Hotto Motto - Aomori

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hotto Motto

住所 :

1 Chome-17-4-1 Minatomachi, Aomori, 030-0901, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 030-0901
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM

1 Chome-17-4-1 Minatomachi, Aomori, 030-0901, Japan
МΑya УυuИΑ on Google

I made a reservation online and went to get it, but the fried food was not crisp. It seemed like I had already put out the finished products that were lined up in the store. I didn't even have chopsticks in it.
Rino Sugita on Google

割りといつも空いているので、待ち時間あまりなくて済みます☺ 電話注文もしているし、配達もしているので会社とか団体の方にもおすすめ! (配達地域は要確認) 野菜とお米にこだわっているので健康的です! メニューが多いのでほか弁に飽きた方にも良いかも?
It's always free, so you don't have to wait too much We also make phone orders and deliver, so we recommend it for companies and organizations! (Please confirm delivery area) We are healthy because we are particular about vegetables and rice! Because there are many menus, it may be good for those who get tired of the valve
小林みゆき on Google

Did the taste drop? ?? ?? It was delicious before so I stopped by! However, the fried chicken was not good either ?
日本年金機構 on Google

There is a parking lot, but it takes some time to deliver the lunch box.
kumax aomori on Google

2020/05/07 6分待ちに短縮。少しはマシになったのかな? 応対も良くなったし。 ダメ店員もいない模様。 <2019/10/11> 20時20分 以後気をつけますってさ、何度もいう謝罪じゃないよなぁ。 いったいこの店は以後も何度も気をつけますの連続なんじゃないかな? このエリアのカスタマー担当は何かアクション起こすべきじゃないの?。 それともわざとなの?嫌がらせなの? あっ...唐揚げに味塩コショウを付け忘れているんだけど。 ほんと、この店はマイナス★5個だよなぁ。少し混むとテンパるし、駐車場が広い割に捌ける客の数が少ない。 のり弁のソースも、唐揚げ弁当の塩コショウも弁当のフタにテープで留める。これは決まり事なんじゃないの? 野菜炒めを頼んだのに生姜焼きが出てくる。しかも油の量が半端ない。店内は大きな声でおしゃべり。先客が居たとはいえ1名。注文から12分待たされる。やはりここはどうしようもない。注文を捌ききれない。復唱しない。 一緒に頼んだチキン竜田だけど、ぬれせんべい並みに硬い! これは酷いを通り越してありえない。 レジ操作不慣れ、注文するだけで5分以上。 本部の対応もダメだし、店舗のオーナーの教育もダメ。 カードから二重精算690円(のり弁+唐揚げ弁当)された。 若い女性店員の一人だけレジも完璧だけど他の人はいつも全然ダメな店舗。 冷めた唐揚げ弁当出された。 レジ待ち3名で既にテンパってる男性店員。待ってるのが苦痛なので利用を諦める。 他の店舗では普通なのに、ここは何でこんなにダメダメなんだろう。 駐車スペースは多いけど、3台なら利用。5台停まっていたらスルーが鉄則。 開店当初は唐揚げ弁当の唐揚げが、ローソンのからあげ君サイズ。 現在はまともな大きさになる。
2020/05/07 Shortened to 6 minutes. Is it a little better? The response has improved. There seems to be no useless clerk. 20:20 I'll be careful after that, I don't think it's an apology repeated. After all, this store will be careful many times after that, isn't it continuous? Shouldn't customer actions in this area take action? .. Or is it a purpose? Is it harassment? Ah ... I forgot to add the seasoned salt and pepper to the fried chicken. Actually, this store is minus five. It's tempered when it's a little crowded, and the number of customers who can handle it is small in spite of the large parking lot. Tape the noriben sauce and the salted and peppered fried bento to the bento lid. Isn't this a rule? I asked for stir-fried vegetables but ginger ginger comes out. Moreover, the amount of oil is not odd. The inside of the store talks loudly. There was one customer even though there was a customer. Wait 12 minutes after ordering. After all there is no help here. I can't handle the order. Do not repeat. I asked him for chicken Tatsuta, but it's as hard as a wet rice cracker! This can't go beyond the terrible. Unfamiliar with cash register operation, more than 5 minutes just by ordering. Headquarters can't handle it, and store owners can't be trained. A double payment of 690 yen (paste and fried chicken lunch) was made from the card. Only one young female clerk has a perfect cash register, but the rest of the shops are always useless. Cold fried chicken was served. A male clerk who is already tempered with three people waiting for cashiers. It's a pain to wait, so I give up on using it. It's normal in other stores, but why is it so bad here? There are many parking spaces, but if you have three, you can use it. If five cars are parked, the thru rule is iron. At the beginning of the store, the deep-fried fried chicken was the size of Lawson's fried chicken. Now it is a decent size.
藤澤みゆき on Google

ホットモットは味は美味しいのですがレジの方の対応に良い印象がありませんでした。 久し振りに港町店に行ったらとても感じの良い方が居て良かったです。 作り置きのお弁当が置いてあり、待たずにすぐ買えるのも忙しい時にはいいと思いました。
The hot motto tastes good, but I didn't have a good impression of the cashier's response. When I went to the Minatomachi store for the first time in a long time, it was nice to have a very nice person. I thought it would be nice to have a pre-made bento box and buy it right away without waiting when I'm busy.
川村聖史 on Google

米がべちょべちょ。 炊き方間違えた?って思った
ぽんぽこP on Google

夜10時までやってるのが嬉しい。 お弁当もおいしい。 のり弁の白身フライがサックサクで個人的に大ヒット。いままで食べてきたコンビニとか作り置き弁当のやわらか~いフライをイメージしてて、選ばず避けていたことを後悔した。似た理由でからあげも好き。 (2021年11月) 新人のおかあさん、レジ対応のときに青い手袋したままだけど、大丈夫??お金触った手袋で弁当つくりに行ったりしてないよね?っていつも思ってる。
I'm glad I'm doing it until 10 pm. The lunch box is also delicious. Nori-bento fried whitefish is a big hit personally with crispy. I regretted not choosing it because I imagined the soft fries of the convenience stores and bento boxes I had eaten so far. I also like fried chicken for similar reasons. (November 2021) New mom, I'm still wearing blue gloves when I'm at the cash register, is that okay? ?? You didn't go to make a bento with gloves that touched money, right? I always think.

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