プレミアムラーメン in 八戸

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact プレミアムラーメン in 八戸

住所 :

Minamiruike, Hachinohe, 〒031-0004 Aomori,Japan

Webサイト : http://chitose-g.com/premium-ramen/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Aomori

Minamiruike, Hachinohe, 〒031-0004 Aomori,Japan
村井 on Google

接客は月日を増すごとに横柄になっている。他店のラーメンを扱っているのに関わらずラーメンに対する熱量はこれっぽっちも感じない。おそらくマニュアル以下の味。委託してる販売店に実際に食べたのか?と問いたくなる。 調理には向き不向きがあるだろうけど、接客だけでも直すべき。名前を貸してくれたラーメン屋にとても失礼。
The customer service is becoming more arrogant as the days go by. I don't feel the amount of heat for ramen even though I sell ramen from other stores. Probably less than the manual taste. Did you actually eat it at the outsourced store? I want to ask. It may not be suitable for cooking, but it should be fixed just by serving customers. Very rude to the ramen shop who lent me my name.
爾雷亜高梁 on Google

The taste is not bad, but the attitude of the clerk who handles customers is extremely bad. What's more, it's self-service despite the fact that there is a clerk on the floor. I won't go there again.
グルメ田吾作 on Google

家系ラーメン880円 麺は少なめ130g位かな? 豚骨弱めで家系初心者にはいいかも!慣れてる人には足りないな!チャーシューは煮込みチャーシュー コスパは良くないね 味は悪くは無いがスープが激的にぬるすぎだわ
Family ramen 880 yen Is the noodles a little about 130g? Pork bones are weak and may be good for beginners in the family! Not enough for those who are used to it! Char siu is stewed char siu Cospa is not good The taste isn't bad, but the soup is extremely slimy.
グルメヨネ on Google

あご塩ラーメン注文しました。 着丼してまずスープ。 あごがしっかり効いてるなぁと思ったがすぐ豚骨の臭さが… 麺ゎ家系の麺でこのあご塩にゎ向いてないかなぁと(;゚д゚)ェ… 値段もそれなりにね(汗) すいません、 値段なりの味 感じませんでした。
I ordered chin salt ramen. First of all, soup. I thought my chin was working well, but soon the smell of pork bones ... I wonder if the noodles of the ゎ family are suitable for this chin salt (; ゚ д ゚) ... The price is reasonable (sweat) Excuse me, Priced taste I didn't feel it.
真夏のひまわり on Google

蝦夷さんに5回程行ってます。初来店は12がつ後半、休日の開店直後でした。お客さんが切れることなく次々来てました。味噌ラーメンも背脂魚介もバラ肉の大きい柔らかいチャーシュー、のり、シナチク、味たま、ネギがのって来ます。太麺でドロドロ系のスープがよくからむ平麺です。ここ3回は魚介背脂。背脂といっても、背脂?って思うくらいまずは胡椒で味わって、後半は酢です。目の前に昆布と煮干しがはいっている酢があるんですが、それをかけるとさっぱりとした味わい、たまりません。いつもスープ全飲みです。お店変わる前に、是非行ってみてください。オススメです! R3.8月末、「世界が麺で満ちる時」さんに来訪。食券を買ってお店に入ると、コロナ対策で名前と電話番号を記入して下さいと。何かあれば保健所から連絡が来るシステムらしい。黄金醤油ラーメンを味玉トッピングで注文。透き通った黄金色のスープ、ひと口飲んで「美味い❤柑橘系の香りが爽やか」あの甘みは鶏でしょうか?麺はモチモチ。チャーシューは薄く大きくて薄め、食べやすい。あっという間に平らげました。美味しかったせいか、麺少なめ?に感じました。 美味しさが忘れられず、次の日再訪。 今日はプラス¥100で大盛りに。着丼。麺に対してスープの量が少ない印象。スープは普通盛りと同じ量っぽい。も少しスープ多めの方が嬉しい。さて、ひと口。やっぱりスープが美味い⤴️甘い⤴️爽やか✨スープ全飲みです。1ヶ月ごとに店舗が変わるプレミアムラーメンさん、あと数日で次の店に変わってしまう・・・なんでもっと早くこなかったんだろう(T^T) みなさん、お急ぎを!! R3.10月上旬、プレミアムラーメン「福はら」さんに行ってきました。周囲は、芳醇鶏そば(塩or醤油)を頼む人が多かったですがら私は濃厚魚介ラーメン味玉トッピングを。日曜日のお昼時で満席、着席から30分以上経ってやっと着丼。厨房は一人で回していましたからね、仕方ない。平麺のモチモチ麺、魚介のスープが美味しい。終盤はお酢でサッパリと頂きました。ホールスタッフは、テーブルをアルコール(と思われる)で消毒していましたが、拭くのはテーブルの上のみで椅子や調味料は消毒なし、テーブルの上に置いてある布巾も新しいものと替える事なく使い回し・・・テーブルを拭いた布巾も洗っているのか?と思ってしまいました。客は結構見てますよ。入店時、アルコール消毒をすすめるなら、店内の消毒もきっちりしっかりやってもらいたいです。安心して通うために。 R3.11月初旬、平日のお昼に「武蔵家」さんに行きました。家系ラーメン、醤油豚骨を味玉と白髪ネギトッピングで注文。醤油豚骨の他には、あごだしの塩豚骨と辛味噌ブラックの3種類。辛味噌を注文している男子が多かったように思います。厨房には2人、10分ほどで着丼。豚骨特有の獣臭さあり、ちょっと苦手な感じでした。ラーメンは好みが分かれますからね。私的には2回目はないかな~って思いました。ホールスタッフは一人、店が変わってもホールスタッフは同じ方。ホールを一人で回しているので、昼時で忙しそうでした。前回記載したとおり、感染対策は❌。案内されたテーブルは汚かった。食べ終わった客が去った後はテーブルを拭くのみ。他店のように椅子や調味料を拭いたり消毒したりする訳ではなく、テーブルの上にある濡れ布巾は交換もなくそのまま使い回し。テーブル拭くのも雑。清潔感ないなぁ・・・って不快でした。クチコミとか見ないんでしょうね・・・致命的ですね。 R4.1/23に『大勝軒』さんへ行きました。開店10分前に行ったのですが、すでに行列。2巡目で店内へ。連れも私もつけ麺を注文。スープは熱々ではなく、麺も冷めており、1/3食べた頃には冷たくなっていました。スープは味濃いめ、麺がモチモチしており美味しかったですが温度が問題。熱いのを食べたい人はらーめんのほうが良いかもしれません。大変残念でした⤵️
I went to Ezo about 5 times. The first visit was in the latter half of December, just after the opening of the holiday. The customers came one after another without running out. Both miso ramen and backfat seafood come with tender char siu with large ribs, glue, seaweed, miso, and green onions. It is a flat noodle that is thick and often entwined with muddy soup. The last three times are seafood lard. Even if you say backfat, is it backfat? First, taste it with pepper, and the second half is vinegar. There is vinegar with kelp and dried sardines in front of me, but when I sprinkle it, it has a refreshing taste and is irresistible. I always drink all the soup. Please go before the store changes. I recommend it! At the end of R3.8, I visited "When the world is full of noodles". When you buy a meal ticket and enter the store, please fill in your name and phone number as a measure against corona. It seems that if there is something, the health center will contact you. I ordered golden soy sauce ramen with a taste ball topping. A clear golden soup, a sip of "delicious ❤ citrus scent is refreshing" Is that sweetness chicken? The noodles are chewy. Char siu is thin, big and thin, and easy to eat. It was flattened in no time. Maybe because it was delicious, the noodles are less? I felt it. I can't forget the deliciousness, so I will return the next day. Today, it's a big plus 100 yen. Donburi. Impression that the amount of soup is small compared to noodles. The soup seems to be the same amount as the regular serving. I'd be happy if I had a little more soup. Well, a bite. After all the soup is delicious ⤴️ sweet ⤴️ refreshing ✨ All the soup is drunk. Premium Ramen, whose store changes every month, will change to the next store in a few days ... Why didn't he come earlier (T ^ T)? Everyone, hurry up! !! R3.1 In early October, I went to the premium ramen "Fukuhara". Many people around me ordered mellow chicken soba (salt or soy sauce), but I had a rich seafood ramen flavored ball topping. It was full at noon on Sunday, and it was finally donburi more than 30 minutes after sitting. The kitchen was spinning alone, so it can't be helped. The chewy noodles of flat noodles and the soup of seafood are delicious. The final stage was refreshing with vinegar. The hall staff used to disinfect the table with alcohol (probably), but only wipe it on the table, no chairs or seasonings, and replace the cloth on the table with a new one. Reuse without ... Are you washing the cloth that wiped the table? I thought. Customers are watching quite a bit. If you recommend alcohol disinfection when you enter the store, I would like you to thoroughly disinfect the inside of the store. To go with peace of mind. R3.1 In early November, I went to "Musashiya" at noon on weekdays. I ordered Iekei Ramen and soy sauce pork bones with taste balls and white onion toppings. In addition to soy sauce pork bones, there are three types of pork bones, salted pork bones and spicy miso black. I think there were many boys ordering spicy miso. Two people in the kitchen, donburi in about 10 minutes. There was a beast smell peculiar to pork bones, and I was not good at it. Ramen has different tastes. I personally thought it would be the second time. There is only one hall staff, and even if the store changes, the hall staff is the same. I was spinning the hall by myself, so I seemed to be busy at noon. As mentioned last time, infection control is ❌. The guided table was dirty. After the customers who have finished eating leave, just wipe the table. Unlike other stores, the chairs and seasonings are not wiped or disinfected, and the wet cloth on the table can be reused as it is without replacement. It's also rough to wipe the table. I didn't feel clean ... it was unpleasant. You probably don't see word-of-mouth communication ... it's fatal. I went to "Taishoken" on R4.1 / 23. I went there 10 minutes before the store opened, but there was already a line. In the second round, go inside the store. Both my companion and I ordered tsukemen. The soup wasn't hot, the noodles were cold, and by the time I ate 1/3, it was cold. The soup had a strong taste and the noodles were chewy and delicious, but the temperature was a problem. Ramen may be better for people who want to eat hot food. It was very disappointing ⤵️
matsu don on Google

全国各地の有名ラーメンが入れ替わるラーメン店のようですが、まず私が食べたのは吉祥寺家系ラーメン「武蔵家」、絶対シロートが作っているとしか思えないぐらい味、ただの醤油を飲まされたと言っても過言じゃありません。全然違います! それと効率化を図って全部セルフサービスにするのはいいのですが、あんな心の無いメカのような定員を先頭で接客させるのはいかがなものかと… とにかくわざわざくる必要の無い場所なのは間違い無いようです。
It seems to be a ramen shop where famous ramen from all over the country are replaced, but first I ate the Kichijoji family ramen "Musashiya", which tasted like it was made by Shiroto, and said that I drank just soy sauce. But it's no exaggeration to say. Not at all! It's also good to make everything self-service to improve efficiency, but how about having a capacity like that kind of heartless mecha at the beginning ... There seems to be no doubt that it is a place where you don't have to bother.
酔いどれ大臣 on Google

待望の横浜家系ラーメンの登場にワクワクして向かいました。 ラーメン880円は少しコスパ悪いかな。 麺もちょっと少なめでした。 ライスではなく麺の大盛りにすれば良かったかも。 スープも麺も美味しかったけど、 ちょっとぬるい? 熱々で提供してほしかった…。 (写真1枚目) 2021.12月追記 北海道札幌Ramen.K コク旨味噌ラーメン¥850頂きました。 プリプリの中太縮れ麺にクリーミーなスープがマッチして とても美味しいと思いました。 またチャーシューは燻しているようでとても香り高い。 先着順で配布される味玉サービス券ももらえましたよ。 (写真2枚目)
I was excited about the long-awaited appearance of Yokohama Iekei Ramen. Ramen 880 yen is a little bad for cospa. The noodles were a little less. Maybe I should have made a large serving of noodles instead of rice. The soup and noodles were delicious, Is it a little lukewarm? I wanted you to provide it hot ... (1st photo) 2021.1 February postscript Hokkaido Sapporo Ramen.K I received a rich miso ramen for ¥ 850. Creamy soup matches the crispy noodles I thought it was very delicious. Also, the char siu seems to be smoked and very fragrant. I also got a taste ball service ticket distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. (2nd photo)
Guru Guru at青森 on Google

2021/10/21 「麺や 福はら」さん スープとよく絡む平打ち麺、モチモチっとした食感にストンと滑り落ちるのど越し、めっちゃ好きな味でした! チャーシューは、しっとり系の鶏チャーシュー、個人的には鶏むね肉チャーシューが美味しかったです。 成人男性の場合、普通サイズですと物足りなく感じると思うので、+100円の大盛おススメです! 「特製○○ラーメン」は、トッピング(味玉、チャーシュー各1枚増)が増量となります。 (2022年2月追記) 大勝軒のラーメンとつけ麺を頂きました。
2021/10/21 "Menya Fukuhara" The flat noodles that are often entwined with the soup, the chewy texture and the throat that slides down, I really liked the taste! As for the char siu, the moist chicken char siu, and personally, the chicken steak char siu was delicious. For adult men, I think that the normal size is not enough, so I recommend a large serving of +100 yen! The amount of toppings (one extra for each of the taste ball and char siu) will be increased for "Special XX Ramen". (Added in February 2022) I had Daishoken ramen and tsukemen.

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