Hoshuin Temple - Minato City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hoshuin Temple

住所 :

4 Chome-8-55 Shibakoen, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Postal code : 105-0011
Webサイト : https://hoshuin.jp/
Description : Founded in 1685, this serene Buddhist temple has a modern main hall, plus a pond & numerous statues.

4 Chome-8-55 Shibakoen, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan
Royama J on Google

赤羽橋駅そば東京タワーすぐ下に鎮座してます 月変わり、えんま縁日、巳の日、その他御朱印の種類が豊富なお寺です
It sits just below Tokyo Tower near Akabanebashi Station. It is a temple with a wide variety of red stamps such as moon change, Ennichi, Snake day, etc.
cart M on Google

30 minutes in a long line, 1 hour waiting for bookkeeping, thank you for the direct writing stamp
MARI on Google

It has been rebuilt to become a novel building. Located in a corner of the park, it has a calm atmosphere. It is a temple that you want to visit during your walk.
梅ちゃん on Google

港区芝公園の一角にあるお寺です? 見た目お寺の雰囲気はなく料亭風です?? 御朱印は通常や月替わりなど沢山あります✨ 寺務所前のベンチには何時も季節の花手水???が施してあります?
It is a temple in a corner of Shibakoen, Minato-ku ? It doesn't look like a temple and it's like a restaurant ?? There are many red stamps such as regular and monthly changes ✨ The bench in front of the temple office is always decorated with seasonal flower water ????
浅見尚子 on Google

9月18日土曜日は己巳の日。 干支は「干(かん)」と「支(し)」からなり、己巳の干は、己(つちのと)、支は巳(み)です。干支は60種類あるので、己巳(つちのとみ)の日は60日に一度めぐってきます。 この日は朝から雨、台風の雨で風も強かったけれど、流石に己巳の日‼️ 皆さま、弁財天様にお参りと御朱印を求めて多くの方々が参拝に? 私も午前中にと思い、台風の中を参拝出来たこと、すごくラッキー。 最寄駅の「芝公園」「赤羽橋」からも徒歩5〜7分くらいで行けて、とても便利な場所。 コロナ禍の中、ガラス越しでの参拝にはなりますが、行ってみる価値は多いにあります。 己巳の日は金運に繋がります。健康であるからこそこの場所に来れた悦びに感謝しています。
Saturday, September 18th is Yin Earth Snake Day. The zodiac consists of "kan" and "chi", and the zodiac is "Tsuchinoto" and the zodiac is "Mi". There are 60 types of zodiac signs, so the day of Yin Earth Snake goes around once every 60 days. It was raining from the morning and the wind was strong due to the rain of the typhoon, but it was a day of Yin Earth Snake! ️ Many people come to worship at Benzaiten in search of a red stamp ? I was very lucky to be able to worship in the typhoon, thinking that I was in the morning. It is a very convenient place that can be reached in about 5 to 7 minutes on foot from the nearest stations "Shiba Park" and "Akabanebashi". It will be a worship through the glass in the corona, but it is well worth a visit. Yin Earth Snake leads to good luck. I am grateful for the joy of coming to this place because I am healthy.
しまりす9233 on Google

閻魔大王の坐像があるとのこと…それを見ずに帰ってきてしまいました? 御朱印帳が人気らしく、行列ができていました。きれいに整備されたお寺と公園です。ちょっとしたお散歩で立ち寄るには、良いところです?
There is a sitting statue of King Enma ... I came back without seeing it ? The red stamp book seems to be popular, and there was a line. It is a well-maintained temple and park. It's a good place to stop by for a short walk ?
Miftah Farid on Google

Great place and peaceful
Jayson koh on Google

Another temple of Japan! The one you have to see before enter Tokyo Tower if by walking.

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