Hotel New Daishin - Choshi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hotel New Daishin

住所 :

10292 Inubosaki, Choshi, Chiba 288-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 288-0012
Webサイト :
Description : Low-key rooms in a casual hot spring hotel offering an outdoor pool, dining & a communal bathhouse.

10292 Inubosaki, Choshi, Chiba 288-0012, Japan
おじいライダー on Google

部屋からの眺めは良いですが、古さがねぇ? でも露天風呂の泉質は肌にしっとりときます?
The view from the room is good, but it's not old ? But the quality of the open-air bath is moisturized on the skin ?
ゆうな(ゆ) on Google

元日だけ特別に屋上を開放してくれます。 なお、客室からも初日の出を見ることができるので、初日の出は見たいけど寒いのが苦手な方も大丈夫です。
The rooftop will be opened specially only on New Year's Day. You can also see the first sunrise from your room, so if you want to see the first sunrise but don't like the cold, it's okay.
八戸東あずま on Google

The building is old, but the rooms are clean and tidy. Corridors and elevators are cold. Famicom, board games, table tennis, etc. in the lobby will not get tired of children.
N N on Google

I added three stars, but I think it's close to four. It's a nostalgic hotel in the late Showa period, and I think it's good for those who like that kind of atmosphere. What was disappointing this time was the air conditioner in the room, and while I was in and out several times, I hit the timing of maintenance and stopped in the middle of the night. I'm too unlucky (laughs) Daikin's air conditioner suddenly goes into maintenance mode and stops working when the operating time exceeds a certain threshold. (Blinking green) I didn't know how to reset, so I put on my jacket and went to bed. This cannot be said to be due to the inn. It might have been okay to call the front desk and change the room, but it was midnight so I stopped.
takahiroJapan3315 on Google

お仕事でお世話になっており、旧館と新館にお泊まりしました。 お食事も流石、老舗旅館だと思いました。 板前さんが、丹念に作るお食事で、最近流行りのホテルのバイキングとは違い、一品づつ手作りされていて、美味しかったです。 全ての従業員の方々が親切丁寧に親身に対応してくださり、凄く良かったです。 お部屋も殆んどがオーシャンビューで、朝の日の出が大変気持ち良く、お部屋のカーテンから、溢れる朝日が最高に良いです。 気持ちの良い、1日のスタートが出来ます。 また、昭和の記憶が随所に残り、何処か子どもの頃に良く行った旅館の懐かしさがあり、過去の想い出に浸り、過ごす事が出来ます。 私は最近の旅館やホテルに無い、昭和時代のメモリーに触れ、色々な想いに更け、気が付いたら、幾何かの時が過ぎて居ました。 極端なリニューアルとか、必要無いと思います。 エレベーターやお手洗い等は、最近の設備に交換されているので、この懐かしいメモリーを大事にしていただきたいと思います。 他にも、夏場はプールが開いており、プールで水浴した後に温泉に浸かれる為、この犬吠埼温泉界隈では、貴重なレジャーホテルです。 温泉も心地好くて、内風呂は丁度の良い湯加減で、露天風呂も化石海水の塩化物泉で、身体の芯からホカホカに暖まります。 波の音を聴きながら、露天風呂の脇にあるベンチで海風に当たりながら、熱った身体を冷やし、またお風呂に浸かるのが、凄く気持ちよかったです。 そして、ケロリン桶も懐かしかったです。 最後に、ホテルニュー大新さんですが、1985年のNHKドラマの澪つくしでホテルが使われていて、当時の沢口靖子さんや明石家さんまさんの写真等が飾られていたりします。ドラマ当時の雰囲気が今まだ残ります。 また、近いうちにお伺いさせていただきます。 頑張って、銚子。コロナに負けないで。
I was taken care of by my work and stayed in the old building and the new building. I thought that the food was a long-established inn. Itamae-san carefully prepared the meal, and unlike the recent trend of hotel buffets, it was handmade one by one and was delicious. It was great that all the employees were kind and polite and kind. Most of the rooms have ocean views, the sunrise in the morning is very pleasant, and the morning sun overflowing from the curtains in the room is the best. You can start your day comfortably. In addition, the memories of the Showa era remain everywhere, and there is nostalgia for the inn that I used to go to when I was a child, so I can immerse myself in the memories of the past and spend time there. I touched the memory of the Showa era, which is not found in recent inns and hotels, and when I realized it, the time of geometry had passed. I don't think there is a need for an extreme renewal. Elevators and restrooms have been replaced with recent equipment, so I would like you to take good care of this nostalgic memory. In addition, the pool is open in the summer, and you can soak in the hot springs after bathing in the pool, so it is a valuable leisure hotel in this Inubosaki hot spring area. The hot springs are comfortable, the indoor baths are just right, and the open-air baths are fossil seawater chloride springs that warm you from the core of your body. While listening to the sound of the waves and hitting the sea breeze on the bench beside the open-air bath, it was very pleasant to cool my hot body and soak in the bath again. And I missed the Kerorin tub. Lastly, for Hotel New Daishin, the hotel was used in the 1985 NHK drama Miotsukushi, and photographs of Yasuko Sawaguchi and pacific saury Akashiya at that time are displayed. The atmosphere at the time of the drama still remains. In addition, I will visit you soon. Good luck, Choshi. Don't lose to Corona.
Kyosuke Haraki on Google

90年代を彷彿とさせるような、レトロなホテルでした。スタッフの方の接客も親身に対応してくれたので、塩対応なビジネスホテルよりも暖かかったです。 何より良かったのは塩辛い露天風呂。他の温泉地では経験がなかったのと、お風呂上がりの肌にも良かったですね。 ただ建物が少し古いためか、部屋のドアの閉まり方が少し怖かったものの、それゆえに過去へタイムスリップしたかのような経験ができたので、都内のビジネスホテルをのようなものを求める人には微妙かもしれません。 ですが、少し昔の旅情を味わいたい人、何より外から見える海の景色を楽しみたい人には、自信をもっておすすめできるホテルでした!
It was a retro hotel reminiscent of the 90's. The customer service of the staff was also friendly, so it was warmer than a salt-friendly business hotel. The best thing was the salty open-air bath. I had no experience in other hot spring areas, and it was good for my skin after taking a bath. I was a little scared of how the doors of the rooms closed, probably because the building was a little old, but I had the experience of slipping back in time, so for those who want something like a business hotel in Tokyo. May be subtle. However, it was a hotel that I can confidently recommend to those who want to enjoy a little old trip, and above all, those who want to enjoy the view of the sea from the outside!
sh f on Google

高台にあるオーシャンビューのホテル。雲のない日は水平線からの日の出が拝めます! 2021.12月末 この年は日本が冷え込み、いつもなら真冬でも10℃超えであろう銚子も、氷点下になりそうなくらい寒かった。しかし、そのおかげで空は澄みきり、部屋の窓からは明け方の満点の星空!尾を引く流れ星!水平線に揺れる漁船の灯り、地平線に沈む大きなオリオン座! そして、次第に明け白む空、茜さす雲、眩く輝く水平線と雲間、日の出!最高の時間を過ごすことができました。 天然温泉も、美味しいお食事も、広くてゆったりできるお部屋も満足でした!大きな金目鯛の煮付けをまた食べに行きたいです。銚子電鉄も窓から見ることができますよ。 ※冬は、銚子でも冬用の温かいパジャマや寝間着、カーディガンなどを持参することをオススメします。部屋備付の浴衣と丹前だけだと寒かった。お布団は1枚で毛布はありません。 寝るときにヒーターを付けない方は、とても冷えるかもしれないです。(普段のあたたかな冬なら問題なさそうですが…私は乾燥が苦手で、就寝時はヒーターやエアコンを付けません)
An ocean view hotel on a hill. On a cloudless day, you can worship the sunrise from the horizon! End of December 2021.1 Japan was cold this year, and Choshi, which would normally exceed 10 degrees Celsius even in the middle of winter, was cold enough to be below freezing. However, thanks to that, the sky is clear, and the starry sky at dawn is perfect from the window of the room! A shooting star with a tail! The light of a fishing boat swaying on the horizon, the big Orion that sinks on the horizon! Then, the gradually dawning white sky, the mad clouds, the dazzling horizon and clouds, and the sunrise! I had the best time. I was satisfied with the natural hot springs, delicious food, and the spacious and relaxing rooms! I want to go to eat the big boiled sea bream again. You can also see Choshi Electric Railway from the window. * In winter, we recommend that you bring warm winter pajamas, nightwear, cardigans, etc. even for Choshi. It was cold only with the yukata and Tanzen provided in the room. There is only one futon and no blanket. If you don't turn on the heater when you go to bed, it may get very cold. (It doesn't seem to be a problem in the warm winter, but ... I'm not good at drying, so I don't turn on the heater or air conditioner at bedtime.)
Mathias Elsner on Google

The best years of this place go way back to the last millennium. It spreads the charme of the early eighties and gives the experience of a time travel. The edges are kind of scruffy all over the place. However, the room was nice and spacious with a separated tatami living and sleeping area almost like a suite. The view from it wasn’t exactly ocean side but since you are a stone throw away you can see the sea from the side and definitely hear the surf. The place has a hot bath. It cost around 15000 per night for two gaijins. A bit much for my taste for being outside of season and the appearance of the place in general.

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