Iams - Ibi District

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iams

住所 :

228 Funago, Ikeda, Ibi District, Gifu 503-2409, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87889
Postal code : 503-2409
Webサイト : https://www.aims-life.com/

228 Funago, Ikeda, Ibi District, Gifu 503-2409, Japan
野原匡人 on Google

娘夫婦との同居を機に、風呂、トイレ、キッチン周りをリフォームすることにしました。 施工は、以前、お世話になったアイムズさんに最初から決めていましたが、大雑把な依頼に対して、今回も的確なアドバイスをいただき、また、和室の建具やアコーディオンカーテンまで細々とした注文にも丁寧に対応いただいて、とても感謝です。もちろん、職人さんの仕事ぶり、仕上がり具合も大満足でした。 次の機会にも、また、よろしくお願いします!
Taking the opportunity to live with my daughter and her husband, I decided to remodel the bath, toilet, and kitchen area. The construction was decided from the beginning by Mr. Imes, who was indebted to me before, but I received accurate advice this time as well for rough requests, and also made small orders for Japanese-style fittings and accordion curtains. Thank you very much for your polite response. Of course, I was very satisfied with the work and finish of the craftsmen. I look forward to working with you again at the next opportunity!
百々節子 on Google

The construction work made it beautiful and comfortable. It was a good job and full of great deals! It was good on time. If you have any remodeling, please!
杉浦禎泰 on Google

初めて外壁塗装を行いました。他にも何社か見積もりをお願いしていましたが、見積もりの段階から丁寧な説明と細やかな対応でした。職人の方も、とても丁寧に作業して下さり仕上がりに満足しています。また、急なお願いにも快く引き受けて下さいました。 ありがとうございました。 またリフォームを行う際にはお願いしたいと思っています。
I painted the outer wall for the first time. I asked for quotations from several other companies, but from the estimation stage, I received a polite explanation and detailed support. The craftsmen also work very carefully and are satisfied with the finish. Also, he was willing to accept any urgent requests. Thank you very much. Also, I would like to ask you when you do the remodeling.
岡野みどり on Google

The interior work made the room brighter and it made me feel very comfortable! I'm glad that the people who came were able to explain in an easy-to-understand manner. I am thinking about the next construction, so thank you!
るるkk on Google

外壁塗装をお願いしましたが、説明から親切丁寧な対応でした。 施工も職人さんが、丁寧な作業をしてくださったので、とても満足しています。
I asked for the exterior wall to be painted, but it was a kind and polite response from the explanation. I am very satisfied with the construction work because the craftsmen did the work carefully.
加藤洋子 on Google

今回は工事をして高品質でお得感があり満足でした! 職人さんも時間通り来てくださいまして、前日も確認してくださいまして、安心して任せれました! 仕上がりもこまかな所など丁寧に施工してくれました! 今後もリフォームのことで何かあれば宜しくあねがいします。
This time, I was satisfied with the high quality and profitable feeling of the construction work! The craftsmen also came on time, and I checked the day before, so I was relieved! The finish was carefully constructed, including the fine details! I would appreciate your favor if there is anything about remodeling in the future.
まりちゃん on Google

We asked for exterior wall construction and waterproofing of the balcony. I decided on Iams because it was the best value among the estimates of several companies, and above all, the president's prior explanation was polite. Also, I said that I couldn't do the work that was not included in the contract, but I felt comfortable doing it. All the craftsmen also worked carefully. it's recommended.
SeaWind Breeze on Google

価格交渉に応じて頂き、お値打ちな金額だったにもかかわらず、現場の実際の劣化具合に合わせて、三度塗りだった予定を金額そのままで四度に変更して頂きました。 社長の人柄ふくめ、誠実で良心的な会社だと思います。
We asked them to negotiate the price, and despite the fact that the price was reasonable, we asked them to change the schedule, which had been applied three times, to four times with the same price, according to the actual deterioration of the site. I think it is a sincere and conscientious company, including the personality of the president.

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