Ichiunji - Osaka

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大阪市住吉区 | 寺院|一運寺 - Ichiunji.com


Contact Ichiunji

住所 :

2 Chome-6-23 Sumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 558-0045
Webサイト : https://www.ichiunji.com/

2 Chome-6-23 Sumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0045, Japan
ユマン“ナス”ナスチジ on Google

赤穂浪士の墓がある場所です それ以外、目を見張る感じではなかったです、出入り口付近は普通に住宅が並んでます。
It is a place where there is a grave of Ako Ako Other than that, it was not a striking feeling, the houses are ordinarily lined up in the vicinity of the entrance and exit.
みりももた on Google

It is a temple with a history
南形浩 on Google

住吉大社から歩いて、赤穂浪士のお墓のある御寺さんが存在すると聞き、寄って 見ましたが、お留守の様でした。
I walked from Sumiyoshi Taisha, heard that there was a temple with the tomb of Ako Nami, and came to me. I saw it, but it was like being away.
やまだたけへい on Google

私は子供の頃加賀屋中学校に通っていましたが、英語の教師をされていました方のお名前が、山田静音先生です。 先生がお寺の住職をされておられていました。今頃山田先生の偉大さに脱帽致します!
I used to go to Kagaya Junior High School when I was a kid, but the name of the person who was an English teacher is Mr. Shizune Yamada. The teacher was a priest at a temple. I will take off my hat to the greatness of Professor Yamada around this time!
まつもと on Google

There is a grave of Ronin Ako. There is also a hand guard Jizo. It's a small temple, but it's a calming temple that forgets the hustle and bustle of the city.
高橋俊男 on Google

The beginning of Ichiunji Temple was when Prince Shotoku built the Shichido Sangharama and named it Iso Nagayama Tenhorinji Temple, which also served as his own mischief.
Goro Inogashira on Google

聖徳太子が建立した、という伝承を持ち、 また最澄や空海、円仁、法然も訪れたという伝承を持つお寺です。 寺域内の墓地には『忠臣蔵』で有名な大石内蔵助、主税親子と寺坂吉右衛門の墓(分骨されたのだろうか?)があるのですが、 元は赤穂浪士を資金面で援助した大阪商人、天野屋利兵衛の菩提寺であった龍海寺に在ったものを明治期に移設したもの。 龍海寺には四十七士の墓がずらりと並んでいたらしいのですが、明治時代に廃寺。 彼らの墓は荒らされ、庭石に転用されてしまったり破壊されたりしたそうです。 それを惜しんだこちらの当時の住職が、残されていた大石父子と寺坂吉右衛門の墓をこちらへ移した、と伝わっております。
It has a tradition that Prince Shotoku was established, Moreover, it is a temple with a tradition that it visited Saigo, Kukai, Kunin, and Honen. In the cemetery in the temple area there is a tomb of Oishi Oshima famous for "Chushingura", a parent tax parent and a tomb of Terasaka Yoshimon (I wonder whether it was divided) Originally Osaka merchant who helped Ako Rondo in money finance, thing which was in Ryusaiji temple which was Amenji Temple of Amano Ryubei was moved to the Meiji era. There seems to be a row of 47 tombs in Longwai Temple in a row, but in the Meiji Era it was a disposal temple. Their graves were destroyed, they were diverted as garden stones and destroyed. It is transmitted that the tomb of Oishi - san and Tera - zaka Yoshonemon who was left behind this time was moved to here.
御朱印m.h on Google

平成30年5月22日参拝 御朱印あり 本尊:阿弥陀如来 宗派:浄土宗知恩院派 縁起によれば、聖徳太子の創建とされ、天正十四年(1586年)に本誉存寧が再興し、寛永八年(1631年)に広誉龍哲が本堂を再建したとされる寺院。 境内には赤穂四十七義士のうち大石内蔵助良雄、その子大石主悦良金、及び寺坂吉右衛門の三基の墓があるが、これは近くの龍海寺に元々は四十七士の墓があったが、明治維新の際に龍海寺が廃寺となり、墓が壊されることになったため、一運寺の時の住職が大石父子と寺坂吉右衛門の三基の墓だけを一運寺に運んで懇切に供養したものとされる。
Worship on May 22, 2018 There is a red stamp Priest: Amida Nyorai Sect: Jodo sect Chion-in sect According to auspicious occasions, Prince Shotoku was founded, and in the 14th year of the Tensho era (1586), the main hall was revived, and in the 8th year of the Kanei era (1631), the main hall was rebuilt. In the precincts, there are three tombs of Oishi Yoshio, his son Oishi Chikara, and Terasaka Kichiemon, among the 47 Ako priests, but this is originally the grave of 47 priests at the nearby Ryukaiji Temple. However, during the Meiji Restoration, Ryukaiji was abandoned and the grave was destroyed, so the chief priest at the time of Ichiunji carried only the three graves of Oishi father and son and Terasaka Kichiemon to Ichiunji. It is said that it was a memorial service for the reception.

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