Hosenji - Tsuchiura

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hosenji

住所 :

1616 Oiwata, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0835, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89888
Postal code : 300-0835

1616 Oiwata, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0835, Japan
野口勝弘 on Google

ヤスミン on Google

It was the stricken area of ​​my father's training course.
関和明 on Google

It is clean and you can feel the history ✨❗
片貝宣孝 on Google

It is a good temple. A friend's house is nearby.
金澤泰治 on Google

The memorial to the Yokaren air raid is here ...
林雅彦 on Google

It is a temple located in Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It is located behind Ibaraki Prefectural Tsuchiura Sanko.
ハッピーエンド on Google

法泉寺の創建は醍醐寺三宝院流乗海和尚が開山したのが始まりと伝えられています。応安7年(1374)、領主である小田城主小田孝朝によって小田領四ヶ寺(普門寺・大聖寺・法泉寺・南円寺)が定められると法泉寺もその1つとなり以後、歴代小田氏から庇護され寺運が隆盛し200を超える門徒を擁しました。当初は諏訪ノ台にありましたが祐尊和尚によって中興され応永年間(1394~1428)に現在地に移されています。 本尊の簑笠不動尊は弘法大師空海が自ら彫り込んだと伝わるもので、特に雨乞いに御利益をあるとして、雨乞い祈願の祈祷がある時だけ御開帳になるそうです。明治時代に入ると境内に大岩田小が開校し校舎としても利用されました。寺宝である木造薬師如来脇侍三尊像は南北朝時代(14世紀)に製作されたもので桧材、寄木造、玉眼、中尊である薬師如来座像の像高90cm、脇侍である日光菩薩立像、月光菩薩立像の像高107cm、昭和49年(1974)に茨城県指定文化財に指定されています。宗派:真言宗豊山派。本尊:簑笠不動尊。
It is said that Hosenji was founded when Daigoji Sanhoin-ryu Noriumi Osho opened the mountain. When the lord of the Oda castle, Takaasa Oda, established the Oda territory Yokkaji Temple (Fumonji Temple, Daishoji Temple, Hosenji Temple, Nanenji Temple) in 1374, Hosenji Temple became one of them. It was protected by Mr. Oda and the temple luck was prosperous. Originally located in Suwa-Nodai, it was revitalized by Yutaka Osho and moved to its present location during the Oei era (1394-1428). It is said that the principal priest, Minagasa Fudoson, was engraved by Kobo Daishi Kukai himself. Especially, it is said that it will be open only when there is a prayer for praying for rain, as it benefits the rain beggar. In the Meiji era, Oiwata Elementary School opened in the precincts and was used as a school building. The temple treasure, the wooden pharmacist Nyorai Waki ​​Samurai Sanson statue, was created during the Northern and Southern Dynasties (14th century). The statue height of the standing statue and the moonlight Bodhisattva statue is 107 cm, and it has been designated as a cultural property designated by Ibaraki Prefecture in 1974. Denomination: The Shingon sect Toyoyama sect. Principal: Minagasa Fudoson.
K. Hasegawa on Google

海軍予科練習生の聖地として名高いこの土浦海軍航空隊、霞ヶ浦海軍航空隊の基地在隊戦没者の碑がある。 特に土浦海軍航空隊予科練課程の昭和20年6月10日の土浦空襲時に於ける甲飛13期から16期の多数の予科練生退避中の阿見町鹿島神社付近の防空壕に、B-29からの直撃弾により約400名の戦死者、重軽傷者を出した悲劇は忘れてはならない。 その戦死者を隣の海軍航空隊適性部にて荼毘に附し遺族に渡したことにより、その悲劇を悼み弔うため尽力されたことによる。 阿見町鹿島神社と一緒に参拝することを勧めたい。
There is a monument to the war dead at the base of the Kasumigaura Navy Air Corps, which is famous as a sacred place for Yokaren trainees. In particular, from B-29 to the air raid shelter near Kashima Shrine in Ami-cho, where many preparatory training students from the 13th to 16th periods of Kofei during the Tsuchiura air raid on June 10, 1945, during the Tsuchiura Navy Air Corps preparatory training course. We must not forget the tragedy that caused about 400 war dead and seriously injured by direct hits. By handing the dead to the bereaved family at the Naval Air Corps Aptitude Department next door, he made an effort to mourn the tragedy. We recommend that you visit with Ami-cho Kashima Shrine.

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