蒔田寿司 本店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蒔田寿司 本店

住所 :

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
街 : Tokyo

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0014 Tokyo,Japan
並木利之 on Google

佐藤一也 on Google

A store with Chihuahua Ku-chan
Takehiro K on Google

I want you to delete it from the google map because it is a hideout.
エリックワイナイナ on Google

たまたま見つけたこのお店。 ほかのひとには知られたくないですね笑
I found this shop by chance. I don't want other people to know
tomo yama on Google

たまに行くコスパの良い寿司屋。 犬もいるし、その他衛生的に気にする人は難しいかも。
A sushi restaurant with a good cospa that I go to occasionally. There are dogs, and other people who care about hygiene may be difficult.
佐藤文市 on Google

It ’s a hideaway sushi restaurant.
ヤス on Google

令和元年9月末に一度閉店しましたが、最近また復活しました。 味も店の雰囲気も最高です。今度は、ずっと長くやって欲しいです。
The store was once closed at the end of September of the first year of Reiwa, but recently revived. The taste and atmosphere of the shop are the best. I want you to do it for a long time next time.
バナナ魚 on Google

The general creates a unique atmosphere. We recommend the counter at a cozy store! Especially if you want to use it as a hideout! It is 2400 yen for both hand-picked sashimi and sashimi, and you can't eat it while drinking alcohol. There is no doubt about it! You can choose between red shells and prawns.

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