Hongō - Adachi City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hongō

住所 :

萩原ビル 1 Chome-13-15 Umejima, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0816, Japan

Postal code : 121-0816

萩原ビル 1 Chome-13-15 Umejima, Adachi City, Tokyo 121-0816, Japan
河合武志 on Google

美味しいお蕎麦と日本酒を頂けます! イチ押しは、ランチの日本酒セットです。
You can have delicious soba and Japanese sake! Ichi push is a lunch sake set.
Latte on Google

The soba was delicious. If you pay 1 yen in your bill, you cannot use 1 yen. I was surprised that it was money because it was the first time I was told in my life.
篠島朝子 on Google

850 yen for a set of negitro and soba at lunch. Both taste and quantity were normal. It seems to be overlooked at the small entrance, but there is a taste in Japanese style.
野崎徳三 on Google

Great value for lunch (^ o ^) As of October 2020 850 yen A set where you can choose hot or cold soba noodles and a bowl of tendon or a bowl of Negitoro.
正田改 on Google

一円玉が使えないと誰かが書かれていたが、読んでびっくり この店は何様?とにかく客を客とも思ってない店 入ってもいらっしゃいませでもなければ出る時も有難うございますでも無し しかも、そばつゆも薬味もケチケチで あまりに少ないので薬味の追加(勿論別料金で)頼んだら 「そういうのやってない」とため口で一言 子供連れお断りとかの貼り紙も書き方が超感じ悪い お客には「御入店」と御をつけろよ しかも「願います」なんて上から目線の敬語知らず この程度の蕎麦とつゆなんてどこでもあるのに 食べさせてやってる感満載 わざわざ千住から行ったのに あのメガネの店員だか女房だか知らないが商いの常識のない人間のせいで、最悪の気分で帰ることになった お金を使ってこんな不愉快な思いをしたのは初めてだよ 商売やるなら作り笑顔の練習でもしてからにしろ 威張って客を舐めてると潰れるよ こんな感じの悪い店で有難がって食事するなんて金をドブに捨てる様なもの それと、料理をする人はパチンコやったらよく手を消毒してから厨房に入りましょう
Someone was written that one yen coin can not be used, but I was surprised to read it How is this store? Anyway, the shop which does not think the customer as the customer either Thank you when you enter or thank you when you leave Moreover, buckwheat noodles and flavors are also delicious Too little if you ask for additional flavor (of course at extra cost) A word in the mouth for "not doing that" It is not very good to write how to write stickers for children with children Give the customer a "go in" store What's more, "I wish you" from the top Soba and soup of this degree are everywhere It is full of feeling to let you eat I went from Senju purposely I did not know if that clerk or a wife was in that glasses, but because of a person without common sense of business, I was going to return in the worst feeling This is the first time I have made such an unpleasant feeling with money If you do business, make a practice of smiling smile You will be destroyed if you give up your customers It's like throwing money to a deb's like eating something to be thankful in such a bad shop Also, if you cook, you should clean up your hands and then enter the kitchen
hanao hana on Google

いなかせいろ、旨い。 酒のつまみは、最高。 卵焼き、鴨焼き、さしみこんにゃく、そば味噌、何でも旨い。 年末の年越しそばの持ち帰りもすごく旨い。 書き足し。 いまはヨーカドーじゃないけど、十番の更科の蕎麦が年末ヨーカドーで売ってました。 更科はまー、値段は高いかな、と、思いますけど、美味しいです。 ヨーカドーの即席は不味いとは言わないけど、美味しくはなかった。 どんな経緯でこれだしたかは知らないけど、それと比べたら雲泥の差で、ここの蕎麦。
Inakase yellow, delicious The sake bar is the best. Egg roast, duck roast, sashimi konjac, buckwheat miso, anything is good. The year-end New Year's soba noodles are also very delicious to take home. Add more. It's not Yokado right now, but the buckwheat noodles from Sarashina No. 10 were sold at Yokado at the end of the year. Sarashina is good, I think the price is high, but it's delicious. Improving Yokado is not bad, but it wasn't delicious. I don't know how it was done, but compared to that, it's so different, soba noodles here.
朋宏大澤 on Google

のど越しの良い蕎麦でした。(^^)d 天丼もさつまいも、ナスと海老の天ぷらでつゆとのバランスが絶妙❗️ まうゅ~(^3^)/
It was a soba noodle with a good throat. (^^) d The balance between eggplant and shrimp tempura and soup is exquisite for both tendon and sweet potato ❗️ Mayu ~ (^ 3 ^) /
和田プリシラ on Google

こだわりの手打ち蕎麦は、なくなり次第終了するので夜に行く時には電話してから行きます。 貸切の時も結構ありますし。 看板に「お子様連れの入店はご遠慮願います」と貼り紙があります。ご主人が子供嫌いなのではなく、お客さんが気分良く食事できることを考えての選択のようです。こういうお店があってもいいと思います。
The specialty soba noodles will end as soon as they run out, so when you go to the night, call and go. There are quite a few when renting out. There is a sticker on the sign saying "Please refrain from entering with children." It seems that the choice is not because the husband does not hate children, but because the customer can have a pleasant meal. I think it would be nice to have a store like this.

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