Yasaka Shrine - Narashino

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yasaka Shrine

1 Chome-4-13 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
まさ・なち on Google

大井博登 on Google

花島明人 on Google

It is a small shrine. An ordinary festival will be held on Sunday (July 21) this time. As it is next to the flat parking lot of Yokado, how is it while shopping!
乙名丹次郎 on Google

5 minutes walk from Tsudanuma Station North Exit towards Chiba. Founded in the 40th year of the Meiji era, it cannot be said that the history is old, but the locals keep the precincts clean and feel good.
佐藤カスミ on Google

駅も大きな駐車場もとっても近い場所柄、ゴミの一つくらいありそう…なのに今まで汚れてるの見たこと無い! きっと参拝する人も綺麗にしているからなのかな。 まだ若い樹木が大きくなる頃には、神社の雰囲気も変わると思います。
The station is also very close to the large parking lot, and there seems to be about one piece of garbage ... but I've never seen it dirty! Maybe it's because the people who worship are also beautiful. By the time the young trees grow, the atmosphere of the shrine will change.
芸術館タワーm市 on Google

よく整備されている八坂様。 境内は狭いながらも、催し事もやっているそうです。
Mr. Yasaka who is well maintained. Although the precincts are small, it seems that they also hold events.
山川海 on Google

元々は笠間稲荷神社として1907年に創建されました。1924年に京都の八坂神社の分霊が合祀され名称が八坂神社と変更になります。 以前はパルコB館の場所にありましたが、1975年に現在の場所に移籍されました。
It was originally built in 1907 as Kasama Inari Shrine. In 1924, the spirit of Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto was enshrined and the name was changed to Yasaka Shrine. It used to be in the Parco B building, but was transferred to its current location in 1975.
カネザキyasuhiro on Google

JR津田沼駅から徒歩 6分、新京成津田沼駅からは徒歩2分程の距離に鎮座。 イトーヨーカドーの傍です。 昨日の降雪で境内に残雪が見られました。 祭神はスサノオノミコト、 由来書によれば 明治40年(1907年)に津田沼駅北口の前原地区に笠間稲荷神社を奉斎したのが始まりとされているそうで、大正13年(1924年)に地元の人が京都八坂神社の分社としてスサノオノミコトを奉斎し八坂神社を建立、以来同所に二社が祀られた とのこと。 2022年2月11日、建国記念日。
A 6-minute walk from JR Tsudanuma Station and a 2-minute walk from Shinkyosei Tsudanuma Station. It is near Ito-Yokado. Due to the snowfall yesterday, the remaining snow was seen in the precincts. The deity is Susano Onomikoto, According to the origin book It is said that Kasama Inari Shrine was enshrined in the Maehara district at the north exit of Tsudanuma Station in 1907, and locals started as a branch of Kyoto Yasaka Shrine in 1924. Yasaka Shrine was built by enshrining Susano Onomikoto, and since then two companies have been enshrined there. And that. February 11, 2022, National Foundation Day.

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