佐川急便 児玉営業所

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 佐川急便 児玉営業所

住所 :

Imaidai, Honjo, 〒367-0038 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Imaidai, Honjo, 〒367-0038 Saitama,Japan
Miyan Miyan on Google

不在票を持って荷物を取りに行きました。 初めて伺ったのですがその日は風も強く寒かったので外での接客なのでびっくりしました。 暑い日、寒い日は避けたいです。 接客はとても良かったです。
I went to get my luggage with my absence. I heard it for the first time, but it was very cold on the day so I was surprised because it was a customer service outside. I want to avoid hot and cold days. The service was very good.
ヤマネコ on Google

Thank you for your kind staff.
Zaltys Avaguru on Google

Basically without complaint. Maybe it's because I'm the better one.
店員38 on Google

Is the reception place outdoors instead of the office? So, it's cold to pick up and ship your luggage at the sales office in winter. Sweat
籭英二 on Google

営業所止めの荷物を受け取りに伺いました。 積み込み手伝っていただき助かりました。!
I went to pick up the baggage that was closed at the sales office. Thank you for your help in loading. !!
ネコミミ on Google

When I tried to go to the reception with a large baggage, the driver ran and came to pick it up.
hisa kawa on Google

窓口の方たちは基本的にみなさん丁寧な対応ですね。 ドライバーの方たちは年々レベルがさがってきてるような… 料金も上がってきてますから、そういったしわ寄せがきてるのでしょうかね… 駐車場は4台ありますので持ち込みの際に困ることは少ないです。 ただ、やはり持ち込みのお客さんが多くなるタイミングはあるので、その際は多少待ちますがまあ対応がよかったりするのでそこでイラつくことは少ないので大丈夫かと思います。 金額が高くなってきていることと受付時間や曜日の短縮傾向が高まってきているので、ちょっと心配です。
The people at the counter are basically polite. The drivers seem to be getting worse year by year... Since the prices are rising, I wonder if those wrinkles are coming in... There are 4 parking lots, so there are few problems when bringing in. However, there are times when there are many customers to bring in, so I will wait a bit at that time, but since the response may be good, there is little frustration there, so I think it's okay. I am a little worried because the amount of money is getting higher and the reception hours and the days of the week are shortening.
Jasinner17 Antse on Google

Very accomodating. Some Personel can speak English Fluently.

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