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Contact プライムクリーンサービス

住所 :

Ikuta, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0038 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://prime-c.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Ikuta, Tama Ward, Kawasaki, 〒214-0038 Kanagawa,Japan
N. Yamada on Google

ハウスクリーニングというと、家に入ってもらうのでどんな人かとても不安ですが、ご夫婦でのお写真がとても感じ良かったのでお願いしました。 お会いしたら1つ1つ丁寧に説明してくださり誠実な方で安心しました。 クリーニングも細かく丁寧で、お願いして本当に良かったです。友人にもお勧めしました。
When it comes to house cleaning, I'm very worried about what kind of person it is because I'm asked to enter the house, but I asked for it because the photo of the couple was very nice. When I met him, he explained each one carefully and I was relieved to be a sincere person. The cleaning was also detailed and polite, and it was really good to ask. I also recommended it to my friends.
根岸真木子 on Google

I was looking for a contractor to clean the used condominium I bought before moving in, and I found a homepage with detailed explanations by Mr. Prime and made a bold request, but I was surprised that the finish was shiny in every corner. Did. Impression that there is no sense of texture. Thanks to that, I was able to move comfortably, and after that I decided to make regular requests. Anyway, you can trust and clean it.
sko yama on Google

I am the manager of a rental condominium. I asked for cleaning after moving this month (overall house cleaning). We have asked for it more than 10 times in the last few years, but we can rely on it with high quality. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
見山和市 on Google

西蒲田のMです。 ハウスクリーニングしていただきありがとうございます。 こんなに素晴らしい仕上がりになるとは、期待以上でした。 キッチンのステンレスやレンジフード…ピカピカ✨ ユニットバスだって…カビの黒いのとか・赤いのとか 取れちゃったよ...ビックリです。 窓ガラスも気持ちいいぐらい 透明度アップ 私……こんなに綺麗にふけません。 さすがプロは違いますね。 年末の大掃除もよろしくお願いいたします。 ありがとうございました。
This is M from Nishikamata. Thank you for cleaning the house. It was more than I expected to have such a wonderful finish. Kitchen stainless steel and microwave oven hood ... shiny ✨ Even the unit bath ... mold black or red I got it. .. .. I'm surprised. The transparency of the window glass has improved so much that it feels good. I ... I can't indulge so beautifully. As expected, professionals are different. Thank you for cleaning up at the end of the year. Thank you very much.
hikaru nakano on Google

初めてのエアコンクリーニングでしたがとってもキレイに隅々までピカピカにしていただき感動でした。普段から気をつけるノウハウなども丁寧に教えてくださりありがとうございました。 飼ってるペットにも刺激臭も無い独自のカビ取りで安心です。 またお願いします。
It was my first time cleaning the air conditioner, but I was impressed by how beautiful it was and how it was shiny in every corner. Thank you for politely teaching me the know-how that I usually take care of. You can rest assured that your pet will not have a pungent odor and that it will remove mold. I'd like to see you again.
k y on Google

今回、浴室クリーニング+浴槽下高圧洗浄をお願いしました。 15年以上住んでいて、初めて見た浴槽下は、カビ+石けんかす+垢等で黒々とおぞましい有様でしたが、高圧洗浄で驚くほどスッキリ綺麗にしていただきました。 エプロンカバー1枚隔てて、あの状態で毎日入浴していたかと思うと怖くなりますが、今日からは気持ちよく入れます。 鏡のしつこい鱗汚れなどはもちろん、10年程前から落ちないと諦めていた浴槽の変色?が元通りになったのには驚きました。 日々の掃除のアドバイスもしていただき、出来るだけキープできればと思います。でも、浴槽下は2~3年後にまたお願いしたいですね。 実は以前ステンレスシンク磨き鏡面研磨をしていただき、その丁寧な仕事ぶりと見事な仕上がりに、またハウスクリーニングをお願いするならこちらにとブックマークしていました。 またよろしくお願いします。
This time, I asked for bathroom cleaning + high pressure cleaning under the bathtub. I've lived for more than 15 years, and the first time I saw the bathtub was black and horrible with mold, soap scum, dirt, etc., but it was surprisingly clean with high-pressure washing. It's scary to think that I was taking a bath every day in that state with one apron cover separated, but from today I can put it in comfortably. Not to mention the persistent scale stains on the mirror, the discoloration of the bathtub that I had given up for about 10 years before it came off? I was surprised that it was restored. I would like to receive advice on daily cleaning and keep it as much as possible. However, I would like to ask you to come back under the bathtub in a few years. Actually, I used to have a stainless steel sink polished and mirror-polished, and I bookmarked it here if you would like to have a house cleaning again due to its careful work and excellent finish. Also thank you.
安田由美子 on Google

入居して20年、一度も掃除してない換気扇が気になり9時4時自由パックをお願いしました。 換気扇は分解清掃でピカピカになり、追加で塗装までやっていただきました。 お風呂の洗い場も真っ白になり、前と全く違うので、シャワーを浴びた後など「あれっ?ここどこ?」と一瞬自分のいる場所が分からなくなるほどです。 洗面所の排水溝の、自力では取れなかった黒い塊も丁寧にこそげ落としていただき感謝です。 最初のメールの印象から「真面目な頑固親父」さんかな、と思ったらニコニコ人当たりの良い職人気質の方で、知識も豊富で普段のお掃除方法等教えていただきました。掃除は化学ですね! また是非お願いしたいので、末永く続けてください。
It's been 20 years since I moved in, and I was worried about the ventilation fan that had never been cleaned, so I asked for a free pack at 9:04. The ventilation fan became shiny by disassembling and cleaning, and I had you do the painting additionally. The washing area in the bath is also white, and it's completely different from before, so even after taking a shower, you can't tell where you are for a moment. Thank you for carefully scraping off the black lumps in the drains of the washroom that you couldn't remove by yourself. From the impression of the first e-mail, I thought that it was a "serious stubborn father", but he was a nice craftsman with a good personality, and he was knowledgeable and taught me how to clean normally. Cleaning is chemistry! I would like to ask you again, so please continue for a long time.
H F on Google

3点ユニットバスのお掃除をお願いいたしました。プロの方にお掃除していただくのは初めてで、どんな感じかワクワクでした。結論から言うと、とっっっても綺麗になり、頼んでよかったと心底思いました。 お掃除の仕方なども細かく教えていただけてありがたかったです。 また定期的にお願いしたいと思います。 本当にありがとうございました!
I asked you to clean the 3-point unit bath. It was the first time for a professional to clean it, and I was excited about how it felt. From the conclusion, I was really glad I asked for it because it was so beautiful. I am grateful that you taught me how to clean it in detail. I would like to ask you regularly. I'm really thankful to you!

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