Ichigaya Mental Clinic - Chiyoda City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ichigaya Mental Clinic

住所 :

市ヶ谷スポーツプラザ 4 Chome-2-22 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 102-0073
Webサイト : http://ichigaya-mental.jp/

市ヶ谷スポーツプラザ 4 Chome-2-22 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan
Yoshiro on Google

治らず通院が長引くと、『治療の努力をしていない患者』扱いされる病院です。 「気分が落ち込んだ時、手を上げることで気分が晴れる」「幸せと唱えながら歩く」などの行動→脳に働き掛けるアドバイスのような診療が殆どで、そうした行動や努力、頑張りのようなもので病を治せる・治したいとお考えのようです。 薬に対して、副作用の説明は殆どありませんでした。 先生の言ったことを実践し、服薬しても中々良くならないので、発達障害やADHDなのではと思い、不安になり相談したところ「多少は自分で努力しないと治りませんよ」と言われました。 その努力が難しく、上手く出来ずに悩んでいるから通院してるのに、そういった事を患者相手に平気で言う先生です。 また、行動のアドバイスについて、どの患者に何を話したかメモしてないらしく、何回も同じ話をされました。 自分の認知が偏ったり固まってる人、話を聞いて欲しい人には良いかもしれませんが、真剣に病を治したい人にはおすすめ出来ません。利点は予約しなくても(数時間)待てば診察してもらえる所と、ネット予約が便利なくらいです。
It is a hospital that is treated as a "patient who is not making efforts for treatment" if the hospital is not cured and the hospital visit is prolonged. Actions such as "when you feel depressed, you can feel better by raising your hand" and "walk while chanting happiness" → Most of the medical treatment is like advice that works on the brain, and such actions, efforts, and hard work It seems that he wants to cure or cure his illness. There was almost no explanation for the side effects of the drug. Even if I practice what the teacher said and take the medicine, it does not improve at all, so I thought that it was a developmental disorder or ADHD, and when I was anxious and consulted, I was told that "I will not be cured unless I make some efforts myself". It was. He is a teacher who is willing to tell the patient about such things even though he goes to the hospital because the effort is difficult and he is worried because he cannot do it well. Also, he didn't seem to make a note of what he told which patient about his behavioral advice, and he told the same story over and over again. It may be good for people who have a biased or solidified cognition, or who want to hear the story, but it is not recommended for people who want to cure their illness seriously. The advantage is that you can get a medical examination if you wait (several hours) without making a reservation, and it is convenient to make an online reservation.
Izumi Yuko on Google

悪い先生ではないのだと思います。しかし、先生のアドバイスには納得できない点があります。先生自身が落ち込んだ時には、手足を天井に向けて「幸せだ」と大きな声で言えばネガティブな気持ちは晴れるそうです。「これをやって、ネガティブな気持ちになりますか?なりませんよね?」と聞かれれば「そうですね」としか言いようがなかったです。さらにそれを診察室で一緒にやるように促されました。全くやりたくもないし、嫌な気持ちになりました。そういったアドバイスが有効な患者さんもいるのかもしれません。しかし、鬱でベッドから起き上がることもできないような患者さんに実践することは難しいのではないでしょうか。 先生の専門があるとは思いますが、患者さん一人一人にあった診察をしてほしいです。そうでなければ、自分の専門に特化したクリニックであることをWeb上で明記しておいていただきたいです。
I don't think he's a bad teacher. However, there is something I don't understand about the teacher's advice. When the teacher himself is depressed, he says that his negative feelings will clear up if he turns his limbs toward the ceiling and says "I'm happy" in a loud voice. When asked, "Do you feel negative about doing this? Isn't it?", I could only say "Yes." I was also encouraged to do it together in the doctor's office. I didn't want to do it at all, and I felt uncomfortable. There may be some patients for whom such advice is effective. However, it may be difficult to practice for patients who are depressed and unable to get out of bed. I think that the teacher has a specialty, but I would like you to have a medical examination that suits each patient. If not, please specify on the Web that it is a clinic that specializes in your specialty.
小兎 on Google

精神科・心療内科を複数行きましたが、最もいい先生だと私は思っています。 経緯とどれだけ辛いか伝えても甘えだという先生もいる中、こちらの先生は全てを受け入れてくれます。 否定はせず、こちらの要望や相談(薬を強いものにしたいが副作用が少ないものが良いなど)を受け入れて答えてくれます。 他の方の口コミでもあった少し変わった思想をお持ちではありますが、とても真摯に診察をしてくれます。オススメのクリニックです。
I went to several psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine departments, but I think he is the best teacher. Some teachers say that it's not easy to tell them how painful it is, but this teacher accepts everything. We will not deny it, but will accept and answer your requests and consultations (such as wanting to make the drug stronger but have fewer side effects). Although he has a slightly different idea that was also the word of mouth of other people, he will give a very serious examination. This is a recommended clinic.
のら on Google

予約日の前日22時30分に 「従業員がコロナに感染したため休診します。」と電話が来ました。 HPをみたところ2週間も前から休診していたそうで、それならもっと早く連絡できるだろうと思いました。 急に薬がなくなり体調が悪く、患者のことは全く配慮してない先生なのだなと感じました。 二度と行きませんし、おすすめしません。
At 22:30 the day before the reservation date "I will be closed because my employee has been infected with corona," I received a call. When I looked at the website, I heard that I had been closed for two weeks, so I thought I would be able to contact you sooner. Suddenly I ran out of medicine and felt sick, and I felt that he was a teacher who didn't care about the patient at all. I won't go there again and I don't recommend it.
とんとん on Google

Thanks to the teacher and counselor here, I was able to put a period on my eating disorder that had been going on for 15 years. I hit the clinic gate with the feeling that I couldn't get up from the bed anymore and grabbed the straw. He encouraged me that if the teacher went seriously, he would be cured, and while receiving counseling, my eating disorder was cured. I'm an office worker, so I was reluctant to take medicine, so this clinic really suits me! I changed clinics in many places, but I met my teacher and changed my life. I really appreciate it.
ドル on Google

2021/08/28現在スタッフにコロナ患者が出たということで閉めていて、再開も不明です。今はHPに書いてありますが閉めてすぐのときには書いてなくて行ってみたら閉まっていてすごく困りました。他の患者さんもどうしているのだか…予約無しでみてもらえるので重宝していましたが、これではちょっと…無責任すぎますね 2021/12/27 言うがままに薬を出してくれる「便利な病院だ」としか思っておりません。これをメインの病院にするのは間違いだと思ったほうがいいでしょう。院内処方をしてもらえるのは良いですね。ただ、この病院で診断書を書いてもらおうとは思えないですね
2021/08/28 As of 08/28, it is closed because a corona patient has appeared in the staff, and it is unknown whether it will resume. It's written on the HP now, but it wasn't written right after it was closed, and when I went there, it was closed and I was in great trouble. I wonder what the other patients are doing ... It was useful because they could be seen without a reservation, but this is a little ... too irresponsible. 2021/12/27 I only think that it is a "convenient hospital" that will give you medicine as you say. You should think that it is a mistake to make this the main hospital. It's good to have an in-hospital prescription. However, I don't think I'd like you to write a medical certificate at this hospital.

悪い先生ではないと思います。どとらかと言うと口ベタな先生ですが高圧的なところがなく、カウンセリングとの両立でバランスをとっているクリニックです。突然のコロナによる長期休診で、お薬をどうしようかとパニックになられた方、生きるか死ぬかのくらいの状況下の方もたくさんいらっしゃると思います。これは深刻な問題です。長期休診による患者さんへの対応は納得行かないところもありますが、それだけクリニック内では混乱しているのだと思います。 1日も早い診療の再開を願っています。待っています。よろしくお願いいたします。
I don't think it's a bad teacher. It's a clever teacher, but it's a clinic that has no high pressure and is well-balanced with counseling. I think that there are many people who are panicked about what to do with their medicine due to a sudden long-term leave of absence due to corona, and who are in a situation where they live or die. This is a serious problem. There are some places where I am not satisfied with how to deal with patients due to long-term leave, but I think that is the amount of confusion within the clinic. I hope that medical treatment will resume as soon as possible. I'll be waiting. Thank you.
こうほり on Google

特にADHDで受診したい方には絶対におすすめしません! わたしは何ヶ月か通いましたが2度と受診することはないでしょう。 1.数年来ADHDと思われる苦しみがあり受診。 2.こちらでの診断は異常なしとのこと。 3.しかし依然としてADHDと思われる症状で苦しんでいたため再度相談。すると診療とは別でカウンセリングをすすめられる(1回数千円)。半信半疑で何回か通ったが、高いお金を払ったのに全く改善なし。単に話を聞いてもらっただけ。本当に金の無駄だった。 4.苦しみは依然として続いていたので、病院を変えるのは勇気が必要だったが(精神科はどこも予約がなかなか取りづらいのです)、さすがにこのままではまずいと思い、思い切って別の病院でセカンドオピニオンを受診。 結果はやはり当初より疑っていた通り、ADHDだった(しかも等級1級)。 無事に手帳も交付されて、そのセカンドオピニオンを受けた病院で治療をつづけています。 他の病気に対する診療はどうかわかりませんが少なくともADHDと思われる症状で苦しんでいる方にこの病院は全くおすすめしません! あの時、もし勇気が出せずにズルズルと通っていたらと思うと恐ろしすぎますね。 人柄的に悪い人ではないと思うが、ADHDは診たことがない(もしくは経験が乏しい)先生なのでしょう。 もしADHDの方で受診を考えているのなら全力で強く止めておきます。
Especially for those who want to see ADHD, I definitely don't recommend it! I've been there for a few months and will never see it again. 1. I have been suffering from ADHD for several years and have been examined. 2. The diagnosis here is normal. 3. However, I was still suffering from symptoms that seemed to be ADHD, so I consulted again. Then, counseling is recommended separately from medical treatment (thousand yen each time). I went there several times with half-belief, but there was no improvement even though I paid a lot of money. I just had them listen to me. It was really a waste of money. 4. Suffering was still going on, so it took courage to change hospitals (it's hard to make reservations for any psychiatric department), but I thought it would be bad as it is, so I took the plunge and went to another hospital. Visit an opinion. The result was ADHD (and grade 1), as I had doubted from the beginning. A notebook was also issued safely, and I continue to receive treatment at the hospital that received the second opinion. I don't know what to do with other illnesses, but at least I wouldn't recommend this hospital to anyone suffering from what appears to be ADHD! At that time, it would be too scary to think that I would go through slurping without courage. I don't think he's a bad person, but ADHD is probably a teacher who hasn't seen (or has little experience). If you have ADHD and are thinking of going to see a doctor, I will do my best to stop it.

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