
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たんぽぽ食堂

住所 :

Hotchi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0113 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.tanpoposyokudo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
街 : Nagano

Hotchi, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0113 Nagano,Japan

ゆっくりした時間を過ごせました。 お腹も心も満たされた。 新しい軽井沢よ良さを発見!
I was able to spend a relaxing time. My stomach and heart were filled. Discover the new Karuizawa goodness!
tsunemasa ohara on Google

(Translated by Google) Cooking was a special course. (๑> ◡ ◡<๑) サラダ、そのドレッシングも美味! お肉も柔らかく、ソースも美味しい! パエリアも魚介類が新鮮で美味しかった! 是非、沢山の人に食べでもらいたいです。
えびんぞ on Google

美味しい料理を堪能できます。 そして猫ちゃんたちが料理が出てくるまでの間おもてなしをしてくれます。 ねこ好きな人はたまらないです。
You can enjoy delicious food. And the cats will entertain you until the food comes out. People who like cats are irresistible.
ioi 101 on Google

The high quality of each menu is Karuizawa rice that can be recommended for one person, friends, and couples. You can relax while looking at Mount Asama. As a cat lover, there are so many cat merchandise that it makes me sick. ..
R SASAZAWA on Google

It is a small Western restaurant with a cute cat. The hamburger was delicious.
on Google

店内も、窓から見える景色も綺麗。 ご夫婦のおもてなしも心地よかったです。 何より、お料理が激ウマ。 今回焼き飯とハンバーグステーキを戴きましたが、連れも大満足。 他のお料理も戴きたいので必ずまたリピします。 猫ちゃん(ジニーちゃんかな?)も可愛かった!!
The inside of the store and the view from the window are beautiful. The hospitality of the couple was also comfortable. Above all, the food is super horse. I had fried rice and hamburger steak this time, and my companion was very satisfied. I would like to have other dishes, so I will definitely repeat it again. The cat (Is it Genie?) Was also cute! !!
堀江正子 on Google

いつも、車がいっぱいで入れず 今日、ようやくランチに? 店内には、ネコチャンも数匹いて お料理もメインに小鉢2品選べて 満足でした。
The car is always full and I can't enter Finally for lunch today ? There are also a few cats in the store You can choose 2 small bowls for the main dish I was satisfied.
サカイマコト on Google

猫好きのご夫婦でやられています。 ゆったり丁寧に調理されております…… ゆったり味わっていただきたいです……
It is done by a couple who loves cats. It is cooked loosely and carefully …… I want you to enjoy it relaxedly ...

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