Ookura - Iida

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ookura

住所 :

3-1 Chikaramachi, Iida, Nagano 395-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 395-0032
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/sitirinyakiookura/

3-1 Chikaramachi, Iida, Nagano 395-0032, Japan
11 a on Google

このお店で間違いありませんでした? お肉どれも柔らかくてとても美味しかったですし、店員さんの接客も素晴らしかったです✨ 無理なお願いも快く引き受けてくださり、 色々と気を使ってくださって、本当にありがとうございました。 彼もとても喜んでいました?✨ また食べに行きます!!ありがとうございました!
There was no doubt in this shop ? All the meat was tender and very delicious, and the customer service of the clerk was also wonderful ✨ Willing to accept unreasonable requests, Thank you very much for your attention. He was also very happy ?✨ I'm going to eat again! !! Thank you very much!
信州のdaichan on Google

The meat was cut thick and I was able to fully enjoy it.
hikkei ARCHITECTUER on Google

It is a grilled meat that is rarely grilled in Iida city by charcoal grilling (Ogarite). The meat and drinks are reasonably priced and the cospa is very good. Minami Shinshu beef noshi is very tender despite being lean, and the taste is good ❗️ I highly recommend it.
Mktaoo on Google

良いお肉提供してくれます! 輸入の関係で値上がりするらしく、多少、お値段的にかさむかも?それでも、満足いけますね。山国、長野県で海産物も食べれるとはなかなか良いです!
They provide good meat! It seems that the price will increase due to imports, so it may be a little expensive? Still, I am satisfied. It is quite good to be able to eat seafood in the mountains and Nagano prefecture!
木下竜二 on Google

炭火の火力で間違いなし。 しきんぼうは、もも肉?ですが、多少霜降りがあり、決して柔らかい部位ではないので、ハサミ✂️で。 七味のみがオススメです。
There is no doubt that it is a charcoal firepower. Shikinbo is thigh meat ?, but it has some marbling and is not a soft part, so use scissors ✂️. Only Shichimi is recommended.
erika on Google

2021.7.23 18:00頃訪問。 炭火焼きですが、空調がしっかりと煙を吸ってくれるので、 席も広く快適にゆっくり焼肉を楽しむことができました! 輸入牛の高騰で、各種メニューに記載の金額よりプラス¥200なのは少々驚きましたがどのお肉もとても美味しく大満足です( ˊᵕˋ* ) また機会があれば伺います! ごちそうさまでした。
2021.7.23 Visited around 18:00. It's charcoal-grilled, but the air conditioner sucks smoke well, so The seats were wide and I was able to enjoy yakiniku comfortably and slowly! I was a little surprised that the price of imported beef was 200 yen more than the price listed on various menus, but all the meat was very delicious and very satisfying (ˊᵕˋ *). I will come back if I have a chance! Thank you for the meal.
たんたんたぬき on Google

出張した際に、飯田市は人口当たりの焼き肉店舗数が日本一という話を聞き、是非ここで焼き肉に行こうと立ち寄る。 コロナ渦ということもあり、マスク装着やアルコール消毒といった基本的なことはきっちりと行われていて好感が持てる。 炭火は、ガスコンロ上部に成形炭が使われるタイプ 上部には換気扇ダクトがあるため、煙にまみれることはない。 メニューは一見、普通の焼き肉店とかわらないが、よく見るとその日によって入荷しているものがあるみたい。 この日は牛肉だけという縛りで注文 和牛の中落ち、下がり、ロースと頼んで、キムチ盛り合わせ 初めての店だったので、全て1人前だったのだが、肉が来て驚いた。 どれも量が多い。 写真は全て1人前だったが、二人で食べても結構な量 しかも肉質も非常に良く、久しぶりに良い焼き肉を堪能した。 ドリンク等は頼まなかったが、5000円ちょっとで満腹 次回も是非立ち寄りたいと思う店だった。
When I went on a business trip, Iida City heard that the number of yakiniku restaurants per capita was the highest in Japan, so I definitely stopped by to go to yakiniku here. Since it is a corona vortex, the basic things such as wearing a mask and disinfecting alcohol are done properly and I like it. Charcoal fire is a type in which briquette is used on the upper part of the gas stove. There is a ventilation fan duct at the top, so it will not be covered with smoke. At first glance, the menu is the same as an ordinary yakiniku restaurant, but if you look closely, it seems that some of them are in stock depending on the day. I ordered only beef on this day Assorted kimchi by asking for wagyu beef drop, drop, loin It was my first time to eat, so it was all for one person, but I was surprised when the meat came. All are large in quantity. All the pictures were for one person, but it's a good amount to eat with two people Moreover, the meat quality was very good, and I enjoyed the good yakiniku for the first time in a long time. I didn't ask for drinks, but I was full for just over 5,000 yen. It was a shop that I would definitely like to stop by next time.
on Google

飛び込みで入店しました。 出張者にはワンドリンク無料です。 こうちゃん牛のざぶとんを注文。 柔らかく甘さがありてびっくりです。 ハラミも最高ですね。 ライスの上でワンバンすれば絶品です。嬉しいサービスもあり店員のお姉さんも優しいです。 また行きます。 ごちそうさま。
I entered the store by diving. One drink is free for business travelers. I ordered Ko-chan beef Zabuton. I am surprised that it is soft and sweet. Harami is also the best. If you make a bang on rice, it will be excellent. There is also a nice service and the clerk's older sister is also kind. I will go again. Feast.

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