Horse Rock - Kamo District

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Horse Rock

住所 :

Arari, Nishiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 410-3502

Arari, Nishiizu, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3502, Japan
いあ on Google

伊豆半島には、いくつかジオパークがありますが、馬ロックもその1つです。 国道から、車で2、3分で駐車場に着きます。 公衆トイレとカフェもありました。 駐車場から馬ロックを見る展望台は、近くにあります。 その先の展望台まで歩きました。遊歩道があるので、馬ロックの側まで行くことができます。 馬ロックは、まさにお馬さんでした。表情も可愛い。 馬の立髪が樹木が生えていて、これも、自然のすごいところ。こんなに風の強いところで、よくぞ生えていると思いました。夕陽の時間帯に再度行ってみたいなと思います。
There are several Geoparks on the Izu Peninsula, and Horse Rock is one of them. From the national highway, you can reach the parking lot in a few minutes by car. There was also a public toilet and a cafe. The observatory, where you can see Horse Rock from the parking lot, is nearby. I walked to the observatory beyond that. There is a promenade so you can reach the side of Horse Rock. Horse Rock was just a horse. The expression is also cute. The horse's mane has trees, which is also a wonderful place of nature. I thought it was growing well in such a windy place. I would like to go again during the sunset time.
ko Yu on Google

定期的に来ちゃいますw 馬です?金運のパワースポットらしいです。 晴れた日の海は最高に綺麗です❗️ 馬ロックを超えて行く見晴らし台は富士山側の雲がキレてたら富士山も見られます?
I come regularly w It's a horse ? It seems to be a power spot for good luck. The sea on a sunny day is the most beautiful ❗️ If the clouds on the Mt. Fuji side are sharp, you can see Mt. Fuji on the observatory that goes beyond Horse Rock ?
はつき on Google

ゆるキャン△聖地巡礼で訪れました。 駐車場に車を停めて少し歩くとあります。馬の頭に見える!
Yurucamp △ I visited on a pilgrimage to the sacred place. You can park your car in the parking lot and walk a little. Looks like a horse's head!
246st channel on Google

確かに馬にみえます。 国道から2~3分、駐車場も無料なので気軽に見学できます。
It certainly looks like a horse. It's a few minutes from the national highway, and the parking lot is free, so you can easily visit.
きんたさくら on Google

中町八雲 on Google

馬の上半身に見える岩は、耳やタテガミもあって感心しますが、陽の当たり方から午前よりは午後の方がより馬らしく見えて面白いです。 天気が良ければ、馬の背中の遠くに富士山が見えます。
The rocks that can be seen on the upper body of the horse are impressive because of their ears and mane, but it is interesting that the afternoon looks more like a horse than the morning because of the sunlight. If the weather is nice, you can see Mt. Fuji far behind the horse's back.
伊藤大智 on Google

The tourist attractions of the Showa era tend to think of rocks as Godzilla, Sazae-san, lions, horses, gorillas, etc. Is fun.
313 313 on Google

Has been dropped from the old days, I used to say well with time or from the "horse lock" (laughs). You can laugh because it looks firmly. Koganezaki beautiful become increasingly shine when the sun hits. Guests can enjoy a golden metasomatism.

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