Hyogo Technical High School - Kobe

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hyogo Technical High School

住所 :

2 Chome-1-63 Wadamiyadori, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0863, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 652-0863
Webサイト : https://dmzcms.hyogo-c.ed.jp/hyogo-ths/NC3/

2 Chome-1-63 Wadamiyadori, Hyogo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 652-0863, Japan
しなちく on Google

理不尽 の言葉が1番似合う所ですね。 厳しくて週に何回も廊下に怒号が響いたり、先生方の理不尽に耐えられる人は大丈夫...だと思います。 正直、門の前で煙草を吸うの本当にやめていただきたいです。 お金も取られます、自分は取られました。...本当に気をつけてください。先生の管理も薄々で辛いです。普通科の先生は面白いです!まともな先生です。体育以外は。体育は本当に酷いです。足にアザが出来るほど叩かされます。 専門科の先生も一言で言うと酷いです。常識人でちゃんとしている人はせいぜいひと握りです。
It's where irrational words look best. I think it's okay for people who are harsh and angry in the corridor many times a week, or who can bear the teacher's absurdity. To be honest, I really want you to stop smoking in front of the gate. Money is taken, I was taken. ...Please be careful. The teacher's management is thin and painful. Ordinary teachers are interesting! They are decent teachers. Except for physical education. Physical education is really bad. You are hit enough to get a bruise on your foot. In a word, even a teacher in a specialty department is terrible. Only a handful of common sense people are good enough.
由佳子(アクア) on Google

真面目な子供は辞めた方が良い 腐ってるのではなく何事も垢抜けた学校 真面目で引き籠もりがちな子供は無理 でも流石県立 二十歳を過ぎて再就職をする時には大手には 受かりやすい 他の工業高校では受からない就職先を手に入れられる 面倒くさいことも多いけど行かせて良かったとは思います 子供の学年ではイジメは全く無く 担任の結婚の時には少しづつお金を集めて花をプレゼントしてました 子供曰く「行くに値しないとは思わない。 いい事も沢山ある」と卒業してから呟いてますので
Serious children should quit A school where everything is clean, not rotten It is impossible for children who are serious and tend to stay in a cage But Ryuishi Prefectural When you get a new job after the age of 20, Easy to accept You can get a job that you can't get at other technical high schools It's often a hassle, but I'm glad I let you go There is no bullying in the child's grade When my homeroom teacher got married, I collected money little by little and gave flowers as gifts. The child says, "I don't think it's worth the trip. There are many good things, "he muttered after graduating.
春を愛する人 on Google

下でそんな感想書かない方がいい、私たちみたいに良い学校だと思っている生徒に可哀想などと書き込んでいる方もいますが、ここは正直に感想を述べて良い所でしょう、書かれたくなければはじめから書かれないような教育をしなければいい。 それから、 とても良い先生ももちろんいますが、基本がっつり体罰!!みたいな先生の方が多いです。授業中寝てたら出席簿の角で殴る。 挨拶声が小さかったら怒られる、全校集会5分前に体育館到着→5分前じゃ遅いやろ!!(5分前到着心がけようと日々言われているのに従った結果。)などなど、就職率はとても高いのでそれを差し引いても行かない方が良かった。と僕は思います。
It's better not to write such impressions below, and there are those who write sorrow etc. to students who think that it is a good school like us, but this is a good place to say honestly, I want to be written If you don't have an education that won't be written in the beginning, And of course there are some very good teachers, but there are many teachers who have basic corporal punishment !! Speak at the corner of the attendance book when sleeping in class. Employment rate, such as getting angry if the greeting voice is small, arriving at the gymnasium 5 minutes before the school meeting → 5 minutes before it is too late !! Was so expensive that it was better not to go even if it was subtracted. I think.
2進数 on Google

★0.5レベルですね 体育教師がなんらかと理由をつけて怒ってきます 友達で体育がある日に休んでる人がいるので可愛そうです。 1年の最初の集団行動では汗拭いていいよと言われるまで拭いてはいけません、言われてないのに動くとすごくキレられます。 はっきり言ってここまで厳しくする意味が謎すぎるwwwwwww  あと、入学を考えてる人は少し他の学校も考えた方がいいと思います メンタル強めじゃないと似合わない学校です
★ It's 0.5 level. The PE teacher gets angry for some reason. It looks cute because some of my friends are taking a rest on the day of PE. In the first group action of the year, don't wipe until you're told you can wipe your sweat, and if you move without being told, you'll be very sharp. To be clear, the meaning of making it so strict is too mysterious wwwwwww Also, if you are thinking of enrolling, I think you should consider other schools a little. It is a school that does not suit you unless you are mentally strong.
y_ k_ on Google

この学校はいじめを黙認します。 この学校は先生間でもいじめがあります。 3年間この学校に通い、深い闇を見ました。 正直、星1すらつけたくない。 先生はいじめている生徒に優しく、いじめられている生徒に厳しいです。 体育教師は理不尽に怒り、怒鳴り散らし、みんなの前で暴言や体罰も普通にします。 学科ごとの先生もしっかりと教えてくれません。テストの点以外の単位は先生の好みで点をつけます。 ここでは、上記の事が長年当たり前のように行われています。 これから受験生になる人たちに言いたいです。 この学校を選ぶなと。
This school tolerates bullying. This school also has bullying among teachers. I went to this school for three years and saw deep darkness. To be honest, I don't even want to get one star. The teacher is kind to the students who are being bullied and strict to the students who are being bullied. Physical education teachers are unreasonably angry, yelling, and ranting and corporal punishment in front of everyone. The teachers in each department do not teach me well. Units other than the test points will be scored according to the teacher's preference. Here, the above things have been taken for granted for many years. I would like to tell the people who will be taking the exam. Don't choose this school.
ぴにゃこらさん太郎- on Google

ここの卒業生ですが、体育は集団行動として1時間ずっと歩調を合わせて歩きっぱなし。軍に近いと言えば分かりやすいかと。 制服を初めて受け取りに行ったのがこの学校における初めての行事みたいなものでしたが、教師から行動が遅いといかにも出来る前提で高圧的に言われました。初めてやる事なんだから無理に決まってる。 あと、全校集会でわざわざ呼び出しておきながら教頭(なのか?)的な人物が「お前らには無理!」って何度も大声で言ってたのも今考えると洗脳っぽく感じられました。 学科は情報技術科の所属でしたが、習う内容も就職して即戦力として役に立てるレベルではなく、基礎基本程度。今はどうか知りませんが、当時はC言語がメインでVisualBasicとphp、htmlをちょっと触るくらい。今の時代ならPythonとかやって欲しいなとも思います。 このためだけに行くにはリスクが高いと考えられます。ここに行くくらいなら普通科の高校で十分かと思います。
Although I am a graduate here, physical education is a group action and I keep walking in step with the pace for an hour. Is it easy to say that it is close to the military? The first time I went to pick up my uniform was like the first event at this school, but the teacher told me that I could do it slowly on the premise that I could do it. It's my first time doing it, so it's decided by force. Also, when I think about it now, I felt like brainwashing when I thought about the fact that the vice-principal (Is it?) Person said "I can't do it for you!" Many times while calling out at all school meetings. The department belonged to the Department of Information Technology, but the content to be learned is not at the level of getting a job and being useful as an immediate force, but about the basics. I don't know about it now, but at that time, C language was the main language, and I just touched Visual Basic, php, and html. I also want you to do something like Python in this era. It is considered risky to go just for this. I think that a high school for regular courses is enough to go here.
やざわえいきち on Google

通勤で地下鉄を利用しますが、兵庫県立工業高校の野球部が多人数で電車の座席に座っており、お年寄りが座れずに立っておるのに知らん顔です。電車に乗っている他の人達は呆れています。1度学校に 連絡したが改善せず。生徒だけで はなく教師への指導も必要な学校です。
I use the subway for commuting, but I don't know that the baseball club of Hyogo Prefectural Technical High School is sitting in the train seats with a large number of people, and the elderly are standing without being able to sit. Others on the train are amazed. Once in school I contacted but did not improve. Only students It is a school that requires guidance from teachers.
田中正蔵 on Google

卒業した身です。進路を決める大事な時かもしれませんので、少しでも参考になれば良いなと思います。行って良いことを最初に述べます。まず、就職率はそこそこいいです。あと、校内はそこそこ綺麗です。まぁあとは工業の基礎を学べると言ったところですね。逆に悪い所を述べますと、かなり厳しいです(学校の校則と就職競争)。全ての学科がそうかは分かりませんが、レポート(先生が持ってきた紙を書き写して出すだけ)がほとんどです。寝る時間なくて人生投げ出したくなります。あと、体育教官がヤバいです。一般的な常識は通用しないです。本当にヤバいです。例えば、体育教官が話をしている時に少しでも動くと授業が終わった後に呼び出されます。ですが、選択科目で良い先生にあったらそこそこ楽しく授業を受けることができます。校則は意味不明なやつもあります。髪の毛は眉毛と耳にかかったらダメ。どこの昭和の学校かと思うかもしれませんが本当にあります。眉毛は整えるのも禁止。次に校内での携帯禁止。もし触ったら頭がおかしくなるくらい怒鳴られます。学校生活についても書いておきます。生徒指導部曰く、イジメを許さない的なことを仰られてますがまぁ普通にあります。ですが、生徒指導部の皆さんはあまりイジメに対してあまり関心が無く、ほぼ黙認されている状態です。人前に立って話しずらい方や、コミュニケーションをとるのが苦手な方はこの学校は向いてないです。(ちなみにそういった子に親身になって聞いてくれる先生なんで1人もいません。)最後になりますが、この情報だけを頼りに学校を決めないでください。自分で調べて考えてください。合う合わないは個人の能力次第だと思います。1つ言えるのは学力からしゃあなしでここを選ぶと間違いなく病みます。かなりキツいです。僕は科技高に行けば良かったなぁと思っていますが、入ってからでは学校を変えるのはしんどいと思います。なので、受験生の方は後悔のないように勉学に励んで欲しいです。大人になって、生きていく術を学ぶのであればほかの学校の方が良いです。長文失礼しましたm(*_ _)m
I am a graduate. It may be an important time to decide your course, so I hope it will be helpful as much as possible. First, let me tell you what you can do. First of all, the employment rate is reasonably good. Also, the school is pretty clean. Well, I just said that you can learn the basics of industry. On the contrary, the bad thing is that it is quite tough (school rules and employment competition). I don't know if this is the case for all departments, but most of them are reports (just a copy of the paper brought by the teacher). I don't have time to sleep and I want to throw my life away. Also, the PE instructor is dangerous. Common sense doesn't work. It's really dangerous. For example, if the PE instructor moves even a little while talking, it will be called after the lesson. However, if you have a good teacher in the elective course, you can enjoy the lessons so much. Some school rules don't make sense. Don't put your hair on your eyebrows and ears. You may wonder where the Showano school is, but it really is. It is also forbidden to trim the eyebrows. Next, mobile phones are prohibited in the school. If you touch it, you will be yelled at so much that you will be crazy. I will also write about school life. According to the Student Guidance Department, it is said that bullying is not allowed, but it is normal. However, the members of the Student Guidance Department are not very interested in bullying and are almost tolerated. This school is not suitable for those who have difficulty talking in public or who are not good at communicating. (By the way, there is no teacher who listens to such a child in a friendly manner.) Last but not least, do not rely on this information alone to decide on a school. Please look it up and think for yourself. I think it depends on the individual's ability to not fit. One thing I can say is that if you choose this place without any academic ability, you will definitely get sick. It's pretty tough. I wish I had gone to a technical high school, but I think it would be difficult to change schools after I entered. Therefore, I would like the examinees to study hard so that they will not regret it. If you want to grow up and learn how to live, other schools are better. Excuse me for the long sentence m (* _ _) m

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