
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コロスケ

住所 :

Hondori, Kure, 〒737-0045 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Hiroshima

Hondori, Kure, 〒737-0045 Hiroshima,Japan
ないん on Google

たこ焼きが食べたくなった時たまに行ってます、一般的なたこ焼き屋さんよりはおいしいけど値段が少々高い お店が公表するコロスケたこやきの特徴として外が「パリッ」中が「とろっ」タコは「ぷりっ」とのことですが外の部分は全然パリパリしてなくて箸で持ち上げると破れて崩れ落ちるほどふにゃふにゃです、ここを直せば完璧なのにと食べながら毎回思う。たこはぷりっと食感でおいしいです
I go there once in a while when I want to eat takoyaki, which is tastier than a typical takoyaki restaurant but a little more expensive The characteristic of Korosuke Takoyaki announced by the shop is that the outside is "crispy" and the inside is "smooth", but the octopus is "puri" at all, but the outside part is not crispy at all and it tears and collapses when lifted with chopsticks. However, I always think that it would be perfect if I fix it here while eating. Octopus is delicious with a crisp texture
木原提督 on Google

Takoyaki shop. Eat-in is also possible.
RADWIMPSピグレット on Google

It takes a little time because it is freshly baked, but it is delicious. Gacha products Children will be pleased
Yasuyuki Kimura on Google

An authentic takoyaki restaurant that doesn't look like a stall. There is soy sauce flavor and you can enjoy not only snacks.
ei ei on Google

出張の帰り、広島空港行きのバスを待っている間、たこ焼きの香りにつられて入店。 焼きたての普通のたこ焼き6個をテイクアウトで購入。 ソース味に染まることなく、素材の味を楽しめるし、中はフワッとというか、もちっとと言うか、癖になる味と食感でした。
On the way back from my business trip, while waiting for the bus to Hiroshima Airport, I entered the store with the scent of takoyaki. Purchase 6 freshly baked ordinary takoyaki for takeout. You can enjoy the taste of the ingredients without being dyed by the sauce, and the inside is fluffy, chewy, or addictive.
太陽 on Google

How to make takoyaki is amazing! I never get tired of seeing it. The owner is also a band and is a nice guy! Negitako is too good
jaken buchi on Google

ずっと行きたいと思ってたたこ焼きで年末にやっと行けました。 美味しかったですね。 星を1つ減らしたのは、PayPay対応としてるのに実際は現金のみの所。 呉市がやってる20%還元の対象店舗にも載ってるのにPayPayをやってないのはちょっとどうかと。 せっかく美味しかったのに、そこは残念ですね。
I finally got to go at the end of the year with takoyaki, which I've always wanted to go. It was delicious. The reason why I reduced the number of stars by one is that although it is compatible with PayPay, it is actually only cash. Why don't you do PayPay even though it is listed in the stores targeted for 20% reduction that Kure City is doing? It was delicious, but it's a shame.
どくきのこ on Google

トロトロで大きなたこ焼き。 美味しいです。 支払いは現金のみですのでご注意を。 テイクアウト、イートインも可能です。 面白そうな食べ放題プランもありました。
Big takoyaki in Toro Toro. Is delicious. Please note that payment is cash only. Take-out and eat-in are also possible. There was also an all-you-can-eat plan that looked interesting.

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