身体の治療院 えにし

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Contact 身体の治療院 えにし

住所 :

Honmachi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0021 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : http://chiryoin-enishi.com/
街 : Osaka

Honmachi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0021 Osaka,Japan
G Naa on Google

I was introduced to my shoulder pain by an acquaintance. She was a very easy-to-talk teacher and taught me a lot about my body. The day I had was easy, but the next day I felt a particular change. I hope to take care of you regularly. Thank you.
ナナフシK on Google

Since it is a completely private room with a complete reservation, I was able to calmly perform the treatment. Since the female director will perform all the treatments, I was able to consult with confidence about the problems peculiar to women. From the counseling, he faced me very carefully, and after the treatment, my body became very comfortable. I would like to attend regularly, so I look forward to working with you.
443 ito on Google

初めて来院しました。豊中駅からの近く、迷わずに着きました。中に入ると和の雰囲気の完全個室で、スカートを穿いて行ってしまったのですが、術衣に着替えてリラックスして施術を受けることができました。 きちんと、メイクのクレンジング、洗顔もあるので、お化粧したまま仕事帰りにでもいけるところも良いです! カウンセリングをしてもらうと、自分が気になっているところ、自分では気づかない歪みやむくみ、顔も片方のほっぺたが下がっていて、まっすぐ立っているつもりが歪んでいる・・・ボロボロでした(泣) そして今日、一番気になるところが「顎のライン(片方下がっているぽっぺた)」だったので、美容鍼をしていただきました。 自分の身体が今、どうゆう状態なのか、毎日の癖でこうなっている等、アドバイスを含め、丁寧にわかりやすく説明してもらえました。 漢方のフェイスパックから始まり、いよいよ鍼・・・ 初めての鍼でドキドキしましたが、まずはアレルギーなどがないかきちんと確認していただき、痛くないところのお腹から鍼を打って、鍼を打つ前に、「ここはこのくらい痛みや響きがあるかも」と言って打ってくれたので心の準備ができ安心して施術を受けれました。 顔だけに鍼をするのかな?と思ったのですが、こちらの治療院さんでは、悩みや症状に合わせて、身体にも鍼をして、全体のバランスを整えてもらえます。 その後のフェイシャルマッサージで、顔・首のコリやリンパを流してもらいました。 これが、とても気持ち良い・・・ 施術後は、あきらかに顔、体の調子が違って、目の疲れも取れ、身体がぽかぽかしました。 帰ってから、家族にも顔がシュッとしたと言われ、翌朝のメイクのノリも良かったです!! カウンセリングから施術中にも身体、美容の悩みも気軽に先生に相談できるので、忘れてしまいそうな場合は事前にリストアップしていくのがいいかもです(笑) また、伺います。 よろしくお願いします。
I visited the hospital for the first time. It was near Toyonaka station and arrived without hesitation. When I went inside, it was a completely private room with a Japanese atmosphere, and I wore a skirt, but I was able to change into a surgical gown and relax and receive the treatment. There is also makeup cleansing and face washing, so it's nice to be able to go home with your makeup on! When I got counseling, I was worried about the distortion and swelling that I did not notice, the cheeks on one side of the face were down, and the intention of standing straight was distorted ... (tattered) Crying) And today, the most worrisome part was the "chin line (poppet with one side down)", so I had a beauty acupuncture. He gave me a polite and easy-to-understand explanation, including advice, such as how my body is now and how it is happening every day. Starting with a Kampo face pack, finally acupuncture ... I was thrilled with the first acupuncture, but first of all, I asked you to make sure that you did not have any allergies, and before you hit the acupuncture from the abdomen where it does not hurt, "There may be so much pain and sound here." He gave me a shot, so I was ready for my heart and was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. Do you apply acupuncture only to the face? I thought, but at this clinic, you can apply acupuncture to your body according to your worries and symptoms to balance the whole thing. After that, I had my face / neck stiffness and lymph drained during a facial massage. This is very comfortable ... After the treatment, my face and body were clearly different, my eyes were tired, and my body was warm. After I got home, my family told me that my face was crisp, and the next morning's make-up was good! !! From counseling to treatment, you can feel free to consult with your teacher about your physical and beauty problems, so if you think you may forget it, it may be a good idea to list it in advance (laughs). I will visit you again. Thank you.
おさるさんく on Google

今までありとあらゆる整骨整体関係を経験してきて、やっとたどり着きました。 ここまで自分の身体を理解して最高の施術を施してくれたとこはなかったです。 痛いところに手が届くとはまさにこのことで 感動の連続でした。 股関節がおかしくて診てもらったのですが 当然問題はそこではなく、全身くまなくチェックされて、的確にヒットされました。 ここ!おお!ここ!おおお!ここも!おおおお!って感じです。 普通のところは30分から1時間ですが、ここは納得するまで徹底的にやってくれます。 店内は清潔で和風のテイストが溢れていて 院長のほがらかな雰囲気と会話で心も身体もリラックスできます。 院長は知識も豊富で、針も安心してお願いしました。 日常の気をつけることやストレッチのアドバイスも教えてもらえます。 今までありとあらゆる手法を試してきましたが、もうここ以外は考えられないですね。 僕がたどり着いたこのお店をぜひ皆さんに紹介したくて今回想いを載せています。 あれこれ試されてきた皆さん ぜひ一度ご来店ください。 整体フェチの私がここまで感動してるのを 実感してください。 でも僕の予約が取れにくくなるのは正直困るんですが…
I have experienced all kinds of osteopathic manipulative relationships and finally arrived at it. So far, I have never understood my body and performed the best treatment. This is exactly what makes it possible to reach the painful part. It was a series of impressions. I had a problem with my hip joint Of course, the problem wasn't there, it was checked all over the body and hit accurately. here! Oh! here! Oh! Here also! Oh oh! I feel like. Normally it takes 30 minutes to 1 hour, but here it will be done thoroughly until you are satisfied. The inside of the store is clean and full of Japanese taste You can relax your mind and body with the warm atmosphere and conversation of the director. The director has a wealth of knowledge, and I asked for the needles with confidence. You can also get advice on daily precautions and stretching. I've tried all kinds of methods so far, but I can't think of anything else. I would like to introduce this shop that I arrived at to everyone, and I am posting my thoughts this time. Everyone who has been tried this and that Please come to the store once. I'm so impressed with the manipulative fetish Please realize. But to be honest, it's hard to make a reservation for me ...
Club Minutes on Google

親しみやすい先生と、とても綺麗なお店です。 施術も丁寧でいつも身体のメンテナンスでお世話になっています。 お尻の筋肉の痛みで苦しんでいましたが、先生にお世話になってから快適です。 時間での縛りはなく、患者に合わせて改善するまでしっかり時間をかけて施術してくれることも気に入っているポイントです。
It is a very beautiful shop with a friendly teacher. The treatment is also polite and I am always indebted to the maintenance of my body. I was suffering from pain in the muscles of my buttocks, but I am comfortable after being taken care of by my teacher. There is no time limit, and I also like the fact that it takes time to improve according to the patient.
藤原久子 on Google

長年の膝の痛みでご相談させていただきました。 膝が痛くなってから腰など色々と痛みがありましたが通うにつれて歩ける時間がのびたりと良くなっているのがわかります。 色々と通っても変わらなかった痛みが改善されて本当によかったです。 今では膝の心配で行きづらかったゴルフにも楽しく行けます。 どこか痛くなっても先生がいる安心感がすごいです。 今は美容針で楽しみに通っています。 シワが薄くなりました。 からだの話を面白く話してる先生はニコニコしてます。
I consulted with you for many years of knee pain. I had a lot of pain in my lower back after my knees hurt, but as I went there, I could see that my walking time was getting better and better. I'm really glad that the pain that didn't change even after going through various things was improved. Now I can enjoy playing golf, which was difficult to reach due to my knees. Even if it hurts somewhere, the sense of security that the teacher is there is amazing. Now I'm looking forward to it with a beauty needle. The wrinkles have become thinner. The teacher who talks about the body in a funny way is smiling.
ぼくきんちゃん on Google

いつも長めの時間、他では考えられないくらいの丁寧さで施術してくれます。 針は苦手でしたが、お話をしているうちにやってみようかな…と急にお願いしましたが、全く問題なく身体も楽になり感謝です。 岩盤浴は石の上ではなく、シートに巻かれるタイプですが、普段通っていた石の上より汗の量がものすごく『デトックス感』がすごくありました。 豊中駅からも近くで、お店の雰囲気も清潔感があり『ホッ』と落ち着ける空間です。
They always perform the treatment for a long time with unthinkable politeness. I was not good at needles, but I suddenly asked if I should try it while I was talking, but I am grateful that my body became easier without any problems. The bedrock bath is a type that is wrapped around a sheet, not on a stone, but the amount of sweat is much greater than on the stone that I usually go to, and there was a great "detox feeling". It is close to Toyonaka Station, and the atmosphere of the shop is clean and it is a relaxing space.
石井瑛子 on Google

I started going for postpartum pelvic correction and physical care. My shoulder stiffness and tendonitis were so severe that it was painful and painful to hold, but when I started going to school, my tendonitis disappeared, and my shoulder stiffness, which had been chronic before pregnancy, became much easier. There is counseling before each treatment, and they care about your physical condition, so you can feel free to consult even if it is a trivial matter. You will be taught posture habits and stretching methods that you do not even notice, so you can live comfortably without getting worse over time. It is a valuable space where the physical and mental fatigue of childcare can be healed.

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