伊川谷整体院 - Kobe

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 伊川谷整体院

住所 :

Ikegami, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2111 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878978
Postal code : 651-2111
Webサイト : https://ikawadani-seitai.com/
街 : Hyogo

Ikegami, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2111 Hyogo,Japan
abc abc on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で悩んでいて 知り合いから紹介され行ってました。 整骨院には何度か行った事があり そんな感じを想像してましたが 全く違い、しっかり丁寧にカウンセリングをして頂いてから治療してくれました。 一回目は腰痛が軽くなったなって思い 何度か通い続けているうちに 出産前のスキニーがすんなり入り本当に驚きと喜びでした! これからも定期的に通いたいと思います! 雰囲気もとても良く清潔感があり 毎回リラックスできてます。
I am suffering from postpartum pelvic correction It was introduced from acquaintances and went. I have been to the osteopathic clinic several times I imagined that kind of feeling It was totally different, and he treated me after having counseling carefully carefully. I think that my back pain has been lightened for the first time In the course of continuing to go several times The pre-birth skinny was so smooth and I was really surprised and delighted! I would like to go on a regular basis from now on! The atmosphere is also very nice and clean I can relax every time.
S M on Google

脚の付け根の痛みを治療してもらうために通院し始めました。 とても穏やかで信頼できる優しい先生で、安心して施術を受けられます。 一回の施術毎に痛みは軽減され、体が整っているのを感じます。 足の方の痛みは2、3回通っただけで完全に痛みが無くなりました。 その後の腰痛も消え、今は首の痛みを治療してもらっています。 見たことのない電気治療の効果にも毎回驚いてます。 家で自分で出来る施術や、呼吸法なども丁寧に教えてくださるので、有り難いです。 猫背が矯正され、痛みの無い体に戻れることを期待しながら今は通うのを楽しみにしています。 オススメの治療院です。
I started going to the hospital to treat the pain in my groin. He is a very gentle, trustworthy and kind teacher, and can be treated with peace of mind. You will feel less pain and feel better after each procedure. The pain in my leg disappeared completely after only a few passes. After that, my back pain disappeared and I am now treating my neck pain. I'm always amazed at the effects of electrical therapy I have never seen. I am very grateful that I will be able to carefully teach me the treatments and breathing methods that I can do at home. I am looking forward to going now, hoping that my stoop will be corrected and I will be able to return to a painless body. It is a recommended clinic.
yo YASU on Google

腰痛でお世話になり始めました。 まだ回数が数回なので、すっかり改善には遠いですが、施術後は体がとても軽くて楽になります。自分で出来る事も詳しく教えて頂いてありがたいです。時間も予約が取れて時間通りですし、個室になっているので自分のメンテナンスの時間他の方を気にしなくて良いので助かります。
I started to take care of my back pain. It's still a few times, so it's far from improving, but after the treatment, my body is very light and comfortable. I would appreciate it if you could tell me in detail what you can do. I can make a reservation for the time and it is on time, and since it is a private room, it is helpful because I do not have to worry about other people during my maintenance time.
Taikou Kobayashi on Google

I originally had a backache, so I started going to the hospital. Back pain has been around since I was a student and has been going on for many years. I've been to various manipulative treatments until now, but I gave up half-heartedly healing, and when I was feeling unwell, I repeated treatment. The teacher was a refreshing young man, and my backache seemed to be in a very bad condition, and at first I said, ``I will not improve suddenly, but I will gradually improve my physical condition,'' I went to the hospital for a month. As a result, I had suffered from back pain that much, but now I have recovered to a level where I have no back pain at all. I'm commuting to work for a long time, so I'm not so happy. What was even more surprising was that I had a problem not only with low back pain but also with a bad neck, and the pain disappeared like a lie on the spot! I have a strong trust in the doctor's high level of treatment, so even after my backache has healed, I still regularly visit the hospital if I have a physical condition. From my experience, I really recommend this manipulative clinic!
まりもよつば on Google

It was my second visit. You can spend a relaxing time by talking about what is elaborate. I like waist, foot and neck massage. Recommended when you want to relax your body.
Mr T on Google

ぎっくり腰でホームページからLINE予約で急遽受診しました。 片足が言う事を効かず補助がないと歩行困難でツッカケが脱げないような状態で治療を受けました。治療には電気器具による治療を受けました。正直、痛いです。しかしながら帰る頃には補助がなくても歩ける状態まで回復し、治療はとても丁寧で症状に対して的確にやって頂けます。念のため2日連続で受診し何とかヤバい状態からは抜け出せました。料金は医療保健外なので少し値ははります(2日で10000円)が私には非常にありがたい出会いになりました。たまたま普段お世話になっていた整体院がいっぱいで予約が取れず藁をも掴む思いで受診したところが非常に良かったという結果になりました。いつもの整体院では2日間でここまでの回復は見込めなかったと思います。 先生も若くとてもいい方でした。また受診したいと思います。 遅い時間までやっていて駐車場もあります。カードはVISA、Masterが使用可能です。
I had a rush to see a doctor by making a LINE reservation from the homepage. I was treated in a state where one leg did not work and I could not take off my luck because I had difficulty walking without assistance. I was treated with electrical equipment. To be honest, it hurts. However, by the time I return, I will be able to walk without assistance, and the treatment will be very polite and accurate for my symptoms. Just in case, I had a medical examination for two days in a row and managed to get out of the dangerous state. Since the fee is outside medical health, it is a little expensive (10,000 yen in 2 days), but it was a very thankful encounter for me. It happened that the manipulative clinic that I was indebted to was so full that I couldn't make an appointment and went to the clinic with the intention of grasping the straw. I don't think we could expect such a recovery in two days at the usual manipulative clinic. The teacher was also young and very nice. I would like to see you again. It's done until late and there is a parking lot. VISA and Master can be used as the card.
内藤真二 on Google

47歳くらいの方が二人でやってます。男性と女性です。 肩こり、腰痛、腕の重さ、足のつりやすさがあり、全身ほぐしてもらってます。 一回60分 5500円かな⁉️ 5回くらい通って、大分よくなりしたよ?
Around 47 years old is doing it together. Men and women. I have stiff shoulders, low back pain, heavy arms, and leg cramps, and I have my whole body loosened. 60 minutes each time 5500 yen ⁉️ I've been through about 5 times and it's improved a lot ?
lotus Stone on Google

骨盤の歪みと酷い腰痛、酷い肩こり持ちで、ボキボキしない整体を探してこちらに行ってみました。 気さくで優しいかんじの先生で、ちゃんと話しを聞いてくれて、状態の説明なんかもしっかりしてくれました。 色んなところで治療してきたけど、ここならしっかり診てくれそうです。 回数はかかるみたいですが、安いだけで下手なところに一時しのぎで行くよりは、自分の体に投資する価値があるだろうなと思える内容だと思いました。 善くなっていくのをたのしみに通いたいと思います。
I went here looking for a manipulative treatment that doesn't make me feel uncomfortable due to pelvic distortion, severe back pain, and severe stiff shoulders. He was a friendly and kind teacher, and he listened to me properly and explained the condition well. I've been treated in various places, but I think he'll give me a thorough examination here. It seems that it will take a lot of times, but I think that it is worth investing in my body rather than going to a bad place for a while just because it is cheap. I would like to enjoy getting better.

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