Ideshitanaika Shinkeinaika Clinic - Hiroshima

1.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ideshitanaika Shinkeinaika Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-31-11 Kuchita, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 739-1734, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 739-1734
Webサイト :

3 Chome-31-11 Kuchita, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 739-1734, Japan
横田壽麗 on Google

I have a regular checkup. One nurse was harassed overtly. Except for three nurses, they are very polite. The doctor will also consult and consult you. Yesterday, my patience was exceeded and my tears didn't stop. I don't understand why people can get the lowest attitude of a person who is feverish, not as a nurse but as a human. please tell me.
花總詩織 on Google

Looking at this seminar, the people who were giving the lecture felt that they did not understand anything about the feelings of those with higher brain dysfunction, aphasia, and their families. According to the families of the people who go here, the staff who have been enthusiastic about it have dropped out one after another, and now the quality of service has deteriorated considerably.
森山美智子 on Google

院長の態度が横柄で、「旦那に逃げられたんか?」などの会話をします。 医師って世間知らずで態度が横柄で感じが悪い人が多いですね。 患者は仕方なく我慢して笑っているだけなのがわからないんでしょうね。 先生と呼ばれるから、勘違いをするんでしょうね。 精神科のデイケアに通う友人から聞いた話ですが、豪雨災害の時の処理や施設内外の掃除などをさせられたということです。 患者を労働者として使うのは「治療」ではなく「搾取」なのではないでしょうか?
The director's attitude is arrogant, and he talks about things like "Did your husband escape?" Many doctors are naive, arrogant, and uncomfortable. You don't know that the patient just has to put up with it and laugh. You're called a teacher, so you'll probably make a mistake. I heard from a friend who attends psychiatric day care that he was forced to deal with heavy rain disasters and clean the inside and outside of the facility. Isn't it not "treatment" but "exploitation" that uses patients as workers?
国草誠 on Google

ここを利用している。昼になると、ほぼ毎日会議のために職員は誰か1人は出て行く。その割には一向にサービスは良くならん。 熱心で良い職員ほどやめていって、職員は減るばかり。昔はよかったのにね。そりゃあ、やる気があって、真面目な職員はやめて行くわな。 どうも近々セミナーなるものを開くみたいだが、実際の、今のここのサービスはもうさっぱりダメだね。
I am using here. At noon, one staff member goes out for a meeting almost every day. For that reason, the service does not improve at all. The more enthusiastic and good staff are, the more they quit, and the number of staff is decreasing. It used to be good. Well, motivated and serious staff will stop. It seems that a seminar will be held soon, but the actual service here is no longer good.
後藤奏子 on Google

My husband belongs to a family association with aphasia, but I was surprised that a seminar was held at a place famous for making money even at a family association with aphasia for a long time. It is not recommended for acquaintances and friends at family meetings. Also, looking at the contents of the seminar, I realized that professionals and university teachers are not really trying to understand the difficulty and hardships of disabilities.
仲田高政 on Google

A clinic that trains paying patients to do things that are out of date, such as having them wash dishes. I was pushing to be independent, but now I don't know what the training is for in the dishwasher era. Be aware that patients may be exploited as a labor force by doing things such as cleaning the parks and buildings around them as training.
S T on Google

病院なのに評価★1はあり得ないですよね…この度はそれを実感する事になりました。 父が大きな病院からの転院でここしかないと言われ、受け入れてもらえるだけでもありがたいか…と、お願いしました。 しかし初日から、前の病院からの引き継ぎを初見のイメージだけで全否定、治療の必要は無し、診断書は書きません、早く退院して下さい、でも引き続きリハビリと診療はうちがやります。 意味が分かりません。 看護士、ケアマネさんの意見は院長先生の顔色・機嫌伺いがはっきりと感じ取れました。 とにかく駅前や病院近くのあちこちに看板広告やバスの広告アナウンスがあり、誰が使うのか分からない敷地内のガーデニングにはお金がかかってるようなイメージ。 でも肝心な病院の対応は首を傾げる様な事ばかり。 たったの数日でこれです。 リハビリも診療もお断りです。 退院後は縁を切りたいです。 主人も何年か前に一度だけ、熱を出してこちらに行きましたが、「あんな患者を馬鹿にした様な病院二度と行くか!」と怒って帰って来た後、よその病院できちんと診て頂きました。
Even though it is a hospital, evaluation ★ 1 is impossible, isn't it? I was told that my father was only here because he was transferred from a large hospital, and I asked him if he would be grateful if he could accept it. However, from the first day, I totally denied the transfer from the previous hospital only with the image of the first look, there is no need for treatment, I do not write a medical certificate, please leave the hospital early, but I will continue to rehabilitate and treat. I do not understand the meaning. The opinions of the nurse and Caremane clearly showed the director's complexion and mood. Anyway, there are signboard advertisements and bus advertisement announcements in front of the station and near the hospital, and it seems that gardening on the premises where you do not know who will use it costs money. However, the important hospital response is just like tilting your head. This is in just a few days. Rehabilitation and medical treatment are not permitted. I want to cut the ties after discharge. My husband also went to this place with a fever only once a few years ago, but after returning angry, "Would you like to go to the hospital that made such a patient foolish again!" I had a medical examination.
Katsuya on Google

最悪の病院です。 母親が以前から年寄り仲間が多いからサロン感覚で利用していましたが、この度、胆管癌の為、安佐市民病院で手術 入院 退院後、一応かかりつけ医でしたので続いて受診する事になり、退院後、食欲減退のため、自宅往診対応してくれると言う事で点滴をしてくれるのは良いことですが、早く済ませる為の水分に少しミネラル分があるくらいの物で対応し、ちゃんとした点滴をして欲しいと望んでも「ウチには無い」と言われ単なる金儲けの往診しかしてくれませんし、少し認知症のある父親に、もう覚悟をしといたほうがいいなどと超要らないことを言うような医者擬きです。退院後、安佐市民病院では癌は根治ですとはっきり言って頂いたのに何の検査もなく、何を根拠にそんなこと言うのか本当に意味わかりません。現状、今は仕方なく受診していますが母親も義理堅いほうなので、周りの家族は縁を切りたくても残念ながら今は縁を切れない状況です。 病院選びは患者の責任なので本当の意味でちゃんと診てくる病院を選びたいものです。
The worst hospital. Since my mother has many elderly friends, I used to use it like a salon, but this time, because of bile duct cancer, I was hospitalized for surgery at Asa Municipal Hospital. After that, because of the loss of appetite, it is good to give an IV drip by saying that he / she will respond to a home visit, but in order to finish it quickly, I will respond with something that has a little mineral content in the water, and it will be a proper IV drip. Even if I want him to do the surgery, he says "I don't have it" and he only makes a money-making home visit. It's like a doctor. After I was discharged from the hospital, I was told clearly that cancer is a cure at Asa Municipal Hospital, but there was no test and I really don't know what to say. At present, I have no choice but to go to the clinic now, but my mother is also a stubborn person, so unfortunately the family around me wants to cut the ties, but unfortunately I can't cut the ties now. It is the patient's responsibility to choose a hospital, so I really want to choose a hospital that will give me a proper diagnosis.

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