焼肉 のんきや

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 のんきや

住所 :

Iida, 〒395-0805 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Nagano

Iida, 〒395-0805 Nagano,Japan
けんしょうふくしまたかし(けんしょう) on Google

It's different from the mutton that mutton knows! It was delicious meat with no sheep odor (* ^^ *)
まどか on Google

The clerk's customer service was good and the meat was delicious.
りゅうラブ on Google

少し値段は高いですが、お肉美味しかったです。 塩タンも冷凍ではなく生で美味しかった! タレも手作り?美味しかったです。
The price was a little high, but the meat was delicious. The salt tongue was not frozen but raw and delicious! Is the sauce handmade? It was delicious.
はち on Google

月曜日定休日ですが祝日で営業されてました いつもかどうかはわかりません いい店でした 味、値段、雰囲気、綺麗さ、店員さん全てで とても居心地がよかったです ご飯だけはちょっと美味しく無いと思ってしまいました
It's closed on Mondays, but it was open on public holidays I don't know if it's always It was a good store Taste, price, atmosphere, beauty, clerk all It was very comfortable I thought that only rice was not delicious
にしたか on Google

飯田は焼肉の町ですが、その中でも一番だと思います‼️ 韓国風の焼肉と思います。 さまざまな飯田の焼肉を食べてきましたが、やっぱりこの店ですね? サービスと接客もよいです。何より対応やオーダーが早い‼️ 私のオススメは牛タンとサガリ? 一度食べてみてください ❤️
Iida is a yakiniku town, but I think it's the best! ️ I think it's Korean style yakiniku. I've eaten various Iida yakiniku, but after all it's this restaurant ? Service and customer service are also good. Above all, response and ordering are quick! ️ My recommendation is beef tongue and sagari ? Please try it once ❤️
Y. Iwata on Google

I visited the store as soon as it opened after being told by the staff of Takara Standard who visited. It was a reputed shop, and I entered the shop without a reservation, so I answered that it was difficult to use once, but there were many reservation customers from 7 o'clock, so I managed to enter. .. It was a tatami room type room, and it was a digging seat, so my legs were saved in the comfortable seat. I asked for meat such as sagari, beef tongue salt, and ribs, and ordered bowser with rice, but all of them were delicious. I was able to enjoy the taste of lettuce garnish miso and meat sauce. It was an outing from Minamiminowa, but I wanted to use it when I visited Iida again. Next time I wanted to make a reservation and use it.
dai matsumoto on Google

元は一面田畑で農家の集落だったんだろうなって立地で、まあ旨いったってそれなりだろうとあまり期待せずに入ってみたんだけど、見事に裏切られたよ。もちろん良い意味で。 ビールと共に出てきた生キャベツが、ちょうど旬の春キャベツ。ポリポリかじりながらのビールが進むこと。そのキャベツ、よく見ると芯を半分に切るように刻まれてるみたい。それで歯応えはあるのに固く感じないんだね。少しの手間でこれだけ変わるんだと実感。いい仕事してますねえ。 そこにいいタイミングで塩タン到着!もう見るからに旨そう。早速野菜と共に焼き始めるといい香り。これだけでまたビールが進んじゃう。 いい感じに焼けたタン、早速頬張ると噛むたびに出てくる旨みたっぷりの肉汁。たまりまへんなあ。 レバーが品切れだったのが残念だけど、これは次のお楽しみということでカルビとカシラ、あともう一品なんだったか忘れたけど、肉の喜びを感じながらひたすら焼いては喰う。ホルモンもいきたかったけど、次なる計画のために胃袋のスペースをとっておかなけりゃと次回の宿題に。 と、いい感じで喰って呑んででラストスパートへ突入。 上カルビとライス大で、残しておいた焼き野菜も総動員しての焼肉丼ドーン! こりゃ豪華だねえ。写真撮っときゃ良かったよ。 これがね、ご飯が軽く昔盛りで具が載らないから少し食べて減らしたけど、それでも山盛りの肉と野菜。カルビの脂とタレがご飯に染みて、そりゃ旨いことうまいこと。腹いっぱいなんだけどなぜか箸が止まらない。「孤独のグルメ」風に言えば、俺は人間発電所だ。ってな具合に掻きこむ。頬張る。噛みしめて飲み込む。旨い! そういえば若かりし頃は、みんなで焼肉なんかに行くと最後にいくらか残ったりした肉や野菜を、俺が一括して丼にしてあるを尽くしてたなあ・・・あれで胃袋の拡大されてたなあ・・・ とか思い出しながら完食。あーお腹いっぱい! ごちそうさまでした。 値段はそれなりにしますが、コスパで言えばすごくお得感がありますよ。 たまたまなのか空いてて、のんびりできたのも良かった。店員さんの距離感もなかなか良くて、ビールの減り具合とかそれとなく気にかけててくれたみたい。
Originally it was a farmer's village in a field, so I didn't expect it to be so, but I was betrayed. Of course in a good way. The raw cabbage that came out with beer is just the season's spring cabbage. Beer goes on while biting. If you look closely, the cabbage seems to be carved so that the core is cut in half. That's why it's chewy but doesn't feel firm. I realized that it would change so much with a little effort. You're doing a good job. Arrived at Shiotan at the right time! It looks good because I have already seen it. It has a nice aroma when you start baking with vegetables. This alone will make beer go on again. A nicely baked tongue, a delicious gravy that comes out every time you chew. I don't like it. It's a pity that the liver was out of stock, but I forgot that it was another item, such as ribs and kashira, because it was my next pleasure, but I just baked and eat it while feeling the joy of the meat. I wanted to go with hormones, but I had to take up some space in my stomach for my next plan, so I decided to do my next homework. Then, I rushed into the last spurt by eating and drinking with a good feeling. The grilled meat bowl Dawn, which is the size of the upper ribs and rice, and mobilizes all the grilled vegetables left behind! This is gorgeous. I wish I had taken a picture. This is because the rice is light and the ingredients aren't on it, so I ate a little and reduced it, but still heaps of meat and vegetables. The fat and sauce of the ribs soak into the rice, which is delicious. I'm full, but for some reason my chopsticks don't stop. In the "gourmet of loneliness" style, I'm a human power plant. I squeeze it in like that. Cheek. Chew and swallow. delicious! By the way, when I was young, when we all went to yakiniku, I used to put some of the meat and vegetables left in the bowl all at once ... and that made my stomach expand. Tana ... I finished eating while remembering. Ah, I'm full! Thank you for the meal. The price is reasonable, but in terms of cost performance, it's a great deal. It was good that I was able to relax because it happened to be vacant. The clerk's sense of distance was also quite good, and he seemed to care about the decrease in beer.
T M on Google

Good price! Friendly stuffs , delicious beef Whenever I go to Iida ,I go there exactly Thank you so much

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