
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おそうじ本舗

住所 :

Motoishikawacho, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0004 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://osouji-tama-plaza.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Motoishikawacho, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒225-0004 Kanagawa,Japan
Satoshi Yamaguchi on Google

I feel that the work is polite and that I have a professional job. Not only cleaning your home, but also cleaning your room after you move to your apartment. I hope you will continue to take care of me.
りっか on Google

The telephone response is very good, the work is polite and quick, and I am very satisfied. He explained the work and all the invisible parts by showing the photos before and after the work, so I was relieved. Also, when I entered and exited the room, it was thoroughly disinfected, which was also very good.
K Ai on Google

エアコンクリーニングをお願いしました。大変手際良く作業してくださり、作業の途中で汚れ具合の確認や作業の内容の説明もまめにしてくれて、日常のアドバイスや注意点も教えて頂きました。 最近このエリアでも新しい掃除屋さんが増えているようですが、この辺りでは古株さんとのことで、経験豊富で信頼できると思いました。とても気持ちよく利用させて頂けたので、今後もお願いする予定です。
I asked you to clean the air conditioner. He worked very well, checked the degree of dirt and explained the contents of the work in the middle of the work, and gave me daily advice and precautions. Recently, it seems that the number of new cleaners is increasing in this area as well, but I thought that I was experienced and reliable because I was talking with an old stock in this area. I was able to use it very comfortably, so I plan to ask for it in the future.
ayumi atsukawa on Google

フローリングのワックスがけをお願いしました。 自力では落とすことができなくなっていた汚れを全て綺麗にしていただき、フローリング全体の色・輝きがワントーン上がって大満足です◎ 手触りもサラサラ感が戻り、素足でも気持ち良く歩けます。 以前も、換気扇や冷蔵庫などのキッチン周り、浴室、エアコンなど様々な箇所をやっていただきました。 お見積もり時に丁寧に相談にのってくださり、作業時も一つ一つ確認しながら丁寧に行っていただけ、これからもお願いしたい信頼できるお店です。
I asked for waxing the flooring. I am very satisfied with the fact that all the dirt that I could not remove by myself was cleaned, and the color and brilliance of the entire flooring increased by one tone. It feels smooth to the touch and you can walk comfortably with bare feet. Even before, I had you do various parts such as around the kitchen such as ventilation fans and refrigerators, bathrooms, and air conditioners. It is a reliable shop that you will continue to ask for, as you will be able to consult with us carefully when making an estimate, and you will be able to carefully check each item during work.
ishikawa chef on Google

I often cook at home, so I carefully cleaned the ventilation fan in the kitchen. I am always relieved that the washing machine and air conditioner I moved to will also support me. Thank you very much.
haruki fujimoto on Google

お掃除機能付きのエアコンのお掃除でお願いしました。 分解掃除をして新品同様になりすっきりしました。 これからの梅雨時期にエアコンを使いたかったので、早めに対応して頂き感謝しています。
I asked you to clean the air conditioner with a cleaning function. It was disassembled and cleaned, and it looked as good as new. I wanted to use the air conditioner during the rainy season, so I am grateful for the early response.
M Tamu on Google

トイレ、浴室、エアコンのお掃除をお願いしました。ハウスクリーニングはいつもこちらにお世話になっています。 築11年ですが、頑固な汚れも綺麗にしてくださりありがたいです。 作業はとても丁寧で、説明もわかりやすいです。
I asked you to clean the toilet, bathroom, and air conditioner. House cleaning is always taken care of here. It's been 11 years old, but I'm grateful for cleaning up the stubborn stains. The work is very polite and the explanation is easy to understand.
tomonori watabe on Google

今までも他の業者さんへお願いしていましたが、おそうじ本舗たまプラーザ店さんの作業と結果を見て、今までのは何だったんだ、無駄なお金を使ってしまったと気づかされました。 末永くお付き合いさせていただきたいお店です。
I had been asking other vendors until now, but when I saw the work and results of the Osouji Honpo Tamaplaza store, I realized what I was doing so far, I wasted money. .. It is a shop that I would like to keep in touch with for a long time.

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