
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

箕面市の不動産購入・売却は箕面土地建物 - Minoh-tochi.com


About 箕面土地建物(株)


  • 大阪府箕面市稲1丁目5-29 
  • TEL:072-724-4587
  • FAX:072-724-4588

Copyright(c) 箕面土地建物株式会社
All Rights Reserved.

Contact 箕面土地建物(株)

住所 :

Ina, Minoo, 〒562-0015 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87787
Webサイト : http://www.minoh-tochi.com/
街 : Osaka

Ina, Minoo, 〒562-0015 Osaka,Japan
まいこまぁ on Google

大手不動産会社や、有名チェーン店とは違い、とてもアットホームな 会社でした。 身内の相続不動産の売却で、大手さんよりもいい条件でまとめていただいて大感謝です!(^_^)
Unlike major real estate companies and famous chain stores, it is very homely It was a company. Thank you very much for selling the inherited real estate of your relatives under better conditions than the major ones! (^_^)
晃平田代 on Google

The person in charge responded very promptly and kindly. I listened to some other salespeople, and it was the best of them.
不動産売却サポート関西(株)本田 憲司 on Google

It was helpful for us to introduce a house that meets the desired conditions of our customers, which was difficult for us, and to be friendly with the loan.
三橋貴志 on Google

初めてお伺いした時に、 「よく外車がとまっているので、怖い不動産屋かと思ってました」と お伝えしたら、「外車は全て、上に住んでる車屋さんの車なんですよ」と聞いて一安心(^_^;) いろいろ親身になって聞いてくれました。 特に会社の方針らしく、営業してこないのが良かったです。
When I first visited "I thought it was a scary real estate agent because foreign cars are often parked." When I told you, I was relieved to hear that "all foreign cars are cars of the car shop living above" (^ _ ^;) He listened to me in various ways. Especially, it was good that it didn't open because of the company policy.
yoko k on Google

初めてのことで分からないことばかりでしたが、常に親切かつスピーディーに対応してくださいました。 また大手業者の様な営業色の濃い応対は無く、自分のペースで相談や手続きを進めることができ満足しています。
I didn't understand it because it was my first time, but he always responded kindly and speedily. In addition, we do not have a strong business response like major companies, and we are satisfied that we can proceed with consultations and procedures at our own pace.
ミニちびちゃん on Google

I think it's a kind company that will explain things you don't understand before the contract, and if you have any problems at home after the contract, you can consult with us!
須藤三夫 on Google

There were many things I didn't understand, but I was relieved that they responded politely.
yoshiよし on Google

私の両親の家探しで、大変お世話になりました‼︎ 担当様は最初から好印象で 契約〜契約後も いつでも丁寧に対応してくださいました。 素敵な不動産さんに出会えて 本当によかったと思いました。
Thank you very much for finding my parents' house! ︎ The person in charge has a good impression from the beginning Contract-even after the contract He always responded politely. Meet a nice real estate I was really happy.

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