和菓子と甘味 わらび

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和菓子と甘味 わらび

住所 :

Iizukamachi, 〒990-0845 Yamagata,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Monday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–6:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:30PM
街 : Yamagata

Iizukamachi, 〒990-0845 Yamagata,Japan
daisuke kumazawa on Google

かき氷美味しかったです。 駐車スペースが少ないけど、15時から近くの歯医者さんの第二駐車場を借りてるそうです。
The shaved ice was delicious. There is not much parking space, but it seems that the second parking lot of a nearby dentist is rented from 15:00.
井上直美 on Google

Matcha shaved ice (condensed milk comes with milk pitcher), chilled zenzai (with barley tea and salted kelp) 500 yen each including tax. Satisfied with a moderate amount. The eat-in space is large enough to fill up with 8 people.
takako on Google

The price is as low as 600 yen and it's delicious, but the inside of the restaurant is so quiet that you can hear the sounds and voices of eating.
G助 on Google

ここのわらび餅とかき氷がオススメ。 値段も良心的。 腰掛庵のジェネリック的な存在です。
Warabi mochi and shaved ice here are recommended. The price is also reasonable. It is a generic existence of Koshikakean.
さな on Google

個人的な好みになりますが、私は隣の市の香ばしいきな粉のわらび餅の方が好きです。 母は焦げ苦くないので、こちらのわらび餅の方が好きと言ってました。
It's a personal preference, but I prefer the savory kinako warabi mochi from the city next door. My mother didn't burn it, so she said she liked this warabi mochi.
健志 on Google

You can eat Japanese confectionery, such as shaved ice and fluffy sweet potato, as well as cool water steamed buns. However, it may be difficult to eat so that the shaved ice does not collapse.
Ningen Toumei on Google

外観は民家そのままですがノボリが立っており分かりやすいかと。 わらび餅とマンゴーかき氷を頂きました。 おいしいわらび餅に塩昆布とほうじ茶が付きます。 かき氷は値段以上のボリュームにビックリでした? マンゴーは個人的にはハズレがない! …和菓子屋さんなんで和なものを頼むか迷ったんですけどねー? イートインの客席は4席でした。狭いのでどうしても居心地が良いとは言えませんが美味しかったですよ!
The appearance is the same as a private house, but it is easy to understand because it has a standing nobori. I had warabi mochi and mango shaved ice. Delicious warabi mochi with salted kelp and roasted green tea. I was surprised at the volume of shaved ice over the price ? Mango is not lost personally! ... I was wondering why I asked for a Japanese sweets shop ? There were 4 seats in the eat-in. It's small, so I can't say it's comfortable, but it was delicious!
城西のフォルラン on Google

店名の通りわらび餅はまず間違いなく誰が食べても美味いレベル。 夏にかき氷食べたが見た目のボリュームと他店に対しての値段の安さ大満足。 東京なら1000円以上超えとる
As the name suggests, Warabimochi is definitely delicious no matter who eats it. I ate shaved ice in the summer, but I was very satisfied with the volume of the appearance and the low price compared to other stores. Over 1000 yen in Tokyo

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