ラザール ダイヤモンド ブティック 広島店

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラザール ダイヤモンド ブティック 広島店

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan
EX ILE on Google

結婚指輪を見に行った際に、スタッフさんの接客がとても素晴らしくて即決しました^_^ 親身になって下さり感謝しております♡
When I went to see the wedding ring, the customer service of the staff was very nice and I decided immediately ^ _ ^ Thank you for your kindness ♡
あああ on Google

結婚指輪、婚約指輪共にこちらで購入しました ふらっと入ったのにも関わらず、2人の希望をしっかり聞いてくれて素敵な指輪を選ぶことができました! クリーニングや補償もしっかりされてるので、また利用しようと思います ありがとうございました!
I bought both a wedding ring and an engagement ring here. Even though I slipped in, they listened to their wishes and I was able to choose a nice ring! Cleaning and compensation are well done, so I will use it again. thank you!
S. W. on Google

I was able to enjoy choosing a ring while being polite! The atmosphere was also comfortable. Thank you very much.
Taku Fukuma on Google

一生に一度のことなので、何店舗かまわった結果こちらのお店にお世話になりました。 デザインもですが、メンテナンス永久保証やご対応いただいたお店の方の雰囲気など、安心して購入できました。
토누TV on Google

직원분들도 엄청 친절했고 다른곳에는 없는 유니크한 디자인들이 많아서 처음 본 순간 구매하기로 결정했습니다. 와이프 또한 만족했고 저도 100%만족했습니다. 다시봐도 이쁜 반지를 사서 기분이 좋았습니다^^ 특히 직원분이 많이 친절해서 기분좋은 구매였습니다.
The staff were also very friendly, and there are many unique designs that cannot be found anywhere else, so I decided to purchase it the first time I saw it. My wife was happy and I was 100% satisfied too. Again, it was nice to buy a pretty ring. It was a pleasant purchase, especially since the staff was very kind.
岡本 on Google

婚約指輪と結婚指輪をこちらで選びました。他店も来店も予約していましたが、ダイヤモンドの輝きを見て、他店はキャンセルし、当日決めて帰りました! スタッフの女性の対応も親切丁寧で、大変満足しました! 私の好みを引き出してくれました?⭐️
I chose an engagement ring and a wedding ring here. I had made reservations for both other stores and visits, but when I saw the brilliance of diamonds, I canceled the other stores and decided on the day and went home! The female staff was kind and polite, and I was very satisfied! It brought out my taste ?⭐️
あつお on Google

結婚指輪を購入しました。 終始一貫して接客が丁寧で、初めて訪問した際我々のことを男性様女性様でなく、初日からきちんと名前で呼んでもらいながら対応して下さった点が非常に印象的でした。 他社とも比較する中で、商品だけでない徹底された信頼感を感じられました。 また、商品自体も非常に綺麗にできており、アフターサービス含め申し分無しです。 ありがとうございました。
I bought a wedding ring. The customer service was consistently polite from beginning to end, and it was very impressive that when we visited for the first time, we were not male or female, but were properly called by name from the first day. While comparing with other companies, I felt a thorough sense of trust, not just the product. In addition, the product itself is very beautiful and is perfect including after-sales service. Thank you very much.
Kiyoko Miyamoto on Google

結婚指輪を購入しました? スタッフの方は皆さんとっても親身で優しく対応してくださいます❤︎ また、急な変更で無理を申し上げたにも関わらず寄り添ったご対応をしてくださいました! 指輪のキラッキラ感は聞いていたとおりでした! メンテナンスも安心してお任せできそうです❣️
I bought a wedding ring ? The staff are very kind and kind to everyone ❤︎ In addition, despite the sudden change, we were able to respond closely to you! The glittering feeling of the ring was just as I had heard! It seems that maintenance can be left to us with confidence ❣️

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