Ibataganka Clinic - Narashino

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ibataganka Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-23-9 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 275-0016
Webサイト : http://park22.wakwak.com/~ibataganka/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9–11:30AM
Tuesday 9–11:30AM
Wednesday 9–11:30AM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9–11:30AM

3 Chome-23-9 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
けやきあやめ on Google

口コミを見てから初めて行ってみましたが、本当に丁寧で優しい口調で説明してくださりました。先生以外の方も穏やかで、居心地の良い病院だと思いました。 駐車場はヨーカドーの立体に駐車して、受け付けで伝えると2時間無料になります。 また何かあれば受診したいと思います。
I went there for the first time after seeing the word of mouth, but he explained in a really polite and gentle tone. People other than the teacher were calm and I thought it was a cozy hospital. The parking lot will be free for 2 hours if you park in the three-dimensional Yokado and tell at the reception. I would like to see if there is anything else.
- yu- on Google

1歳3ヶ月の娘がものもらいのような物が 出来て、眼科を探していた所 口コミが良かったので こちらでお世話になりました。 事前に予約が必要なのか、 電話で伺った時に、 とても話し方が優しく 丁寧な対応をして頂きました。 (電話対応のこの方が、 女性の院長先生だったのかな?) 受付の方達は、 バタバタしてる印象でしたが、 診察室にいた女性の院長先生は、 喋り方が落ち着いていて 優しい印象で、こちらの質問にも めんどくさがらず、 きちんと答えて頂けて とても親切でした。 パッパと診察を終わらす先生ではなく、 丁寧な診察でした。 病院探しは、診てもらう先生によって、 当たりハズレがあり、初めて伺う所は 「大丈夫かな‥?」と心配ですが、 こちらの眼科は信頼できそうです。
A 1 year and 3 month old daughter has something like a stye I was looking for an ophthalmologist Because the word of mouth was good Thank you for your help here. Do I need to make a reservation in advance? When I called Very gentle to speak Thank you for your polite response. (This person who supports telephone is Was it a female director? ) The receptionists I had the impression that it was fluttering, The female director who was in the examination room The way of speaking is calm With a gentle impression, you can also ask this question Don't get tired Please answer properly It was very kind. Not the teacher who finishes the examination with Pappa It was a polite examination. Finding a hospital depends on the teacher who sees you. There is a hit loss, the place to visit for the first time I'm worried, "Is it okay ...?" This ophthalmologist seems to be reliable.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ on Google

2歳間近の息子の眼が気になり受診。 最近よく見る小綺麗な病院ではなく 少し不安でしたが(失礼ですみません?) とってもいい眼科でした(*^^*) 息子がぐずってしまい 騒がしくしてしまったのに 受付の方も親切で優しく 対応してくださり 先生も優しく丁寧に 診てくださいました。 先生の人柄も暖かくて これからも先生に息子を 診ていただきたいと 思いました(*^^*) 入ってないのですが 御手洗にオムツ替えシートの 表示があり小さい子を連れて 受診しやすい眼科だと思いました。 置いてある小物も かわいくて癒されました(*^^*) おすすめの眼科です✨ エレベーターもありました。
I was worried about the eyes of my son, who was about 2 years old. Not a beautiful hospital that I often see these days I was a little worried (sorry for being rude ?) It was a very good ophthalmology (* ^^ *) My son is sick I made it noisy The receptionist is also kind and kind Please respond The teacher is also kind and polite I had a medical examination. The teacher's personality is also warm I will continue to give my son a teacher I want you to see me I thought (* ^^ *) I don't have it Diaper changing sheet for Mitarai There is a sign and take a small child I thought it was an ophthalmology that was easy to see. Also the small items that are placed It was cute and healed (* ^^ *) Recommended ophthalmology ✨ There was also an elevator.
apasan88 on Google

小さなクリニックビル。 いばた眼科さんに、女性ドクターで大人から子供まで、丁寧に診察していただきました。 私は、眼科はご縁がなかったのですが、朝おきたら目が太い線で充血していて家族に驚かれ、しぶしぶ?受診。眼科デビューはこちらでした。 初めて”あの気球”を見ることが出来て感激!?結果問題なし。 受付~待合がわりとコンパクトなため、混みあうとちょっと窮屈かも。 子供の眼鏡へのアドバイスも、分かりやすくご教授いただき、診断書も書いていただきました。 オートレフ・ケラトメーターのある部屋には、おや、こんなところで・・?小笠原諸島でZiZiが描いたクジラのタペストリーが~ 車で行く際の駐車場は、ヨーカドーの立体駐車場です。 受付で、2時間分押していただけます。 建物の前には、自転車整理係りの方を配置され、配慮が伺えます。 処方箋薬も、近くで頂くことが出来ます。
A small clinic building. Ibata Ophthalmologist carefully examined all adults and children as a female doctor. I had no connection with ophthalmology, but when I woke up in the morning, my eyes were engorged with thick lines and my family was surprised and reluctantly? Consultation. The ophthalmology debut was here. I was thrilled to see "that balloon" for the first time! ?? There is no problem with the result. The reception-waiting area is rather compact, so it may be a bit cramped when it gets crowded. He also gave me advice on children's eyeglasses in an easy-to-understand manner and wrote a medical certificate. In a room with an autoref keratometer, oh, in a place like this ...? A whale tapestry drawn by ZiZi in the Ogasawara Islands ~ The parking lot when going by car is the multi-storey car park of Yokado. You can press for 2 hours at the reception. In front of the building, a bicycle organizer is assigned to ask for consideration. Prescription drugs can also be obtained nearby.
u m on Google

みなさん親切です。先生、優しいです。 でも、少し会計処理を待ちます。 でも、そんなの気にしないほど、皆さん親切です。 実籾にある眼科にいったら、めちゃめちゃ混んでいて、何時間も待ったあげく、たいして診もせず診断をくだされました。 不審に思い、いばた眼科へ。全く違う診断をくだしました。もちろん、いばた眼科で出された薬はすぐに効いたので、診断も間違いないと思います!
Everyone is kind. The teacher is kind. But wait a bit for accounting. But everyone is kind enough not to worry about that. When I went to an ophthalmologist on the actual paddy field, it was so crowded that I waited for hours and made a diagnosis without much diagnosis. I thought it was suspicious and went to Ibata Ophthalmology. I made a completely different diagnosis. Of course, the medicine given in Ibata Ophthalmology worked immediately, so I think the diagnosis is correct!
巌井幡 on Google

The reason why there were many temporary closures was due to the unhappiness of my family. Family misery is a sudden event, so I can't write it on the website in advance.
さかいみゆき on Google

子供のまぶたにできものができ、半年治らなかったため、受診しました。 診察室を入ると顔を近づ気で見るわけでも検査をするわけでもなく、2.〜3メートル離れたところからちらっと見て、点眼薬と飲み薬を処方するので使うように言われました。(近づいてよく見てもらえなかったのはコロナ渦のせいなのかもしれませんが) 事前に調べて霰粒腫かと思っていたのですが、病名はおろか、病気の説明もなかったので不安になり、「これは何でしょうか?霰粒腫でしょうか?」と聞くと、そうかもしれないし、麦粒腫かもしれないとのお答え。とくに詳しい説明もなくガッカリしました。 診察は1分に満たないくらいでアッサリと終わりました。 結局他でもう一度受診し、霰粒腫の説明を受けました。 今は自然に治ったのでいいのですが、もう少し患者の気持ちに寄り添っていただきたいと思いました。
I had a boil on my child's eyelids and it didn't heal for half a year, so I went to see him. When I entered the doctor's office, I was told to use it because I wouldn't look at my face up close or inspect it, but glance at it from a distance of a few meters and prescribe eye drops and swallows. .. (Maybe it's because of the corona vortex that I couldn't get close to it.) I looked it up in advance and thought it was a chalazion, but I was worried because there was no explanation for the disease, let alone the name of the disease, and when I asked, "What is this? Is it a chalazion?" , The answer that it may be a chalazion. I was disappointed without any detailed explanation. The examination was completed in less than a minute. After all, I visited another place and was explained about chalazion. It's okay because it has healed naturally now, but I want you to be a little closer to the patient's feelings.
[祈祷師]Rasputin on Google

I was diagnosed with allergic conjunctivitis at another hospital and used the prescribed eye drops, but it didn't go away. When I saw the word-of-mouth communication, I found out that it was a stye when I visited an ophthalmologist. After using the eye drops and eye ointments prescribed at this hospital, my eyes have become much easier. I'm glad that the medical examination and reception were polite.

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