気」も感じる場所です。 その辺を考えると費用も高くはないと思います。
At the time of construction, there was a controversy locally due to the opposition movement, This time, I asked various people about my mother's ossuary, The operation is sound. The facility is wonderfully clean and hospitality is perfect. I looked around the neighborhood and the ossuary in various ways, Only here is exceptional. It's more like a hotel than a graveyard It ’s a place where you can feel good “feel”. I think the cost is not high considering the area.
坂井時正 on Google

You can calmly worship at a facility that is not affected by the weather.
西村薫 on Google

It is beautiful, the staff are very considerate, and the priest's personality is very good. A joint memorial service for Obon and equinoctial week and a memorial service for fairs are also held, so I asked for my mother's bones with confidence. Accounting is also a cheerful accounting.
Ragnarr MK on Google

会社の知人のお墓参りとして伺いました。 とてもきれいで駅からも近く高齢の方にも良いのだろうと思いました。
I visited the grave of an acquaintance of the company. It's very beautiful and close to the station, so I thought it would be good for elderly people.

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