小林釣具店 釣り餌自販機有り

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小林釣具店 釣り餌自販機有り

住所 :

Ichinomiya, Chōsei District, 〒299-4301 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://kobayashi-fishing.com/greeting.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Ichinomiya, Chōsei District, 〒299-4301 Chiba,Japan
真剣ジョージ on Google

The red candy is lively! ️
alatriste diego on Google

The freshness of the live bait is good. Even if it is not used up, wrap it in wet newspaper and store it in the refrigerator for a long time.
大土谷剛範 on Google

They will repair the tools near you from home, and the freshness of the food is the best! ️
研ぎ師孫八 on Google

This is the best if you buy live food, it seems natural because it seems to be a wholesaler of live food (red isomer, blue isomer, jarime etc.), but you can purchase it with a vending machine in front of the store even when the store is closed or after business hours. is.
吉田裕紀 on Google

看板犬の柴犬、ふく君がかわいいですね。他のエサ屋さんよりもエサの量がボリューミーです。二人で一パックでもじゅうぶんに楽しめます。 店主の奥さんもいつも親切です
The signboard dog, Shiba Inu, Fuku-kun is cute. The amount of food is more volume than other food stores. Two people can fully enjoy even one pack. The shopkeeper's wife is always kind
D A on Google

とても優しいおばちゃんが出迎えてくれます。 近隣の釣果情報に詳しく、「子供連れならココがいい」など教えてくれますか。 次回も必ず寄ります。
A very kind aunt will welcome you. Can you tell me more about the fishing results in the neighborhood, such as "If you are traveling with children, this is the place to go". I will definitely stop by next time.
AKIRA on Google

活餌の生きがとても良く、かなり長持ちします。活餌はこの店一押し!看板犬の柴犬もかわいい! 店の奥さんもとても親切です。 皆さんも立ち寄ってみてはいかがですか?
Live bait is very lively and lasts a long time. Live bait is recommended at this store! The signboard dog, Shiba Inu, is also cute! The wife of the store is also very kind. Why don't you stop by?
Osumi Yuki on Google

ファミリーフィッシングでイシモチ、ハゼを狙うならここがいいでしょう。餌と道具を調達したら店員さんに白子〜夷隅川くらいの釣果とポイントを聞いて釣りに行きましょう。 駐車場も2台分くらいあります。開店前でもイソメなら外の自販機で買えます。
This is a good place to aim for gobies and gobies in family fishing. After procuring bait and tools, ask the clerk about the fishing results and points of Shirako-Isumi River and go fishing. There is also a parking lot for about 2 cars. Even before the store opens, you can buy isome from an outside vending machine.

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