
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ちゃこや

住所 :

Igacho, Sano, 〒327-0021 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://www.chakoya.com/
街 : Tochigi

Igacho, Sano, 〒327-0021 Tochigi,Japan
充彦 on Google

I stopped by just before returning to the hotel. Chacoroll was delicious.
えりりん on Google

We stopped on the way back of Ashikaga Flower Park of illumination. New feeling but of how delicious had too much to expect the local cuisine I did not even (laughs) in this area was the bar's the best feeling.
放浪の旅人寅次郎 on Google

It was delicious, it was full, and I was full.
Muu Mii on Google

お店の雰囲も店員さんの接客もいいんですが料理出てくるのが非常に遅いです。 席に通されたのはいいけど全く料理が来ない。 楽しくお酒飲めませんでした。 メニューはもう100円ぐらい安ければリピしたいかもって感じでしょうか。 お通し300円は高いと感じてしまいます。 メニュー構成も、もう少し種類欲しいなあと思ってしまいました。
The atmosphere of the restaurant and the customer service of the clerk are good, but the food is very slow to come out. It's nice to be seated, but no food comes. I couldn't drink happily. If the menu is already about 100 yen cheaper, you might want to repeat it. I feel that 300 yen is expensive. I thought that I wanted a little more kind of menu structure.
atsubond s on Google

久しぶりにランチでお邪魔しました。 相変わらず、値段に対して質、量とも満足できるものでした。注文がタッチパネルになっていたのには驚きました。 高級寿司屋ではないので、純粋に寿司を楽しむのには向きませんが、コストパフォーマンスが非常に高い、良いお店です。 夜は居酒屋ですが、やはり料理は美味しいです。 難点は、平日でも混むことですかね。
I visited you for lunch after a long time. As usual, I was satisfied with the quality and quantity of the price. I was surprised that the order was on the touch panel. It's not a high-class sushi restaurant, so it's not suitable for pure sushi, but it's a good restaurant with very high cost performance. It's an izakaya at night, but the food is delicious. The difficulty is that it gets crowded even on weekdays.
イシバシマサユキ on Google

There were 1st and 2nd floors, and the 2nd floor had a relaxing atmosphere. There are many seats, but the eve is crowded, so I think it would be smoother to make a reservation in advance. The order is a touch panel. The food was decent.
ラモスチェット on Google

Simon Yates on Google

Excellent food and a good atmosphere. Chakoya was apparently at one time a Sushi joint so and they ensure their sushi is top notch for a standard Izakaya. Well worth dropping by if you can get on- it is a favourite for the locals.

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