
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつせんごく春日本店

住所 :

Hongo, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0033 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.sengokuga.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–12:45PM
Sunday 11AM–12:45PM
Monday 11AM–12:45PM
Tuesday 11AM–12:45PM
Wednesday 11AM–12:45PM
Thursday 11AM–12:45PM
Friday 11AM–12:45PM
街 : Tokyo

Hongo, Bunkyo City, 〒113-0033 Tokyo,Japan
橋広幸之助 on Google

レストランせん石本店の一階にあるトンカツ屋さん。 昭和45年創業の老舗レストラン。 二階はステーキやハンバーグなどのお店。 黒豚トンカツ専門店という事で、高級素材路線のトンカツ屋さん。 私は海鮮系フライが好きなので、海老フライの入っているミックスフライ定食を頂きました。 なかなか大きい海老フライ。 丁寧な仕事、素材の良さを感じる上質なフライです。 店内は新しいみたいでとてもキレイです。
Restaurant Tonkatsu shop on the first floor of the Senishi main store. A long-established restaurant founded in 1970. On the second floor are stores such as steaks and hamburgers. As a shop specializing in black pork tonkatsu, it is a tonkatsu shop with high quality material routes. I like seafood fries, so I had a mixed fry set meal with fried shrimp. Very large shrimp fry. Careful work, high-quality fly feel good material. The inside of the store looks new and is very beautiful.
Watanabe mayumi (マミー) on Google

熟成肉のとんかつ、最高です。 お値段高めですが、お肉の味を味わいたい時は迷わずこちらへ。
Tonkatsu of aged meat is the best. The price is high, but if you want to taste the taste of meat, don't hesitate to go here.
やすお on Google

It is a full-fledged pork cutlet shop.
ほっとけーき on Google

Not a vegan?‍♂️ 禁煙?リニューアルして小綺麗な内装になりました。大手チェーン店よりは少しお安いですが、メニューは少なめです?周辺にお店が少ないため、ランチ時は混雑してます。周りに落ち着いた雰囲気のお店がないので、一息つきながらランチするには最適かな?お味もボリュームも?‍♀️
Not a vegan?‍♂️ Non-smoking ? Renewed and decorated with a small clean interior. It's a bit cheaper than a major chain store, but the menu is a little smaller. There is no shop with a calm atmosphere around, so it's perfect for a break while taking a break.
はむ子 on Google

後楽園でとんかつや揚げ物を食べるならここがおすすめ‼️明るく清潔な店内で、カラッと揚がった美味しいトンカツや海老フライが食べれる。 こだわりの鹿児島の黒豚だけ出なく、海老も身がぷりぷりで美味しい。 キャベツとご飯、お味噌汁がおかわり自由。 テイクアウトメニューもある。
If you want to eat pork cutlet and fried food in Korakuen, this is recommended! ️ You can eat delicious crispy pork cutlet and fried shrimp in a bright and clean shop. Not only the black pork from Kagoshima, but also the shrimp are plump and delicious. Free refills of cabbage, rice and miso soup. There is also a take-out menu.
ナガシマシホ on Google

ランチのひれカツ定食(980円)を注文。 衣はやや荒めだが、カラリと揚がっておりサクサクとザクザクの間といった感じ。口の中が痛くなるようなことはない。3切れあったが肉も柔らかで食べやすく、かなりライトな食べ応え。女性でも問題なく食べ切れると思われる。 添えられた千切りキャベツがみずみずしく、フルーティなソースもカツとよく合う。漬物と味噌汁も付いてきて満足度は高い。 入り口ドアは少々狭いが店内は明るく清潔感があり入りやすい雰囲気。カウンター席があるので一人でも気兼ねしなくて良い。 驚くべきは提供の速さ。メニューや混雑状況にもよるだろうが、自分の時は平日の12時ごろで注文から5分とかからず提供されて良い意味で驚いた。 気になった点としては入店直後に出される飲み物が冷たいお茶なのだが、湯呑みが小さくあっという間に飲み干してしまい、すぐにお代わりを頼まないといけないのが△。食器も一部プラスチックであり高級感はない。あと何故か店内では有線放送で今時のポップスが流れていたりする。 揚げ物の定食が1000円前後の点、提供時間、食器の件などを総合的に考えると「とんかつのファストフード店」と言ったところ。ゆっくり食べたいデートやファミリーには残念ながら向かない。 だがファストフードと呼ぶには揚げたてのカツが美味しいので、一人でパパッと揚げ物が食べたい時にはオススメ。
I ordered a set meal of fin cutlet (980 yen) for lunch. The batter is a little rough, but it's fried and it feels like it's between crispy and crunchy. It doesn't hurt your mouth. There were 3 slices, but the meat was soft and easy to eat, and it was quite light. It seems that even women can eat it without any problems. The shredded cabbage is fresh and the fruity sauce goes well with the cutlet. Satisfaction is high with pickles and miso soup. The entrance door is a little narrow, but the inside of the store is bright and clean, and the atmosphere is easy to enter. There are counter seats so you don't have to worry about it alone. Amazing speed of delivery. It depends on the menu and the congestion situation, but I was surprised that it was served at around 12 o'clock on weekdays in less than 5 minutes from the order. The point I was interested in was that the drink served immediately after entering the store was cold tea, but the teacup was so small that I drank it in a blink of an eye, and I had to ask for a replacement immediately. The tableware is also partly plastic and does not have a sense of quality. For some reason, the pop music of today is being played on cable broadcasting in the store. Considering the fact that the set meal of fried food is around 1000 yen, the serving time, and the tableware, it is said to be a "Tonkatsu fast food restaurant". Unfortunately, it is not suitable for dates and families who want to eat slowly. However, freshly fried cutlet is delicious to call it fast food, so it is recommended when you want to eat fried food by yourself.
Mori Yoshi on Google

美味いっ! トンカツと生姜焼きをそれぞれ頼みました。 トンカツの方がオススメ!
It ’s delicious! I ordered pork cutlet and ginger pork respectively. Tonkatsu is recommended!
幸子(さちどら) on Google

A pork cutlet shop near Kasuga station. It's not that big, but it's a cozy shop. Visited at noon on Sunday. I think it was about 1100 yen for a pork cutlet set meal and 1600 yen for a mixed fried set meal. was very delicious! You can also refill. This is the shop I want to go to again.

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