かがやき骨盤整体院 豊中

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かがやき骨盤整体院 豊中

住所 :

Honmachi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0021 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.kagayaki-s.jp/kagayakis/shop_d.htm%3FL%3DBCSDetail%26ID%3DA01014439666
街 : Osaka

Honmachi, Toyonaka, 〒560-0021 Osaka,Japan
mry on Google

1年ほどお世話になっています。 いつも体の状態を聞いてもらい、一番良い方法を提案してもらっています^^ 先生方もみなさん優しく安心して任せられるます。 継続して通うとやはり体が全然違います。 これからもお世話になります!
I have been indebted for about a year. I always ask them to listen to my physical condition and suggest the best way ^^ All the teachers are kind and safe. If you continue to go, your body will be completely different. Thank you for your continued support!
Y S on Google

肩こりや首もとの痛みがあり、通わせて頂いています。 スタッフの方も親切に対応して下さり、体の状態に合わせて施術してもらっています。
I have stiff shoulders and neck pain, so I am allowed to go through. The staff are also kind and willing to perform the treatment according to your physical condition.
らんぶ on Google

腰痛と在宅勤務の肩こりを治すために通い始めました。 矯正ともみほぐしのお陰で楽になってきてます。 スタッフの皆さんも優しくて行きやすいです。
I started going to get rid of my back pain and stiff shoulders working from home. Thanks to the correction and Mihogushi, it's getting easier. The staff are also kind and easy to go.
みつる on Google

I started suffering from neck pain and headache. I took the time to carefully explain the cause, and the symptoms that I had been suffering from for a long time improved from the first time, and it became much easier.
kuuchan Komatsu on Google

毎年涼しくなると悪化する腰痛がここで2回ほど施術いただいてからほぼ気にならない状態になりました。 先生はこちらの要望をしっかり聞いてくださいます。店内はとても清潔感があります。 根本から改善するために続けて通いたいのでお得な回数券を購入しました。
My back pain, which gets worse every year when it gets cooler, has become almost unnoticeable since I had two treatments here. The teacher listens carefully to this request. The inside of the store is very clean. I bought a great coupon because I want to continue to go to improve from the ground up.
磯俣香織 on Google

妊娠してから腰と背中が痛くて通い始めました。 とても親身になって丁寧な施術をしてもらい安心して任せられます。 最近では妊娠中の骨盤矯正もしてもらいとても楽になりました。 マタニティ整体院としてもすごくオススメです。
After I became pregnant, I had a pain in my lower back and back and started going. You will be very kind and will be treated carefully and you can leave it to us with confidence. Recently, I had my pelvis corrected during pregnancy, which made it much easier. It is also highly recommended as a maternity manipulative clinic.
きなこ on Google

いつもお世話になってます。駅近くで便が良く、スタッフの皆さんはとても優しい方ばかりです。 体の相談にも親身に寄り添ってくださり、姿勢に基づいて個々に適した施術を考えてくれます。 特に、猫背矯正や骨盤矯正がとてもよかったです。 オススメの整体院です!
I am always indebted to you. The convenience is good near the station, and all the staff are very kind. He / she will be close to you for physical consultation and will consider the treatment that is suitable for you based on your posture. Especially, the stoop correction and pelvis correction were very good. It is a recommended manipulative clinic!
Kyu Chan on Google

3か月間ほどお世話になっております。 腰の痛みがひどくて、通い始めましたが、通院前に比べて腰痛に悩むことが無くなりました。施術者の方々も物腰が柔らくて好感が持てます。
I have been indebted to you for about 3 months. My back pain was so bad that I started going to the hospital, but I no longer have to worry about it compared to before going to the hospital. The practitioners are also soft and have a good impression.

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