Horyu - Itabashi City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Horyu

住所 :

あずさわグランドハウス 2 Chome-4-3 Higashisakashita, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 174-0042

あずさわグランドハウス 2 Chome-4-3 Higashisakashita, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0042, Japan
Daisuke Suzuki (Daisuke Suzuki) on Google

Signboard menu sesame ramen is light and healthy. It is worth trying because it is a unique seasoning different from Dandan noodles.
小原孝夫 on Google

本日はバラ肉そばを注文しました。 お肉も厚みがあり、麺の太さも自分の好きな太さだったので、美味しくいただきました。 以前、行った時はスタミナラーメンを頂き、こちらも美味しかったので、オススメです。
I ordered rose soba today. The meat was thick and the thickness of the noodles was my favorite thickness. When I went there before, I got stamina ramen and it was also delicious so I recommend it.
タカタカ on Google

ゴマつけ麺、麺にも黒ゴマ練り込んである❗ 胡麻好きにはたまらない‼️
Black sesame is kneaded into sesame tsukemen and noodles ❗ It's irresistible for sesame lovers! ️
달달해 on Google

(Translated by Google) ご ま ら ぁ め ん Really delicious !! It's also on TV! The owner's aunt is also kind and the shaving is unique> _ _<계란도 삶고 한 번 튀긴듯?! 약간 겉엔 씹는맛이 있었당ㅎㅎㅎ또 먹고싶다ㅜㅜㅜ카운터석에 수제ラー油도 있으니까 매콤한거 좋아하시는 분들은 넣어서 드셔보시길!! 난 넣은게 좋았음!!
그린 on Google

한국 출장 후 건만에 일본 와서 먹은 라멘. 참깨라면 진짜 맛있다! 적당히 느끼하고 적당히 얼큰한 참깨라멘
After a business trip to Korea, I ate ramen after coming to Japan. Sesame noodles are really delicious! Sesame Ramen, moderately spicy and moderately spicy
山芋太郎 on Google

ごまラーメン普通に美味しい。 東京の担々麺みたいにインパクトは強くないが厭きずには食べれるお味。 おまけでミニご飯に、肉と葱が付きます。 他にも色々定食あるのでもっと通ってみたくなるお店。 他のお客さんもそうですが、パワー系のガッツリ食べる方が多いです。 おばちゃんも愛想や気遣いが感じいい。 お味は☆3.8かなと思いますが、感じのいい接客で☆4としました。
Sesame ramen is usually delicious. It doesn't have a strong impact like Tokyo's Dandan noodles, but it's a taste that you can eat without hesitation. As a bonus, meat and green onions are added to the mini rice. There are many other set meals, so you'll want to go there more. As with other customers, there are many people who eat power-type food. Auntie also feels amiable and caring. I think the taste is ☆ 3.8, but I chose ☆ 4 for a nice customer service.
Michinori Seki on Google

Known for its sesame ramen noodles kneaded with sesame, it is a high-level Chinese food in town. I am satisfied with the taste and volume. In the daytime, there are 3 types of special daily menus.
soybeans green on Google

ごまラーメン。看板のその文字に期待をしつついつも通過していたけれども本日初訪問。想像以上に美味かったのでここに記したい。 まず、パーキング無し。 近隣は建物裏に1時間440円、道路対面に30分200円のがあり。駅からもそこそこ遠い。入ってみる。うわー地元の人で人気店!コレは美味いやつだ。高鳴る期待。 胡麻豚骨ラーメン大盛とサービスちょいネギチャーシューライス。 胡麻豚骨ラーメン840円で会計890円だから大盛50円なのかな?大盛ってメニューに書いてないけど頼むとめっちゃ多くなるのでドカ食いの自分も大満足。 胡麻ラーメンは麺まで胡麻が練り込んであって、お蕎麦みたいな色です。ほんと色んなとこに胡麻の良い香りがみっちり。結構油っこくてこってり。手作り感、オリジナリティ最高。期待以上に美味かった。胡麻系のラーメンはどうしても甘いのが多いのだけど、甘さは抑えて香ばしさを出してますね。後半ラー油を垂らしてごま坦々ラーメンに進化させましたがやっぱり美味い。 載ってる卵は揚げてあります。これも珍しい。遠くにほのかにニンニクの香り。そしてお肉は量は少ないけどめっちゃ美味い。 町中華な感じでご飯ものとかも豊富。通いやすいとこにあればコレは常連になって定期的に食べたいなーと思ったくらい美味くてデカくてコスパ良し。 満足満腹のお昼でした! どうもありがとうございます!
Sesame ramen. I always passed by expecting the letters on the signboard, but I visited for the first time today. It was more delicious than I imagined, so I would like to write it here. First, no parking. In the neighborhood, there is 440 yen for 1 hour behind the building and 200 yen for 30 minutes facing the road. It's far from the station. Let's go in. Wow, a popular shop among locals! This is a delicious one. Expectations to scream. Sesame pork bone ramen and service little green onion pork rice. Sesame pork bone ramen is 840 yen and the accounting is 890 yen, so I wonder if it is a large serving of 50 yen? I haven't written it on the menu, but when I ask for it, it's going to be a lot, so I'm very happy with myself. Sesame ramen has sesame kneaded into the noodles and has a soba-like color. The scent of sesame is perfect in various places. It's quite oily and thick. Handmade feeling, the best originality. It was better than I expected. Most of the sesame-based ramen is sweet, but the sweetness is suppressed to give it a savory flavor. In the second half, I dripped chili oil and evolved it into sesame noodles, but it is still delicious. The eggs on it are fried. This is also rare. A faint garlic scent in the distance. And although the amount of meat is small, it is really delicious. There is plenty of rice in the town with a Chinese feel. If it's easy to go to, it's delicious, big and cospa is so delicious that I wanted to become a regular and eat it regularly. It was a satisfying and full lunch! thank you so much!

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