Ibarakiken Shichoson Hall - Mito

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ibarakiken Shichoson Hall

住所 :

茨城県市町村会館 978-26 Kasaharacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0852, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 310-0852
Webサイト : http://www.shichouson-ib.or.jp/sougou/03_kaikan/kaikan.htm

茨城県市町村会館 978-26 Kasaharacho, Mito, Ibaraki 310-0852, Japan
Shigeomi SHIBATA on Google

A building with a good atmosphere due to its spacious colonnade and lighting from all glass. However, in terms of functionality, it lacks power and wireless LAN in the conference room, and lacks voting and voting buttons and connection terminals for simultaneous interpretation, making it inferior to facilities with the latest equipment. I feel that if this point is repaired, it will be more useful.
koji on Google

立派過ぎ。 駐車場無料、高評価?
Too good. Free parking, highly rated ?
関田英雄 on Google

食品衛生責任者養成講習会を受講しました。 この建物は、茨城県市町村の研修会場として利用されている施設です。
I attended a training course for food hygiene managers. This building is a facility used as a training venue for municipalities in Ibaraki Prefecture.
佐藤正幸 on Google

Great office. I also want to work in such a wonderful environment.
太田典男 on Google

There is Keitoyama restaurant of Mito Keisei Hotel. Lunch is 840 yen daily and you can enjoy authentic Sichuan cuisine.
西権助 on Google

これ…ふだん何に使ってる建物なんすかね~ ちょう立派ですが盛んに利用されてる感じはないです バブリーな行政のハコモノ建築って感じっす なんでこんなに吹き抜けでガラス張りなん…めっちゃ暑いわ寒いわでエアコン欠かせないっしょ 地震のとき危ないし こんな広い体積で吹き抜け作るなら、圧縮して1フロア以上削れたのでは? まるで意味がわからん施設…
This ... what do you usually use for buildings? It ’s pretty good, but it ’s not actively used. It feels like a lovely administrative building Why is it so hot and glassed? It ’s so hot, it ’s cold, and air conditioning is indispensable. Dangerous in the event of an earthquake If you make a blow-out with such a large volume, did you compress and cut one or more floors? A facility whose meaning is completely unknown ...
細谷三男 on Google

3月29日の投稿 今日は 市町村会館付近の桜の開花状況の写真を投稿します 木蓮や椿 などいろ 色な 花が満開で大変綺麗な場所です 桜はまだ満開にはなっていませんが 木によっては 花が たくさんついているものも見当たりますので今の時期でも大変綺麗なものが見ることができます 今日のワンちゃんですが久しぶりに 柴犬のマロンちゃん 14歳に 会いました 大変大人しい女の子でポーズもきちっと決めて 最後に お手のポーズをしてくれましたす
Posted on March 29 Today, I will post a photo of the flowering situation of the cherry blossoms near the Municipal Hall. It is a very beautiful place with various flowers such as tree lotus and camellia in full bloom. You can see a lot of flowers on it, so you can see very beautiful ones even at this time of year. Today's dog, Maron, a Shiba Inu, met 14 years old. She is a very quiet girl and poses properly. He decided and made a pose for his hand at the end.
中川厚子 on Google

I love lunch at Keizan

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