Ichinowari Station - Kasukabe

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichinowari Station

住所 :

1-chōme-1 Ichinowari, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 344-0031
Webサイト : http://www.tobu.co.jp/

1-chōme-1 Ichinowari, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0031, Japan
Ben Y on Google

交通機関としては、タクシーのみが駅前に乗り入れる商店街の中にある駅。 なんだか、昭和の古き良き記憶がよみがえってきそうなたたずまいです。
As for transportation, the station is located in a shopping district where only taxis can enter in front of the station. Somehow, it seems that the good old memories of the Showa era will be revived.
Taro Yöçžæ on Google

駅周辺自体は春日部駅についで市内他の駅より賑わっている。 立体構造でなく、ロータリーも東口から少し歩いたところにしか存在しない、道も狭いため車で来ることはおすすめできない。 不便に感じるがなにか風情を感じてやまない駅である。
The area around the station itself is busier than other stations in the city next to Kasukabe station. It is not a three-dimensional structure, and the rotary is only a short walk from the east exit. The road is narrow, so it is not recommended to come by car. Although it feels inconvenient, it is a station where you can feel something.
Mayu on Google

A few minutes drive from Ichinowari station, there were a lot of orange flowers ?
平形豊士 on Google

Anyway, despite being a major private railway line station called Tobu Railway, there is only one station building on the east exit side, which is inconvenient. The station building itself is also rather small. And only local trains stop. The front of the station is also messed up, so it's hard to say that it's a "good station" !!
やましたのぶたか on Google

東武鉄道の東武スカイツリーラインの春日部駅から北千住、とうきょうスカイツリー、浅草方面行きの1つ目の駅です。改札口が東側の1か所しかないので昔の映画に出て来る様な外観です。各駅停車と区間準急と準急が停車します。平面構造なので西側はバリアフリー化されていて北側にはエスカレーターで連絡通路が出来ています。北側へ行くには連絡階段を潜って向かいます。トイレは男女2か所と男女兼用の障害者用の3ヶ所ですがコンパクトなのが不便です。駅前広場もタクシーが2台分位しか駐車出来ないので、電話で呼び出します。改札口を出ると少し離れた場所にロータリーみたいな所が有りますが、バス停は在りません。 ウチから1番近い最寄り駅なので外出する時には利用しています。 東武沿線では堀切駅と双璧する程で南北に直線に設置されているので、列車の写真撮影には最高のスポットなので鉄道ファンには人気が有ると思います。春日部方面にも武里方面にも撮影スポットが沢山有ります。
It is the first station from Kasukabe Station on the Tobu Skytree Line of the Tobu Railway bound for Kitasenju, Tokyo Skytree, and Asakusa. Since there is only one ticket gate on the east side, it looks like it appears in an old movie. Local express and section semi-express and semi-express stop. Since it is a flat structure, the west side is barrier-free and the north side has a connecting passage with an escalator. To go to the north side, go down the connecting stairs. There are two toilets for men and women and three for unisex people with disabilities, but it is inconvenient because they are compact. Only two taxis can park in the station square, so call by phone. When you exit the ticket gate, there is a place like a rotary a little away, but there is no bus stop. It's the closest station to my house, so I use it when I go out. Along the Tobu line, it is located in a straight line from north to south, which is almost the same as Horikiri station, so it is the best spot for taking pictures of trains, so I think it is popular with railroad fans. There are many shooting spots in both Kasukabe and Takesato.
ぽてと on Google

無人駅かな?と思うくらい寂れてます。駅前にあった唯一のコンビニも潰れて、駅前なのに空きテナントがふたつ…。→2022年にセブンイレブンが入りました! 駅前に広いロータリーが無く、少し奥にぐるっと回れるロータリーもどきがあるだけ。改札口が片側1箇所しか無くて不便。踏切もやたら待たされる。トイレが未だに和式なのはどうにかして欲しい。
Is it an unmanned station? I'm lonely as much as I think. The only convenience store in front of the station has collapsed, and there are two vacant tenants in front of the station ... → Seven-Eleven has entered in 2022! There is no wide rotary in front of the station, just a rotary that can be turned around a little in the back. It is inconvenient because there is only one ticket gate on each side. The railroad crossing is also kept waiting. I want you to manage that the toilet is still Japanese style.
358 PMP on Google

A station with a local atmosphere. At one place where the ticket gate faces the platform in the direction of Asakusa. The platform to Kasukabe is connected to the underpass on the premises by an overpass for elevators.
林雅彦 on Google

It is a station on the Tobu Sky Tree Line in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture. It is located between Kasukabe Station and Takesato Station.

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