リサイクルショップV 三条店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルショップV 三条店

住所 :

Ichinomon, Sanjo, 〒955-0045 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://reshop-v.jimdo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–8PM
Sunday 12–8PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 12–8PM
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday 12–8PM
Friday 12–8PM
街 : Niigata

Ichinomon, Sanjo, 〒955-0045 Niigata,Japan
アルパカ太郎 on Google

Great. It's a good shop.
ああつつ明 on Google

There is something I'm curious about when I go. It's full of fun ... I haven't been to much these days, but it's personal, but why not go!
泉田篤 on Google

A treasure trove of retro (core) games. The owner is also a good person. I'm in trouble because I want various things (laughs). I also bought games, musical instruments, plastic models, books, etc. (laughs).
Beat Karakuri on Google

You can get extremely rare comics and game strategy books.
Hiroki “hiroki” Y on Google

かなり汚いです。 店の中が全く整理出来てませんので、不愉快に感じる方も多いでしょう。 今では珍しい個人経営タイプの玩具、ゲーム、男性向けコミックに特化したリサイクル店ですので、見ていて楽しい店だと思います。
Pretty dirty. Many people feel uncomfortable because the inside of the store is not organized at all. Now it's a recycle store specializing in rare toys, games and comics for men, which is rare, so it's a fun store to watch.
高橋マサトク on Google

オープンして30周年の歴史あるお店! レトロゲームと漫画のセット本がビッシリ並び、品揃えが豊富でマニア必見のお店です。 特にゲームソフトは FC.SFC.MSX.MCD.64.PS.SS.PS2.DCが豊富で、XBOX.GBA.wii.PS3.XBOX360.PSVITA.PS4等もしっかり網羅してあり、(GB.PCE.MD.NCD.3DO.GCは少なめ)旧世代のゲームの多さにビックリします。 ハードやコントローラも豊富で、珍しい編集ファミコンやMSXのジョイコン、電車でGO専用コントローラー、pceのアベニューパッド、ホリコマンダー、ネオジオのファイティングスティックPROなんかもありました。 ゲーム・本は個々にビニールパッケージされ、きちんと棚に入っているものが多いので結構安心して買えます。 漫画のセットコミックも豊富で、ブッ○フさんには置いてない雰囲気の本達にきっと出会えるはず(タルるートくん全巻等)。 ゲーム系の本もたくさんあり、大半は攻略本(SFC.PS1 .PS2.SS.DC多め)ですが、ゲームラボ、大技林、ゲーム機の改造本等、ワクワクドキドキな時間を過ごせること間違いなし! ゲームソフトやコントローラーは箱説付き未使用品のプレミアものから200円くらいのお手頃なものまで様々あり、他にもフィギュアやソフビ、カードゲーム(遊戯王、ポケモン)、ラジカセやTV等の家電製品も置いてありました! ちなみに、ヤフオクの代理入札、出品も引き受けて下さるそうです(2500円未満で出品をお願いする場合、手数料は一律500円。それ以上の金額で出品する場合は20%掛かるとの事)。 お店の外観がちょっと入りにくい雰囲気ですが、店長が感じ良い人ですし是非ともまた遊びに行きたいです♪ 月曜定休日 12:00〜20:00営業 出張買い取りもしているそうです
A restaurant with a 30th anniversary since opening! This is a must-see shop with a wide selection of retro games and comic books. Especially game software FC.SFC.MSX.MCD.64.PS.SS.PS2.DC is abundant, XBOX.GBA.wii.PS3.XBOX360.PSVITA.PS4 etc. are well covered, (GB.PCE.MD.NCD .3DO.GC is small) I am surprised by the large number of games of the previous generation. There are also abundant hardware and controllers, such as rare editing NES, MSX Joycon, train GO dedicated controller, pce Avenue pad, Hori Commander, Neo Geo Fighting Stick PRO. Games and books are individually packaged in vinyl, and many of them are on the shelves, so you can buy them with confidence. There are plenty of comics in the comics, and you should be able to meet the books that haven't been put in by Mr. Buff (Taruruto-kun). There are many game books, most of which are strategy books (SFC.PS1 .PS2.SS.DC more), but there is no doubt that you can spend exciting time, such as game labs, big technical forests, game machine remodeling books, etc. ! There are various game software and controllers ranging from premier items with box theory to affordable items of about 200 yen, as well as home appliances such as figures, soft vinyl, card games (Yu-Gi-Oh !, Pokemon), radio cassette and TV It was left! By the way, it seems that we will accept Yahoo auction's proxy bids and listings (if you ask for listings below 2500 yen, the fee will be uniformly 500 yen. If you sell more than that, it will take 20%). The atmosphere of the store is a little difficult to enter, but the store manager is a nice person and I definitely want to go out again ♪ Closed on Mondays from 12:00 to 20:00 They are also buying business trips
池田和也 on Google

20年以上前に来ていたゲームや漫画やCD中心のリサイクルショップ。 現在は足の踏み場がほとんどなくなっているが思わぬ掘り出し物が見つかるかも
A thrift shop centered on games, manga, and CDs that came over 20 years ago. Currently, there are almost no footholds, but you may find unexpected bargains.
masamasa MASAMASA on Google

I used to go from Nagaoka almost every week until private sales became popular. The appearance of the shop is a little suspicious, but it is a conscientious shop. Was the store clerk a Subaru fan? I thought that the store was closed with the shutter still open when I passed a little while ago, but I'm still doing my best in sales. I don't think there are many opportunities to meet bargains like they did 15 years ago, but I would like to go there for a while.

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